The Egalitarian "Silver Bullet" Bible Verse: Women in Ministry part 7

Did you know that there is an egalitarian “silver bullet” Bible verse?
Many egalitarians (who hold that women can rightly be elders, or any other position in the church) see Galatians 3:28 as such a powerful and wide-sweeping statement that it overrules any interpretation of any other passage in the Bible that would restrict roles of women in any fashion.

In my own experience, every egalitarian knows about this but many complementarians do not.

In this video, part 7 of my Women in Ministry series, I’ll be doing a detailed analysis of egalitarian scholar, Cynthia Long Westfall’s case for why Galatians 3:28 is such a pivotal passage for understanding women’s roles and for proving that complementarian views are fundamentally wrong.

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭3:28

After years of being a bit confused about the topic of women in ministry I set out to spend months researching the topic in great detail to produce this exhaustive teaching series on the topic.

CLICK HERE for the playlist of ALL the videos in this series (more will be added as I make them).    • Why We Can't Think Biblically About I...  

You can also find more videos freely available on my website:

Resources you may be interested in.

My notes from today.…

Discovering Biblical Equality is the most updated work from a slew of egalitarian scholars. While I thoroughly disagree with it in a somewhat continual manner, it's a good resource for cutting edge egalitarian scholarship. The publisher, IVP was kind enough to send me an advanced copy when I first started this research project.

Ben Witherington's 1981 paper, "Rite and RIghts for Women"

My video on the Hebrew Roots movement in regards to Acts (this relates to my claim that Jews and Gentiles did indeed have differences in the church in some ways)    • Does Acts Teach Us to Follow the Law ...  

My video on what the Bible teaches about slavery    • SLAVERY and the BIBLE!?  Explained!  

I have other references and data in my notes from this series, which you can freely have through my website

コメント (21)
  • Sorry about the audio sync issue. I’ll see if I can figure that out before Friday.
  • “It’s not about you.” It’s about service, not a dream to be fulfilled. It’s about the Lord & serving Him not ourselves. So good. Thank you!
  • @sivad1025
    Mike, you've now converted me on both women in ministry and the death penalty. I think it drives my liberal friends nuts that I keep drifting towards the conservative views on these controversial issues. But the Bible seems clear
  • Whoever put “one verse to rule them all” killed me 🤣thanks for keeping a challenging topic fun
  • "You keep using that verse.... I do not think that verse means, what you think that verse means." Thanks for this series Mike! You have done such fantastic work with faithful diligence in this study.
  • I'm so thankful I can trust the Bible to mean what it says. Egalitarian arguments constantly make one feel that it is impossible to understand what Scripture says without a degree in ancient near eastern history and culture, when the Bible was written to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Thank you, Mike, for treating this subject with integrity. God bless you in your work!
  • @benry007
    Really outstanding series. Keep up the good work. I can be a bit lazy but I honestly think you are the only youtuber that if you ever got banned I would follow you on a different platform. Solid biblical teaching without the ego. With a heart that is willing to submit to Scripture wherever it goes.
  • 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Thank you for your definition of feminism. I am so proud of my daughter-in-love who is at home raising 3 beautiful little ones full time. She works harder than any person I know and no amount of money can adequately compensate for what she does day after day. I am blessed to have her as the mother of my grandchildren.
  • Here's a question on the choir analogy. Yes, we are all in the choir (and yes, all Christians are in Christ) BUT, don't people in a choir have different roles/responsibilities? Basses don't sing soprano; you often will have soloists… which… by definition… do something that the others are not doing. So… I think the choir analogy might actually be a good analogy. For complementarians… not egalitarians.
  • I have to say that I love the fact that you studied the Bible to find the truth and not to uphold your own point of view. Too many people make the Bible sound as if it supports their own view.
  • Thanks, Mike for these teachings! They are so well done and exhaustive! I had a lucrative job as a physical therapist and felt led to stay home to raise and homeschool my children 24 years ago. I never looked back and enjoyed almost every minute! 😀 Did I waste my education? Maybe. But I was there for every milestone in the lives of my children. I was able to study the Bible with them at a basic level to a pretty advanced one. I know History, Grammar, Literature, Writing, and Math much better than when I did it in school. In addition I learned Latin, Logic and Church History. I never would have understood what Mike meant by a “Straw man” or “Equivocation” because it wasn’t taught to me in my schools. So I proudly share with people my status as mom and homemaker. No one else in the world could have filled that role to my own children but me.
  • Before this series, I would have considered myself an uneasy, largely unexamined egalitarian. But in recent years, I have become increasingly doubtful about the scriptural justification for this view. Westfall’s closing comment about power dynamics confirmed a growing suspicion that I have had: that much of egalitarianism is philosophically rooted in Critical Theory and its perverse fixation with group identity and power. The last couple of years have made clearer to me how deeply this poison has been absorbed into the American Evangelical church, including its colleges, universities, and seminaries.
  • 54:30. I love Mike. I never agree that my role as wife/mother/educator is "lesser" but I can't deny that I often encounter that prejudice.
  • @adamc2093
    Please pray for me. I'm not doing well physically and mentally. Thank you 💕
  • Thanks, Mike! It’s obvious (to me, anyway!) that you’ve put a great deal of time, study, thought and prayer into this series. Far more than I could have done, and I appreciate your work on this important topic. There was a time when I would have found all kinds of reasons why scripture doesn’t have different roles for men and women in ministry and family. Then I started letting scripture form my theology instead of the other way around. Praise God!
  • Thanks Mike, I've been beating the drum on Galatians 3:28 for years. It has nothing to do with roles and functions but only about our standing in Christ!
  • Hi Pastor Mike! My husband and I have been roadtripping this summer and we've been listening through this series! We really appreciate your thoroughness and detail and your sources! We are currently at bible college and want to go into ministry, especially teaching and apologetics, so this topic is really important to us. We asked one of our teachers about this and he gave us a short paper on it, but it left us with many more questions, so the detailed examination is so helpful! We were recently at a Christian camp in Tennessee and there was another couple who we just met who were also listening to this series to help them figure our their future in ministry as a couple. All that to say thank you for your hard work and for providing your notes and research too! God bless!
  • Can I just say, I'm really appreciating the switch to dark mode for your bible text! (Oh, also, the teaching was great, thanks 😉)
  • Thank you, Pastor Mike, for doing this thorough walkthrough on this often polarizing topic! I'm not a minister, but once in a while, I get to 'cover' for my pastor when he is away. When I look at this passage, specifically Galatians 3:23-39, I can't help but think of the Mosaic and Abrahamic covenants. In verse 29, the Abrahamic covenant and New Covenant merge: "If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." God told Abraham in Genesis 12:3, "...and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." The Galatians passage talks about being justified by faith, as you pointed out many times. God credited righteousness to Abraham because of his faith. So then, being justified and having righteousness credited to us are Biblically linked. It means believers are credited with Jesus' righteousness, wearing it like clothing. Verse 27 alludes to this: "...for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." As such, those who 'put on' Christ by faith are justified by God. All this to say, the passage is not about Eldership but about being adopted into the family of God.