
コメント (21)
  • Door 50 Tips: the monster at door 50 is blind but has execellent sense of hearing! You will have to crouch so he can't hear you as well. You can hide in a closet from him if hes coming for you. You will go into a minigame. There will be a heart on your screen. You will have to use your q or e keys on your keyboard or right and left click to control your breathing! It's basically like fnf. You will have to find books around the room to figure out the code so you can enter the code on the lock. A lockpick will not work on the lock! The collectable books will be leaning out of the bookshelves and also making a glittering noise.
  • Tips to outrun seek:Tip number one:you can't go under the tables while you're outrunning seek. Tip number two:you need to crouch tapping c.Tip number three:the black blob made hands show up at the last door while you're outrunning seek then when you reach to the last door(where there is no couches or fire hanging there)the door will close by itself. Fun fact:you can't zoom out from your character while playing doors so the only way to look at what is behind you is to turn around. That is the thing that makes the game doors scarier and the monster that attacks you wile you are playing at all of the time (that the only way to avoid it is to hide in the closet )is Rush and doors is getting a update soon tell Adam and Alec these tips if you know them
  • 14:30 Bro? Eyeballs? no is not is "Eyes" Charaters of Doors: Figure (Door 50) Seek (Door 30s to 80s) Screech (Likes to lurk in dark rooms) Rush (Hide in the closet) Eyes (Dont stare it for a while) Ambush (Hide in the closet) (not to long if u hide in closet to long u get out, Door 90s) Jack (Hides in closet that jumpscares people) Halt (Turn if the Screen just glitched and it takes 1-2 Minutes to finish) Glitch (Rare) Thats all.
  • three jacks on a row?! Jack is the closet -jumpscare monster and its sooo rare, and Alec got three on a row. O. M. G.
  • Just a quick tortorial of how to beat the monsters: so rush, just hide in cabinets until he’s gone. Ambush, same as rush but when ambush goes two times go out then back in when he comes again and again and again. Timothy, now you can’t dodge timothy in any way, and Timothy comes out of some draws, but not all of them. Hide, so don’t go in the closets to long. Jack in closets. So sometimes jack would pop up in some closets when you don’t have to hide like rush. Jack in hallway, now i don’t know how to dodge jack in hallways because it is 1/2000 chance and I have never got jack in hallways. Screech, so you gotta stare at it until it does the jumpscare. Seek, so you gotta run straight and when the bookshelf’s fall there will be a blue light to guide you and crouch at the blue lights then there is gonna be 2 doors on the left and right and an one at the front, and where the blue light is you gotta run there, if there is no blue light left and right it means it’s the one in front of you, then hands and fire, so don’t touch the two things. Figure, so you gotta crouch and try to get these books and figure out the code. Halt, so you gotta run straight and when the screech says “turn around” you have to run the other way again and again and again. I think that is all the entity,s.
  • Monsters When they See Dirtboi Playing with Dirt: "Heh heh Lunch time!" Monsters when they see Adam start counting randomly: "Ohhh no. o-o;; " XD Dirtboi did such a great job! Even I haven't designed a timing entry-based puzzle that fiendish yet but I wouldn't have bet Adam could solve it even if I gave him the code, but look at me now! Pie all over my face. Well done Dirtboi Master of Puzzles!
  • Dirtboi is the master of puzzles great job Dirtboi Beckbrojack I also got scared when I played DOORS for the first time I don’t like DOORS well atleast I don’t have to
  • How to beat all monsters in doors (except for Jack and Timothy, hide too cuz I'm telling you that for ambush) Rush: hide in the closet if the light flicker Ambush: same for rush, but if his sound fades away go out and in the closet so hide can't push you out by staying in too long Seek: follow guiding light and crouch in the areas where a blue light is, if you have to "choose" a door in the chase, it's like crossing a street, look both ways, if no doors on the side have a blue light if has to be the one on the front Figure: read my tips about figure below Screech: if you hear a PSST! look for a screech and stare him down, if you fail to look at him he will eat 40 of your health for dinner Glitch: he acts as a failsafe system in single player, if you are in a room too long, I guarantee the room will go in a different place of the whole game, and he will teleport you to the next room, absorbing 40 of your health for brunch, if you are in multiplayer, stay close to your friends/friend, or else he will teleport you to your friends if you are 3-4 doors away From them/him or her Halt: if your screen flashes 𝕋𝕌ℝℕ 𝔸ℝ𝕆𝕌ℕ𝔻 then turn around or walk backward, if he is behind you again walk forward
  • How the freak did you guys encounter closet jack that many times, he is like the third rarest monster
  • A tip for door 100 when the cut seen ends run up the stairs so you won't have to play the mini game pros do that if in a speed run it will save time there if you want to crouch but pros do not crouch so they can move fast also keep track of the door cus of update you have to avoid dupe and keep track to avoid dupe
  • How to avoid: Rush:closet Ambush:closet (stay for 19s or longer and come out when he is gone) Eye:don’t look Screech:look at it Halt:turn around Timothy:under bed Figure:crouch Seek:run
  • heres some newbie tops for who has the fear of horror games tip one: lights flicker alot = halt tip two: seek chase = run! dont die try ti survive!
  • "We trapped him in the scariest roblox game" Mimic: Sad horror noises
  • Tip at the dark:when you hear psst look imediently becouse theres a monster lurking in the dark and use aflashlight