Noam Chomsky On The State of American Politics.

Published 2023-05-01

All Comments (21)
  • "The US is essentially a one-party state, the business party, with two factions: the Democrats and the Republicans" - Noam Chomsky
  • @dqbrewer
    Wow! Noam Chomsky at 94 years old and still going strong. He is one of the few people I have truly admired and for most of my life.
  • @missricka6801
    His is truly a lone voice in the wilderness. Long may he live and continue to speak the Truth!
  • Shalom! You are soo blessed to be able to talk with this man without filter and learn from his breath of knowledge on his chosen areas of interest. Thank you for sharing!!!🕊️
  • @westonzor
    “There are people who give orders, and there are people who take orders, that’s class.” -Chomsky .. crazy
  • Always on point and honest, the reason he is irrelevant no one wants to hear the truth. George Carlin said the same thing 30yrs ago.
  • Noam Chomsky is one of the last great thinkers who have not been bought or silenced by big business.
  • @wulf67
    If it weren't for Chomsky reassuring me by agreeing with everything I already figured out for myself, I'd have gone crazy from the gaslighting perpetrated by the "news" media and the "two" parties that own them.
  • @krushfield
    This is, hands down, one of the most straight forward, down to Earth, no BS, tell-it-like-it-is videos that I've seen in a long time. Well said Noam. Thumbs up!
  • @DCgolf74
    Thank goodness for Dr. Chomsky’s voice in the wilderness. His ability for linear thinking is amazing at 94! He’s hated by both the mainstream left and right, because he makes clear the trivial differences between them. Amazing gift to all of those seeking truth.
  • This man is such a well of knowledge, insight and wisdom. I'm in awe.
  • @clairew2184
    Noam Chomsky - remarkable human hero, deserving of far more respect than younger male egos sometimes offer - and eclipsed perhaps only in staying power, by the capacity of his under-lauded wife. Stay with us a few more years Noam, until age reversal occurs with more certainty - we need long-experienced elders, rightful future leaders who know better, few still exist such as yourseelf.
  • @busyboy63
    Dude knows what he's talking about. If only more people were listening...
  • Amazing he is 93 years old. 40 years ago I was a student at Harvard which had a co registration program with MIT where Chomsky was teaching, so I audited a class. Even then there were so many students they had to use their largest auditorium which seated 500. That was the Vietnam War period which saw the beginnings of his political eminence, he had long been celebrated for his linguistic scholarship, indeed the two are finely connected.
  • He is so aware of where the real issues are, I hope he lives forever
  • @Malfunkn
    Honestly.. one of the best chomsky takes I've ever seen, and I've been I to this guy for a bit. Spot on. Spot on.