"Taiwan is not a Country" [TAIWANESE PERSON REACTS] 這位老外說台灣不是一個國家 ?!

Published 2020-11-25
One thing that is really sad and tiresome about being Taiwanese is always having to explain your homeland's existence, but what is even more frustrating is when you have bad actors trying to mislead the public. So, here we go.

American in Taiwan's video reaction:

laowhy86's video reaction:
   • Taiwan is a Country (even if you wish...  

*when I said the ROC doesn't think itself as the sole government of China I meant that the ROC politicians at least acknowledges the existence of PRC but the other side loses their shit whenever they hear ROC

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All Comments (21)
  • Ah, Nathan Poor has many RICH takes on Chinese and global politics. Sarcasm aside, this was a good analysis of the his argument.
  • 按照你的理论,我是爱新觉罗溥仪第四代玄孙,我大清也同样没有灭亡。我家里还有十几口人,这就是大清国的人口总数。联合国承认不承认没关系,国际外交有没有不重要,国际法理上是否认可不重要,只要我心里认为没有战败,我们的认知不变,那就依然大清国存在。是吗?
  • @user-mo1qi6td2w
    Yeah, that dude who made that video definitely doesn’t know his history. He’s just taking the money.
  • @allenshen5664
    Taiwan has their own Constitution, Their own Military, Their own court system, their own currency, their own Elections, and their own president. How is hell is it not a country?
  • @NewBambooCity
    Taiwan is the common name of the Republic of China as Taiwan composes 95% of the ROC`s territory and population. The Republic of China (Taiwan) is an independent country from the People's Republic of China (often simply referred to as China). As such Taiwan IS a country.
  • Well that guy said you need both de facto and de jure to be a country, so I guess PRC was not a country prior to 1971. Then again, PRC has never been the de facto in Taiwan so why is it claiming Taiwan. That guy is really killing his own debate with a serious face.
  • @-cMc-
    The chinese Civil War has never ended neither side has ever surrendered.
  • @matthewbulic
    TAIWAN IS A FANTASTIC COUNTRY! I have Never been to their neighbour, what are they called again China I think? I Think 🤔
  • @ramenfit5983
    Although we might have different political stances, I agree with you on your view on the china-Taiwan relationship. I’m serious, do you recognize yourself more as “chinese”, or Taiwanese? I totally agree with you there are 2 chinas narrative btw
  • 二場意識形態的演講比賽。一個頭髮剃一半,一個全剃,但是都穿黑色的衣服。等個幾年,時代不同了,你猜誰的髮型會變?
  • @Rypervenche
    Did your account get hacked? It looks like the links in the video's description link to websites that they shouldn't.
  • @Ravenclaw69
    The government forced this American to say it
  • @zrhs4ever
    It’s absolutely right that majority or popularity are not always equal to truth. But unfortunately the global politics include the west often care little about the “truth”, cuz they know how fragile and how manipulative the “truth” is. But they do care about the popular opinions and will think twice before go against them. Therefore, in the “real world” you are referring to, the “truth” is not valued as much as you think, unfortunately.
  • As the old adage goes, “possession is nine tenths of the law.” The only functional government and authority in Taiwan is the ROC. The PRC has no authority there, never has, and hopefully never will. It doesn’t matter that other countries abide by the “One China Policy” - that doesn’t alter the facts on the ground - and by adopting that diplomatic stance a country is not condoning China’s threats and intimidation of Taiwan, or conferring to the PRC the right to determine the future of Taiwan. Most countries regard that as the sole domain of the Taiwanese people themselves, based on the principle of self-determination.
  • @angelodavis7780
    I don't like to speak on others countries situation, cause mine is a mess, and without the information is not the best thing to do. But I can say thank you for making clear some points and debating the mains point on his video.