Darth Jar Jar - Star Wars Theory

Published 2015-11-07
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Original Reddit Post: www.reddit.com/comments/3qvj6w/

A few days ago a user created a theory on reddit about how Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars may actually be a Sith Master, here I am explaining the theory in-depth. All hail Sith Lord Binks.

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All Comments (21)
  • @timdonald4092
    Jar Jar Binks was so powerful he even changed George Lucas's mind to conceal his true identity.
  • Keep in mind that Jar Jar is CGI so every little movement he does is deliberate.
  • @mattegg2107
    At this point I feel like it’s unofficially confirmed as the original plan for the prequels. Jar Jar IS Plagueis, and the Muun that they shoehorned in after the backlash to Jar Jar is an ass pull. Jar Jar dropping his accent and igniting his saber just as Yoda puts it together that HE is the Sith master would’ve been the most iconic movie scene EVER.
  • Jar Jar smiles slyly at Qui Gon's funeral. He's slightly out of focus, but there's no mistaking it. Keep in mind he is animated so it's no accident. I really wish Lucas had stuck to his guns this might have been the greatest "hiding in plain sight all along" plot twist in cinematic history.
  • @hybridhd7436
    It's actually insane because this would have been an absolutely fucking massive plot twist.
  • When Anakin leaves Tatooine for the first time, he hunkers down in front of a sleeping Jar Jar and shivers. The lore states that Force-sensitive users feel “cold” in the presence of the dark side (think back to Luke in the Cave of Evil in EP. 5). Now, was Anakin shivering because he left his home desert planet, or because he was near the most powerful Dark Side user in the galaxy? *Edit for spelling
  • @jamesburk8145
    I will always push this theory. Jar Jar was simply in the right place at the right time waaaay too often. It clinched it with me when he handed full control of the republic to palpatine.
  • It would've been cool if Jar Jar was revealed as the enemy in The Rise of Skywalker instead of Palpatine
  • This would've turned Jar Jar from being the most hated character to the most iconic. This concept is so well devised.
  • @CTV1nk
    Fanning the flames for Anakin’s infatuation for Padme was a key move by Darth Jar Jar
  • “George isn’t a good enough storyteller to make Jar Jar the master hiding in plain sight.” literally Padme in the first movie
  • @atomicstud
    I also realised that Jar Jar has yellow eyes a trait commonly associated with sith lords
    It always made confused that Jar Jar was even in the government. Like this random character is suddenly speaking infront of the whole senate and they just accept it and go with what he says it was always weird
  • I always found it strange how the Jedi are convinced that there can only be two Sith, a master and a apprentice. The rule of two could be an excellent ploy by the Sith, what a better way than to convince your enemy your reach is limited to just two.
  • All I needed to be convinced was one look at those evil yellow eyes
    Jar Jar was the phantom Menace. AKA operated as a Phantom. Then when his work was done faded into the background like a phantom. Also I think it would be great if they made a series about Jar Jar. I know there was alot of backlash and no one liked him. But if they stuck to the script I think it would have been turned out better for the trilogy in the long run.
  • @wtf8178
    About the point that jar jar might be the higher sith Lord than sidious, remember what qui gon said: "There is always a bigger fish." Coincedence? I think not.
  • @owljones3389
    This theory FINALLY makes even the name of the movie make sense - the phantom menace.... because no one knew Jar Jar was the real danger. wow.
  • To further the parallels between Jar Jar and Yoda: They are the only two major characters (at least that I can think of) who have a weird way of speaking.