Brianne Dressen Discusses Vaccine Caused Neurological Injuries - First NIH Study (Vaccine Injury)

Published 2022-05-21
First Ever NIH/NIND Study on Vaccine Caused Neurological Injuries (Preprint)

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Link to the preprint:…

All Comments (21)
  • @steve0ne11
    Im a former athlete in the prime of my life. Never had any significant health issues that kept me sidelined for more than a few days. I did the Spartan race in 2019 at elevation, no issues at all, even went for drinks after to celebrate. I got the first dose of Pfizer vaccine in April of 2021. I was hospitalized twice and never recovered. After 14 months I cannot tolerate even 10 minutes of exercise. Heart, neurological, hearing and metabolic issues. Getting the vaccine was the biggest mistake of my life.
  • I didn’t take it. I’m a nurse and everybody kept telling me how stupid I was because as a nurse I should “know better” 🤬 yes, that’s why I did NOT take it. Anytime the US government makes something free and shoves it down your throat it is NOT for your good!
  • The magnitude of the lack of concern for these poor people is heartbreaking. God bless her. Thanks for presenting this to your viewers.
  • @brandieb9849
    My mom died about 13 days after her second dose of Pfizer. They called it cardiac arrest but refused to do an autopsy. She was healthy before the shot. She was only 57. She would have been a great grandma for my baby girl.
  • @lawnmower11
    If they were actually worried about people’s health, they wouldn’t have blocked access to existing medicines that have proven to actually really be safe and effective.
  • @DrLaura35
    My husband and I were a hard NO on the vaccine from day one. We are so thankful we stayed true to our distrust of government and pharmaceuticals. It’s a deadly combo!
  • If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized .... If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance -- you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.
  • The best part of being a conspiracy theorist is not having myocarditis. My best friend went to get his first moderna and just minutes after taking it he felt confused and disoriented. At the 15 minuted mark he collapsed onto the floor and was rushed in an ambulance to Holmes Regional Medica center and was diagnosed with a bood clot in his brain. He is now permanently disabled and he cannot work.
  • @conchitapaz3938
    I trust my gut more than any doctor. My family hate me because I refused to take the jab. They all have been sick after taking the experiment and all I do is pray for them to recover🙏
  • @asianprince911
    And they approved a booster for children!? We need to start holding people accountable already.
  • @patrijuan4833
    This is huge to see the person injured and still not recovered, while the study states everyone has recovered… this proves the lies and the situation we are living in the world. I pray for this amazing woman and I can relate with Lyme Disease, especially the “vibration” symptom inside of the body I have it and it is so tough!
  • I have seen Brie speak twice during some of Sentor Ron Johnson's Hearings in the Capitol and some other vaccine injured. My heart goes out to them and all others. This NEVER should have happened. Keep up the good fight! I also see the great work of all the Doctors around the world trying to get this vaccine off the market and educate on the safety issues.
  • @ut0p1an
    This is a very big thing for me. I have suffered from various neurological issues since my first Pfizer vaccination in Jan '21. I have been incapable of work or living a full life since then. POTS, SFN, fatigue and other dysautonomia symptoms. Without going into detail here I have basically been treated as a mental patient. The eye-rolls of the various doctors I have seen and spoken to have been obvious. Some family members have doubted me too. The only diagnosis I have is Functional Neuropathy Disorder which I have rejected. After 15 months of telling doctors my symptoms (the very first of which was dizziness when standing) I did a DIY stand test at home and plucked up the courage to take it to a GP. He was surprised to see that it actually looks like a real thing (!) - POTS - and referred me to Cardiology. A week later I was told I will have to wait 47 weeks for that appointment. I am mostly a rational and intelligent 60 year-old woman. I only started to go down hill mental health wise when my 1st Pfizer anniversary occurred in Jan this year. My first grandchild is coming in September and the thought of not being able to help my son and his partner hurts a lot. My work was hugely important as were my fitness pursuits. My husband and I had plans to walk and wild camp and do stuff in our later years. All gone. From the beginning I said that I don't mind taking one for the team. All medications and vaccinations damage some people and if a small proportion of humanity have to be collateral damage I was OK with that. I can and will deal with this but what I can't deal with is having my very real physical disability and pain psycholigised, being gaslighted (gaslit?), patronised, lied to, ignored and all the rest. It has led me to doubt myself many times. I was going to keep this short. Sorry. I am so shocked, sad, disappointed and angry about this. Please help get this out everywhere. In the UK I will do what I can do but we need a tidal wave of noise about this. If you got this far I thank you for hearing me. I have felt very unheard for 16 months.
  • @lawnmower11
    I feel bad for the people that were lied to and forced into something they probably didn’t even need
  • @Romans15.32
    I'm so sorry for everyone who has had these terrible reactions.
  • @OGMann
    To keep her job, my wife was forced into the vaccine. To support her, I also took it. As a side note, my 85 year old mother with heart disease beat covid twice... Today, I have developed peripheral neuropathy, strange shooting pains in my legs, and fight this feeling of dying at least twice per week. To complicate things more, I now have nerve problems in my left shoulder and arm, stemming from the spine.
  • NO drug can be declared without risk therefore no drug should ever be mandated.
  • Thank you so much both of you. It is such an awful way of the authorities to hide what happened to us.
  • @donsternitzke2625
    My 35 year old daughter was in perfect health until she was forced by her employer to take the Pfizer shot. Since then, she has suffered with neuropathy and heart palpitations