James Cameron's Spider-Man | A Story Breakdown

Published 2022-07-10

All Comments (21)
  • @WarpingFist
    So let’s address some of the complaints for Camerons Spiderman film 1. It would’ve been shit Not really sure why people think this. The treatment itself isn't really a script, it’s more like a plot summary of what happens. Ignoring the bridge sex scene, it isn’t actaully that bad. 2. It’s edgy and dark True, but this is james cameron. He makes mature films all the time. Being dark doesn't make a film bad. The Terminator and Aliens may be dark but they still had charm and comedy that made them a blast to see. Most of the edgy elements In Spider-Man comes from Peters struggles with his identity and power. His swearing and violent actions are natural and understandable. If you were bullied all your life and felt isolated, gaining extraordinary powers would allow you to express yourself in a way you’ve never seen before. Peter loses himself, and the death of his uncle only made it worse. It’s only at the end that he accepts his role as a hero. 3. MJ is basically just Liz True
  • I actually love the idea of Peter being scared and disgusted by his powers at first. I feel like that’s how most people would react at first.
  • @Luke101
    Seeing Peter acting scared and horrified of his powers initially would be really cool to see. I’m sure that’s how most people would react at first
  • This story sounds like a combination of BOTH "Spider-Man" (2002) and "The Amazing Spider-Man" (2012)!
  • @lucidmind9676
    It’s so crazy to think that if this movie would’ve actually been made, we probably would’ve never got the Sam Raimi trilogy. Crazy how little things in life can lead to massive changes
  • I always found James Cameron's version of spider-man to be very interesting and unique, it's grounded, but different then what were used to with how spider-man is portrayed
  • I think Cameron is absolutely capable of making a good Spider-man movie, however I think a lot of the tonal decisions and character choices made for this project just weren’t right for the character of Spider-Man and certainly not as his mainstream introduction to the world.
  • I'd love to see James Cameron's vision of Spider-Man a more serious mature Spider-Man story is something I really want to see
  • I'm conflicted whether this would've been rated R or not. James Cameron hasn't confirmed if it was supposed to. Peter only says ONE F-bomb, (which many PG-13 movies get away with) and bridge scene is mostly vague in it's details, and could've been off screen or cut entirely. The movie would've also come out by 1994/1995, a time when the animated series was out at the time; The same show where Spider-Man wasn't allowed to use his fists, characters not allowed to say "die", no mentions of death and no use of real guns. Comic book movies started to become more family friendly after TMNT or Batman Returns scared kids away.  (Like Batman Returns's script had R-rated levels of scenes cut like Penguin showing Catwoman a "toy" in a umbrella and aims it near her crotch, and later had a sex scene with her (which was filmed according to DeVito.) And a scene where clowns uses guns and murders families on the street.) You have to remember that this wasn't a full script so who knows what would've stayed or been cut in later drafts. Every movie always changes and becomes what it is during the editing stage but I feel like the studio would have interfered and cut many scenes and lines out to make it more marketable to kids. Just trying to be realistic here. That's just how it works.
  • I’m glad that we got the raimi movies and I think that they were a much better debut film series but honestly I’m kind of intrigued by Cameron’s darker take on the character and source material.
  • Amazing Spider-Man seems to share a lot of similarities. Spider-Man becoming angry and vengeful after the death of Ben and Peter being a social outcast are things both films share.
  • @Mr_Chilla
    So he basically becomes Bully Maguire and The Batman
  • @ethanveda1271
    Not gonna lie, I think Cameron's version could have worked but in other ways it doesn't. I think his version on Mary Jane would've been more interesting than the other two we've gotten over the years. Giving an explanation for MJ's popularity person makes her a more interesting character rather than what they gave us in Sam Rami's films and even the "Home" trilogy's outcast MJ. I also like the revenge and striking fear into criminals concept they put into the first Amazing Spider-Man film. It shows how he should mature and become a symbol of good. The way you described this film though, I think it could still pass as a PG-13 release. Heck, The Batman passed a PG-13 rating and it's the darkest of all the live-action Batman films.
  • @saltystick_99
    I always felt Cameron's Spiderman would've been good, but I doubt it would've had the same impact as Raimi's Spiderman.
  • I think darker stories work for an older peter. Like the marvel knights comic run. It makes sense to me that teen peter would have lighter stories that, even when dealing with heavier stuff, kept things generally upbeat. But as adulthood sinks in, and the toll of his life is weighing down on him, the stories get darker as he gains a deeper understanding of the darkness that exists in the world and the experiences he witnessed firsthand. Like marvel knights spiderman or the older peter from into the spiderverse.
  • @NoName-ym5zj
    Damn this sounds so awesome and much more faithful to the comics in terms of Peters character, after reading the first issues it's clear that he is the kinda guy that is 1 bad day away from becoming a school shooter, with a grudge against the world and superiority complex, but over time he is able to overcome it.
  • I've read the script and I noticed that there are some elements that made it into the first Raimi film as well as Amazing 1.
  • The egotistical Peter is weird, but actually very accurate to his character in the Ditko era.
  • @jackpiggott40
    Maybe after the events of Spider-Man No Way Home, this idea of James Cameron’s Spider-Man would fit well with the darker route that Andrew Garfield’s character spiralled into after the death of Gwen Stacey, would be a very interesting film in my opinion