The Top 100 Video Games of all Time

IGN's Top 100 games list encompasses the best of the best throughout history, spanning generations of consoles, PCs, handhelds, and more. Our list last saw a major update back in 2019, and since then, there have been several games released that deserved to be added. And just as importantly, we looked at the totality of the top 100 as it stood, and asked ourselves a few key questions, leading to some beloved games being dropped off, and other games we previously missed being added to the ranking.

Games added to our top 100 have to measure up to a few key metrics: how great a game it was when it launched, how fun it is to still play today, and how much any given game reflects the best in its class. While past versions of this list have put a big emphasis on a game's impact and influence, we've essentially taken that out of the equation, as many games that left a mark and inspired future developers may not stand the test of time and be all that fun to play right now. Or, quite simply, they may have been surpassed by other games.

You can head to IGN to check out the full list in exhaustive detail, and we encourage you to check it all out for more context. With all of that said, IGN's list reflects the current staff's opinions of what are the 100 best games of all time - a collection of games that have continued to captivate us with their stories, wow us with their revelatory approach to game design, and set the standards for the rest of the industry. Here are the top 10 of that list.


コメント (21)
  • Title: Top 100 Games of all time Video: Top 10 games of all time Come on, you could have easily just put a montage together of 100-11 and then go in depth on the top 10 without a misleading title….
  • @valk5041
    This comment section is gonna have a lot of respectful and civilised discussion going on 🤓
  • @niek3839
    "We wont take the games influence and what it did for gaming into consideration" Proceeds to do exactly that and only that
  • Where is the Witcher 3?And why does the title say "Top 100" and not "Top 10"?
  • @nj00556
    Imagine not even linking the top 100 in the description
  • 10- 1:45 Disco Elysium 9- 3:58 Half-Life 2 8- 5:38 Red Dead Redemption 2 7- 7:24 Super Mario 64 6- 9:13 Mass Effect 2 5- 10:59 Super Metroid 4- 13:16 The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past 3- 15:29 Portal 2 2- 17:40 Super Mario World 1- 20:00 The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
  • Earning Kim's trust is one of the best moments in gaming. Disco Elysium really created the GOAT of sidekicks.
  • One of my favourite things about watching games evolve is actually not the graphics though that itself is astounding, but how game design iterates over games, as game teams are inspired by totally separate genres take ideas and the best parts of one and incorporate it into their own which happens again and again and again as gradually a better game design language is formed.
  • @Stranzua
    A list that drastically changes from person to person with a few exceptions.
  • @SturtH9
    Bro, RDR2 you didnt even mention the fact that the story and character development is better than 99% of present hollywood movies..
  • @CoreyKaha
    You'd think they'd provide a link to the whole list with how they were going on about it in the video 🤔
  • These games have helped form ENTIRE childhoods. Simply incredible pieces of history.
  • @flz_5848
    IGN: "Portal 2 is the 3rd best game of all time" Also IGN: gives the game 9.5/10 instead of a 10/10 with no explanation
  • @tor2919
    1. breath of the wild 2. grim fandango 3. half life 2 4. a link to the past 5. Metroid prime 6. super Mario world 7. disco Elysium 8. portal 2 9. resident evil 4 10. gone home
  • When you realise literally half of the top 10 belongs to nintendo. It was 6 - 10 when the 2019 list hit.
  • So happy that Super Metroid is in this top 10. It's an incredible game!
  • Honestly, Red Dead 2 will always be my favourite game of all damn time!