The Definitive X-Men

Published 2024-05-18

All Comments (7)
  • 16:17 I disagree about cartoon's Scott not having internal conflicts. Right in the first episode he is forced to leave two X-men (Beast and Morph) behind to save the rest of the team and, in the end, he even ask Jean if he did the right thing. This moment establish Scott character and the difference between him and his movie counterpart: While James Marsden's Scott was just bland and tool to make Logan look cool, X-men TAS/97 treated Scott like the leader of the team, with him having to deal with the pressure that comes with this role, sometimes reflecting about his decisions and the effect they may have on the team. Some episodes later explored Scott's backstory as orphan ("No Mutant is an island") and his complicate relationship with his father ("Orphan's end") Even his rivalry with Wolverine was much better in the cartoon, with both arguing but having moments that show the two share a mutual respect.
  • @imJGott
    as for someone that watches a lot of media. animation, at times, can tell a better story with its visuals. live action just has to many limits and takes to much time. i think disney should just focus on the xmen animated series. when you bring back other shows it will just delay xmen 97 and it can also weakening the story line...maybe. xmen is about a lot of mutants while spiderman and ironman shows just focus on one main character.
  • hearing you said that just now recently you start respecting the media of friend you truly are missing out years of AMAZING STORIES very mature done in this media behind a coat of "for kids" so please go and check many shows, that did what many live actions keep FAILING TO DO.