Can civilisation survive really existing capitalism? | Noam Chomsky

Published 2013-04-03
Noam Chomsky: Can civilisation survive really existing capitalism?
UCD Philosophy Society Inaugural Lecture 2013
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One of the world's leading intellectuals and political activists, Professor Noam Chomsky has been awarded the UCD Ulysses Medal, the highest honour that University College Dublin can bestow.

The award was inaugurated in 2005, as part of the university's sesquicentennial celebrations, to highlight the 'creative brilliance' of UCD alumnus James Joyce. It is awarded to individuals whose work has made an outstanding global contribution.

Professor Chomsky was presented with the UCD Ulysses Medal by the President of UCD, Dr Hugh Brady, following a public lecture hosted by the UCD Philosophy Society and the UCD School of Philosophy at University College Dublin on Tuesday 02 April 2013.

All Comments (21)
  • @babaregi108
    The more you learn about how power works in the world and how it affects your life, the more interesting you will find him to be.
  • @atwaterpub
    13:44 "The lower 70%, on the income/wealth scale, have essentially no influence on policy."
  • @AudioPervert1
    He is 90 !! Live Live Noam Chomsky (even as we are mostly doomed, he shows us the need to rise and resist)
  • @tripzville7569
    Watching in 2019 .Unfortunately it wasn't even decades left it is now years. And still our insane big business materialistic monster drives humanity into the wall at top speed.
  • @atwaterpub
    4:06 "Advertising is explicitly devoted to undermining markets."
  • @jameslawrie3807
    It's a damning indictment that important lectures like this are only viewed circa 200,000 times yet trite garbage is consumed in its millions. Aldous Huxley was all too right.
  • @ktr7746
    Yes he seems to be ageing. A very straight arrow in a very crooked world.
  • NOTE: One of the world's leading intellectuals and political activists, Professor Noam Chomsky has been awarded the UCD Ulysses Medal, the highest honour that University College Dublin can bestow. CONGRATULATIONS DEAR PROFESSOR NOAM CHOMSKY!
  • @teekayuk
    Reading these comments it is quite clear how little people actually bother to watch the video or reach the part where he establishes his arguments.
  • @musicloverkathy
    One thing I love about Cuba is that there are Chomsky books sold in every store, newsstand and hotel gift shops.
  • "so an exceptionally gifted doctor becomes that way just by reading theory and no practice?" Well, Chomsky isnt claiming to be an economist, but he is relaying the ideas of economists that you apparently disagree with. Besides, the increasing economic crashes and collosal transfer of wealth from the majority to the rich minority makes a mockery of establishment economics. Which is Chomsky's point. The system is run by the establishment for the establishment.
  • @JFrazer4303
    12:12 John Dewey called for workers to be masters of their own industrial fate, and for all institutions to be under public control. Including the means of production, exchange, publicity, transportation and communication. Short of this, Dewey concluded, politics will remain the shadow cast by big business over society.
  • @gnarlylove290
    Obama's idea of Energy Independence is hardly new. Nixon proposed we had oil to last us for "at least a century." That was in response to the 75 crisis. Too bad people don't think through these things; like Chomsky says Energy Independence "won't mean anything if there's nothing left."
  • @CanadianPrepper
    Please correct the annoying grammatical errors in the title. Normally I dont care but thats pretty bad for a video with 270,000 views. Especially for a university channel, I mean WTF
  • @ufodeath
    Chomsky and Richard Wolff would make an excellent team on this topic.
  • Watching in 2019, saw yesterday that under sea permafrost is melting in Sibera releasing methane. 😢
  • @SoziologeKS
    "you can call it rect if you like" 😂 I love what that says about the youth of his supporters, who undoubtedly fed that to him ;)
  • @G.Bfit.93
    Capitalism exists and it has numerous variations and forms. Capitalism is defined as being an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth. That is exactly what we have. Capitalism doesn't need to be free-market or laissez-faire. Corporatism is compatible with Capitalism. Hell, Corporate Mixed Economy Crony Capitalism is exactly what we have here in the United States. 
  • @dibble2005
    Amazing man. God help us. Rushing head long into the abyss.