The Redemption of Ultimate X-Men

Published 2024-03-16
The time that Marvel accidentally derailed the entire Ultimate X-Men series and spent the next 3 years trying to make up for it.


end credits by Frank Watkinson.

As always, everything owned by Marvel Comics

(you'd think I made this in time for X-Men 97 but no, this was meant to release 4 months ago I'm just really lazy)

All Comments (21)
  • @90z79
    He’s on his “Rise and fall” video title detox, finally.
  • @tomjames9681
    With its return, now would be the perfect time for “The rise and fall and rise of the Ultimate universe”.
  • Alex Lennon is one of the nicest YouTubers ever. I recognized his voice in a local restaurant and came over to ask for his autograph. He then proceeded to slam my face into the table, and stab my upper thigh with a fork. He then proceeded to beat me mercilessly within an inch of my life. I’m currently recovering in the hospital, and to think some people actually hate a man this nice.
  • Nobody really talks about out the Post Ultimatium era of the Ultimate Universe so I’m glad someone is finally delving into that period.
  • @DeuteriumFoods
    That shot of Wolverine outside the cave almost makes you forget everything else about this version of Wolverine
  • What was the most tragic lost thing in ultimate comics is that it’s the only series where anti mutant prejudice actually made sense. Every non-mutant is constantly being confused to as a mutant and the prejudice is seen everywhere, even in Peter Parker’s school. It actually genuinely built the identity of being a mutant
  • @gonz4l0rdx52
    the ultimate universe wasn't my shit but with your videos i started appreciating it
  • @Excellsion
    Kitty Pryde is my favorite character. She's just that perfect midpoint in the X-Men that does such a great job of being a link for all the disparate personalities in X-Men books.
  • With Magneto, Hulk, and the Blob being cannibals in the ultimate universe I think The ultimate comics had some sort of fetish for cannibalism.
  • @Bana_Frog
    The first half of Ultimate X-Men is still 10/10 solely for the scene where tank top Mr Sinister throws Charles down the stairs.
  • @Whiteythereaper
    The sad part about the whole "Kitty wins public trust by beating Galactus" bit is that if it were done now (or if it actually happened IRL) then there would be a very large contingent of people accusing the mutants of fabricating the threat, a False Flag, if you would.
  • @darthkamen6564
    It genuinely means a lot to me to see the old Ultimate Universe talked about positively like this, flawed as they are those books mean a lot to me.
  • @proudspartan313
    One thing that'll always sadly taint the way Ultimate handled mutants were having them essentially not be naturally occurring but a by-product of the old super soldier program. That, along with removing Magneto's holocaust backstory, just really sours even the stronger moments.
  • "Now, Charles is the Miyazaki of the Ultimate universe..." This video just went up and already this is the most underrated joke. Seriously genius reference
  • how strange to know that this is considered rare to NOT be a canibal in the ultimate universe
  • @TevyaSmolka
    Spider-Man vs Paul ooh that’s going to be fun.
  • @alexisdabl
    That’s crazy to me that Jimmy Hudson is so forgotten that the Maker didn’t go check on him at the beginning of Ultimate Invasion. Even the writers forgot that Miles isn’t the only 1610 originated character now in 616 💀💀💀
  • Kitty is the only person I think could truly carry on the x men as a team. Love to see her potential finally shown
  • @milkiassamuel780
    Ill be honest Im really not a fan of the Ultimate Universe's take on the X-men, however, I do have to say I really do like characters like Iceman and Kitty Pryde in this universe and her relationship with Peter was really cute and I really like her progression becoming a mature, just leader for the salvation of Mutants without jeopardize all they have left.