Halo 5 Legendary is Very Irritating

Published 2023-12-03
Hello I am sick but put a video together anyway because that's how we roll at Frog Inc. anyway y'all were wanting me to try Halo 5 on legendary after I did my other video on Halo 5 so I finally did that and it wasn't as difficult as I was expecting but there were many annoying elements that add up over the course of the game so yeah

All Comments (21)
  • @AegisOfAthens
    Halo 5 was 100% meant to be played co-op and punishes players who play solo. Legendary co-op was somewhat functional, it makes movment and flanking viable since you have real people able to cover you. However, I have to imagine the revive mechanic was added late into development as a patch for game balance. It feels cheap, like sticking behind cover and abusing revives is a kind of cheese in a way.
  • Did you know you can skip the first Hunter fight, there's even an achievment for doing so, and later in the final fight of the level two more Hunters show up, implying those are the ones you didn't kill from the first encounter.
  • @UnfairEnforcer
    Indeed, it is bad enough that the campaign itself did not hold a candle to any other in the series, but the balancing and reusing of bosses made it a chore to go through. It is the only Halo campaign I’ve only played once
  • @jackmcmorrow9397
    The Hunters in this game were designed to be played with the squad system; you're meant to order your teammates to stay on one side of the arena and draw the Hunter's aggro while you get behind them and shoot their weak spot. The game doesnt communicate this to you at all though.
  • @Jclarkis
    Nothing took me longer than the warden fights so boring
  • I remember Frog once said he cannot imagine fighting the bosses in Halo Infinite on Legendary difficulty. So video on Halo Infinite Legendary?
  • I like how the Warden Eternal fight was so bad that 343 went, "Yeah you're gonna need a power weapon, here."
  • @MythicTyrant
    The Mantis is DEFINITELY my favorite vehicle in the series too. Especially the Hannibal Mantis you can access in multiplayer (a Mantis that has energy weapons and shoots lasers!). Would love to see it added to Infinite at some point ❤️
  • Came to the channel for help on getting goatroped. Now I've watched most of your backlog. Good content
  • okay, I'm convinced. I had given up on Halo 5 but now after watching both of your videos I now think the next time it goes on sale it's worth picking up. I really enjoy all of the campaigns and even if this one goes as the worst one (I have no idea what they were thinking putting in stages where you have to find people. Like you say, come on! Use some cutscenes!) it still looks like some overall fun Halo. Thank you Frog for giving a fair review opposed to finding the need to sensationalize one side or the other.
  • @skittyrocks
    I've only played H5's campaign once, solo on legendary and the squad revive stuff always makes me think "Republic Commando but make it bad"
  • to your point at 4:45, they actively deter you from using mobility because multiplayer balancing carried over to the campaign. When you sprint, your shields don't recharge. When you are charging your ground pound, it takes an eternity and leaves you vulnerable in the air. The system really works against you. The first thing I did when Halo 5 came out was beat it on Legendary and find every skull - this was before they re-balanced the Prometheans to be easier and the covenant to be harder. I've since beat it a few times more on Legendary post-re-balance, and I've got a few ideas of things they could've made specifically for the campaign that would've made Legendary playthroughs encourage the movement abilities a bit more. The obvious first one is to make enemies not be able to hit you as easily while using the thruster pack. I feel like that's a no brainer, since that's kind of its purpose in PVP as well. On a successful ground pound or charge attack, players could inflict a stun on their targets for several seconds (with the exception of Warden Eternal and Hunters), building up sprint and then jumping could boost the player almost like a mini-grav lift jump (very mini, but faster than a normal jump). This could serve really well when combined with the ground pound or charge attack for a whopping combo against a shielded elite or squad of grunts. Sprinting towards grunts could also cause them to flee in terror. The list goes on, but I'm already bordering on essay territory. I think there's things they could've done to the NPCs to reward the player for using the movement abilities. The enemies in this game just play like slightly tougher versions of Halo 4's NPCs and didn't transition to the new player movement system whatsoever.
  • I really enjoy how you can just hop in on legendary. It's fun to watch though I'll say I was happy to watch your livestream of Halo 3 and to see you have some frustrations like the crappy weapons that you start the game with though you're still getting through on legendary while I can only limp through on heroic. Oh well, I'll keep practicing. Hope you're feeling better Frog.
  • Thanks again Frog. I'm so happy I watched this video and your previous one from Halo 5. It was on holiday sale and I picked it up and I had a lot of fun. It's not even close to the best Halo but it was still very fun.   I think they clearly improved the Promethian weapons to make them more distinct and fun to use (and for pistol and machine gun, actually useful) and the Promethians themselves had a lot more personality and were more fun to fight. Those were the two good positives along with the game and worlds themselves looking gorgeous. The elite homeworld was really cool and fighting over the ocean was a sight to see (though I'm not sure why all the elites are so beefcake. Seriously the Arbiter looks like he ate himself and they look and walk more like brutes). I'm more neutral on the Spartan abilities but I'm happy they weren't really necessary but were more just there if you want. I do get the gameplay has strayed far from original Halo and the story isn't great but my only real major complaint was the end. Why would you make Cortana the bad guy when Dr. Halsey (or an AI created by Dr. Halsey similar to Ultron created by Iron Man) makes sooooo much more sense AND you'd actually get to take advantage of Chief's "evolution" from Halo 4 by making it necessary for him to enter the Domain! (and if you follow this line you get the luxury of having 6 be a proper conclusion to the trilogy with all teams united to stop the AI and at some point Chief and Cortana have to use the Domain to separate and either die together or stay in the Domain together. Either way 6 should have been Chief's last game and Locke was set up to take over and be the main character for 7 and beyond). Well sorry about that little story rant at the end. I overall enjoyed the game and thought they really had something going with the AI evolution and continuing on the theme of the Mantle along with continued power and threats from the Forerunners but the end is sooo frustrating. They did Cortana so wrong after doing such a good job with her in Halo 4. Oh well. I look forward to playing Infinite when that goes on sale :-)
  • @euan5091
    nice video mate! for me i hated the story and writing for the halo 5 campaign but damn does graphically look amazing and the music is top notch, i'd argue that halo 5 looks so much better than halo infinite :)
  • @majorkeybro
    Definitely some frustrating moments playing Halo 5 on legendary. Also I love when people are still playing and creating content for an almost 10 year old game.
  • @Canada407
    Literally haven't played 5 since it's release
  • @HS_Rick
    It was fun(ish), with 3 friends in co-op, i still got a clip of me pulling off a stealth assassination on Warden while he lost us lol.