43 Questions About Heaven

43 Questions About Heaven

Hemant Mehta (www.friendlyatheist.com/, www.patreon.com/Hemant , www.facebook.com/friendlyatheist)

There are many things that don't make sense about the Christian concept of Heaven -- or at least the popularized version of it. And I wish religious people could give me a clear answer on the following questions, because I don't think they've thought this through.

- When we're up there, are we frozen at a certain age? I imagine old people wish they could be back in their younger bodies. Do they get that option?

- What about babies who die? Do they remain babies in Heaven, or are they some older, wiser, talkative versions of themselves?

- If you're a parent who tragically lost a baby, wouldn't you want to see your baby in heaven instead of some 20-year-old version of that baby you never knew?

- What about unborn children? Christians say they've living, which is why we shouldn't abort them, but they also don't think those fetuses are going to be punished with Hell for their mother's decision. So is Heaven just littered with the remains of partially formed babies?

- Does jealousy exist in Heaven? Because jealousy develops when people are better than you or have more things than you... but the only way to avoid that is to make everybody the same in Heaven. They say "variety is the spice of life" but it sounds like uniformity is the norm in Heaven, which sounds really boring.

- What do people eat in Heaven? Can you be a carnivore? Because eating meat would still require the death of animals... and where would those animals come from? The places around you, I assume. So if I have this right, these animals died, then went to Heaven, only to be slaughtered again to provide food for hungry angels.

- What about bugs? Do I have to deal with spiders on my cloud?

- If I have a disability, do I still have it after I die? Can I get out of my wheelchair in Heaven? And what if I embraced it? There are deaf people who don't want cochlear implants. Does God fix their hearing against their will?

- What if the person who killed me accepted Jesus and made it to Heaven. Would I run into that person?

- What if I really don't want to see certain family members again in the afterlife? We always talk about how we'll be reunited with our loved ones after death... but I can think of a few people I don't want to see ever again, especially for eternity.

- Speaking of loved ones, what if someone I loved didn't accept Christ? They'd go to Hell. But how happy could I be in Heaven if someone I loved was burning forever? Or would I just forget about that person?

- Do people have sex in Heaven? Can they? Do they get privacy?

- What if you're a guy who died at an old age? Does your dick work again?

- If Islamic terrorists say you get 72 virgins in heaven, what happens when martyrs run out of them? Can they replenish their stash of virgins? And honestly, wouldn't they want to be with 72 people who know what they're doing? Or just one?

- And wouldn't Heaven for those terrorists really be Hell for those virgins?

- Where do we live? Do I get a house? Is it a mansion?

- How do I go to sleep? Do people even get tired in Heaven?

- Do I finally get to drive a Tesla? Does Heaven have roads?

- Are we smarter in Heaven? Will I finally be able to understand things I never figured out on Earth? Will I be able to play the piano? Can I finally prove things that are elusive to the best mathematicians?

- What's the weather like? Because when I visit my parents, we can't even agree on what the thermostat to be at. So is there temperature control? Is it individualized?

- Would we be happy all the time? Because that could get really old after a while. Have you ever eaten pizza when you're really hungry? It's great for the first slices but then it starts to make you sick. And if you keep going you won't like it. You need a break. Happiness is great, but that's partly because we all get sad sometimes. It makes the good times that much more memorable.

- Do we have to go to church in Heaven? If I'm there, it's presumably because God actually exists, but then are we supposed to worship Him for all eternity? That doesn't sound like a good time. You thought church was boring now? Wait till the services last literally forever.

- Do I have to spend an eternity around other Christians who can't stop talking about God? Because I try to avoid that now.


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コメント (21)
  • When I was a child (like 7 or younger) I was forced into Christianity. The thing I hated most was that I "wouldn't see my dad in heaven because he's a nonbeliever". People flat out told me my dad would burn in hell for all eternity and I would cry my eyes out all the time. Now as an atheist, remembering that makes me hate their religion even more.
  • @Obeijin
    Are the areas for people who speak English , Spanish , Japanese ? How about someone who died in 1218 ? Can you relate to them ?
  • Talking about eating in heaven-let's not forget that plants are alive beings too .
  • My name is so ironic it is, Zion, it means heaven and im an atheist
  • You forgot the most important question... Is there Anime in heaven???
  • If a person with a split personality where one side is atheist and the other a Christian, where would they go?
  • 44. If we lose our bad emotions (Anger, Jealousy, Sadness) would we even be ourselves, since our emotion is what makes us well...us
  • @AgatanFnd
    How wonderfully put Hemant. Thanks for beinging all these questions together and thank you for all your wonderful work
  • My question is if a person lost their spouse, and then they remarried, and then their second spouse died, and then they died. Would they be split between two people that they loved? Would they forget about one of their loved ones? Would their loved ones be happy knowing that they couldn't have this one person to themselves? I mean, if a widow had to see two husbands in heaven, it would turn really awkward, fast.
  • The Mormons say that your body is restored to it’s youthful healthy self, that’s why they don’t go for cremation. But come on, if heaven returns you to your healthy younger self, restoring some ashes shouldn’t be a biggy
  • If a married couple die decades apart, will their ages somehow match up when they meet again in heaven? Will one be young and the other old?
  • “You pray so badly for heaven, Knowing any day might be the day that you die, But maybe life on earth could be heaven! Doesn’t just the thought of it make it worth a try?” ~Bo burnham
  • Who the hell would want to bow down and worship some benevolent dictator for all eternity? Sounds more like hell.