Dear subscribers, I'll take a little break from my constant announcements about exhibitions in STR.

Published 2024-06-02
Dear subscribers, I'll take a little break from my constant announcements about exhibitions in Stuttgart. By chance, I happened to visit Potsdam. Yes, it's not exactly close to Stuttgart, where, like in Bavaria, there are heavy rains causing flooding. Therefore, I decided to travel further north, to the capital of the former kingdom of Frederick the Great. But it seems he's no longer so great, as there are hardly any Germans visible here. However, that's not the main point right now. The main thing that delights me is that much has been restored here. Probably to attract tourists. But we need to understand what kind of tourists the local authorities of Potsdam are trying to lure.

Stepping out of the Potsdam Hauptbahnhof, I was greeted by a vibrant yet tranquil atmosphere that instantly captivated me. My first stop was the charming and historic Old Market Square (Alter Markt). Dominated by the majestic St. Nicholas Church, with its grand dome and neoclassical architecture, the square exudes an old-world charm that makes you feel like you've stepped back in time. The church's interior, adorned with beautiful frescoes and intricate details, is a testament to the city’s rich cultural heritage.

Adjacent to the square is the reconstructed City Palace (Stadtschloss), which now houses the Brandenburg Parliament. Its elaborate facade and meticulously restored details speak volumes about Potsdam’s efforts to preserve its historical identity while adapting to modern needs. Walking around the square, I was struck by the juxtaposition of historical grandeur and contemporary functionality.

From there, I strolled down Brandenburger Straße, the main pedestrian street. Lined with an array of boutiques, cafes, and restaurants, this bustling street offers a perfect blend of shopping and leisure. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sight of locals and tourists alike enjoying their afternoon strolls added a lively vibe to my walk. I couldn't resist stopping at one of the quaint cafes for a cup of coffee and a slice of Apfelstrudel, indulging in a little piece of German culinary delight.

Continuing my exploration, I made my way to the iconic Brandenburg Gate of Potsdam, not to be confused with its more famous namesake in Berlin. This gate, with its distinctive columns and intricate carvings, stands as a proud symbol of the city’s resilience and architectural prowess. The surrounding area, with its well-manicured gardens and elegant buildings, offers a picturesque setting for leisurely walks and photo opportunities.

Next, I ventured towards the Dutch Quarter (Holländisches Viertel), a unique and charming district with its red-brick buildings and distinct Dutch architectural style. Built in the 18th century to attract Dutch craftsmen, this area now hosts a vibrant mix of shops, galleries, and cafes. The narrow cobblestone streets and the cozy, inviting atmosphere make it a delightful place to explore. I found myself lost in the beauty of the quaint courtyards and the array of artisanal products on display in the local shops.

As the sun began to set, I headed towards the picturesque Park Sanssouci, the crowning jewel of Potsdam. This expansive park, with its beautifully landscaped gardens, ornate fountains, and magnificent palaces, is a UNESCO World Heritage site that embodies the opulence and grandeur of Prussian royalty. The Sanssouci Palace, with its elegant Rococo architecture and stunning terraced vineyards, offers a glimpse into the lavish lifestyle of Frederick the Great. Walking through the gardens, I was enveloped by a sense of peace and tranquility, a perfect end to a day of exploration.

In conclusion, Potsdam is a city that seamlessly blends history, culture, and modernity. While it may not be as bustling as Berlin or as renowned as Munich, its unique charm and rich heritage make it a hidden gem worth discovering. The city’s efforts to restore and preserve its historical landmarks, coupled with its vibrant cultural scene, make it an attractive destination for tourists from all walks of life. Whether you’re a history buff, a culture enthusiast, or simply looking for a peaceful retreat, Potsdam has something to offer. So, next time you find yourself in Germany, make sure to include this enchanting city in your itinerary.

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