Publicado 2024-06-14

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • This update was a little small so maybe the boss fight is soon or at least development has started.
  • I think probably we need hitman glove to actually enter the boss fight maybe, I don't know. But probably it will be an awesome update.
  • Since Guide moved to Slap Royale to avoid the developers and lived in the small cabine, he was probably aware of the secret lab under the barn so about Rob too, and since we know that Rob suddenly disappeared, I thought of Guide stole it to take revenge on the developers as he probably know the power of bob and thought rob would be the same as him, but rob was created to nullify bob so he escaped from Guide to try to search for bob.
  • One of Guides crimes on the Hitman glove were "Stealing a Balloon on Free Balloon Day". This is a reference to a Season 2 SpongeBob episode where SpongeBob and Patrick stole a Balloon on free Balloon day and ended up in prison for 1 second edit: shut the hell up to those nerdy assheads in the replys, not everyone knows this reference, if you already know this fact, shut ur mouth if your gonna say smth bad
  • @Dogetheloaf
    👋🏻 hey! Doge here. My suspicion on how the boss fight or the boss fight we think will happen will be like. (Based of this video) my suspicion is that you will have to do hitman and someone has to be at a specific worth or more. After that u either kill them or if slap battles wants to make it harder do some challenge than kill them. After that there will be a chance (depending on how hard slap battles wants it to be) for something either teleportation or spawning from here I will explain teleportation. Skip to next paragraph for spawning. Ok so for teleportation I think you get teleported to a world where a bunch of noobs, noob houses, etc than u see every noob in a line up to a temple. Than you walk all the way up to see guide inside the temple at the throne saying he conquered this world… now he will conquer yours! Here’s how I think it would go (his speech) “hahaha I have conquered this world… NOW I WILL COUNTER YOURS!!!” After that he starts fighting and stuff. (I’m too lazy to add more details but if I get enough replies asking for it than fine) time for spawning! ok so for spawning I think kinda a noob themed would appear and if you touch it (hitman is the only one who can see or touch it) a portal opens and guide comes through and starts his speech again but different I think he would say this “so this is slap battles huh? Not as good as noob world but ok… I conquered that one… AND I WILL CONQUER THIS INE TOO!!!” Than the fight starts again (I’m again too lazy to add more details so if I get enough replies again I’ll add stuff like boss fight abilities plus people u need to go with and what they need to use or if you go solo) Enjoy!
  • @Catco9
    I'm really exited for this! The Eternal Bob was so much fun so I'm really exited to see what's being done with this. I am kinda salty I can't see a rob boss fight. I wonder how that would even work...
  • i thought the change was the "you got mail" audio because it sounded off lol
  • my guess to enter the bossfight, everyone thats going into the bossfight needs the badge you get when you click the knife. my guess on the gloves (only one glove for now) is hitman.
  • Rudy did you know if you use rob and go to cannon island go on the cannon and wait till ur rob ability is ready quickly tap the cannon and the E button so u can be inside the cannon as rob and shoot yourself out the cannon please heart my comment:(
  • @newtablet01
    I feel like the bossfight will be like bob bossfight, if u save guide, u get a badge, if u give guide to hitman, u will get a badge + a glove.
  • @DustTrust404
    Hey rudy i have a question how are u a tester and youtuber bc i thought the rules in the sc server where u cant be a tester if u have done a slap battles vid whithin 2 months and i thought u cant make them anymore
  • @TheSkyOwl
    Rudy has a great eye, detective rudy
  • My theory on the guide glove is that for the bossfight guide has been found so hitman tells you to go after him/help him capturing guide and then we could see something that guide has secretly been working on and after we beat him we would get the badge and maybe see a big lore telling cutscene and the glove would have the hat of guide in it so maybe the glove abilities or ability would be that he uses the weapon that he maybe gets to use in the bossfight and maybe some others abilities from the bossfight idk what im saying but that's just a theory (imagine i get this right)
  • @richerplayz
    i cant wait fr the new boss fight i hope its like a 1% easier then the enternal bob boss fight right.. Right??
  • @dravgaming567
    whenever i saw the update drop ever since tencell tweeted the bossfight i have been checking that glove every update now im finally compleat
  • @untitledcow
    My thoughts are, are they gonna do an event where you do the boss fight with a bunch of people and it’s limited and if it’s going to cost slaps or require a badge to go into the boss fight and maybe you need to have 100k slaps to join the boss fight but those are my thoughts Rudy.