10 Video Games You Didn't Realise Give Away Their Major Twists

Publicado 2016-05-30

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Svemirsky
    Spec ops: the Line is, hands down, one of the best war games ever made...
  • @xxfire5tarterxx
    With black ops 1 there's also the fact that no other npc acknowledges reznov throughout the whole game
  • @Adam-cs2qm
    The defective turret from Portal 2 doesn't spout nonsense, it makes a bunch of references to mythology that parallel the events of the game.
  • @sagejosh
    In bioshock atlas dosnt always say "would you kindly" and every time he does not say would you kindly you dont get an arrow telling you where to go.
  • @Ethan-de3we
    Also in spec ops the line, whenever u walk past plants if u look back they died. Showing how u aren't doing any good.
  • @WilliamHasMelted
    Another for Bioshock, the only time that you can make a choice is the one time Atlus doesn't say "Would you kindly?" The little sisters
  • @MxChloeB42
    You also forgot the fact they play "The Man Who Sold the World" in the beginning. A song about a man running into his doppelganger and ultimately coming to terms with them... Which is why I was okay with the twist really. MGS had tons of insane implausible things happening, and the idea of two big bosses cleared up some issues with MG1 and MG2, what with you killing Big Boss in 1 yet he's still alive in 2. Plus when put in the perspective of the game being loosely tied to David Bowie's songs, it's kind of interesting.
  • @MalikKillian
    In case you wanted to skip around and avoid spoilers: 0:45 Dead Space 1:45 Life Is Strange 2:52 Call of Duty: Black Ops 4:05 Portal 2 5:02 Bioshock 6:22 Final Fantasy VII 7:21 Batman: Arkham City 8:29 Red Dead Redemption 9:19 Spec Ops: The Line 10:33 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
  • @FooQuuxman
    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic tells you in the first hour what happened: "The say the Force can do terrible things to a mind; it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity." This is specifically pointed out during the reveal.
  • @Morec0
    Funny thing on the Joker one: I did use the Detective Vision during the fight and my brother and I actually made note of that. Thought it was weird. But we ultimately decided to chalk it up to "well, the devs probably didn't think that you'd use your detective vision during this encounter, so they didn't waste time with it." Cut to the Clayface reveal and it had the both of us slackjawed as we realized why Joker didn't have bones.
  • I actually really loved MGSV's twist, I thought it was awesome. The whole, "You're talking to yourself" line was brilliant when you realized he meant it literally.
  • @ZeroFighter
    The reason for that twist in MGSV was to solidify that Big Boss is the antagonist in Metal Gear. He does something to one of his own men that is just as bad as the stuff that Cipher does, meaning he's no more in the right than the people he's fighting against. This is exactly the kind of behavior that the Metal Gear Big Boss would do. But, because we're seeing things form his perspective from MGS3, Portable Ops, Peace Walker, and Ground Zeroes, as well as reconciling with him at the end of MGS4, we easily forget that he was the original villain when the story began. We go through all sorts of mental gymnastics, and even ignore that he literally recruited Chico when he was still too young to smoke or drink, using him as an asset for his military operation. And then of course, there's his method of recruitment; abducting enemy combatants and brainwashing them into joining his army. And that leads into his plan for Outer Heaven; Go to war, create war orphans, take the orphans back to his base, train them to go to war, and then unleash them on other places, creating more war orphans to take in and train. Long and short, Big Boss is a villain, and MGSV's ending was the final step down that path, taking someone else's life away from them, and using them to further his own agenda. The only reason people are so mad that he would do such a thing is because they've been seeing it all from his perspective for so long. If you were to come in with no knowledge of the franchise, you'd think it's kind of a dick move. Then, go play Metal Gear, and you'll see that he's the final enemy of the game, and you'd just think that it makes perfect sense. Because he IS the villain.
  • @marloges
    You forgot the most obvious clue for Venom Snake not being Big Boss. The DNA test of Eli.
  • @Excludos
    I think you need to learn the difference between "giving away" and "foreshadowing"
    I maintain Spec Ops the Line is the most mind fucking game I have ever played.
  • @Joe90h
    In Deadly Premonition, the Sheriff of the town outright states "you don't have to be a tree worshiper to appreciate the nature around here." He's the serial killer, and he's doing it to unlock the magical power held within the seeds of a particular kind of tree. He literally worships trees.
  • When you come from what culture wrestling, and you still have expect to hear Adam 😭
  • @BennyFireKing
    I was literally playing Batman: Arkham City earlier today and for this week lol. And Joker also said "You fell for the old fake Joker gag, Batman." really early in the game as well as Harley saying "Mr. J, you look perfect! Oh, I forgot. It's not you, is it?"
  • I remember one from The Witcher 3. It's not really a twist, but it's also pretty nice. Early on in the game, in Velen near a windmill, you can find an old man claiming he's a medium and he can predict your future. If you bring him back the herbs he asks for, he gives clues about the game ending. Same with the Heart of Stone DLC, if you haven't completed the main quest before the DLC, you can by choosing the right option at the end of the DLC get some clues on what to do when you're making the critical choices that affect the end of the game. That's freaking cool