Lucy on Desi I married a loser


コメント (21)
  • 6 April 2019, seen this video tape. Im going to be 98 , within a short time. I knew Lucy Ball, on a personal level and business. I began my career with Shirley Booth, "Hazel" , in 1961, over at NBC Burbank Studio's Los Angeles. The show ran '61-66. '65-66 show was recast and moved over to CBS Studio's in Los Angele. Mrs. Booth, for her own reasons chose to end the show in 1966. It was while we was filming there, I was able to meet Lucy. When our show ended it was Lucy, who ask if I would work on her show. I worked for her till 1974. A remarkable woman. I never was out of work till I sold off my company in 1990s. I owe my career to two women who gave me opportunity to work. God bless them both. Thank you Benjamin Hahn Beverly Hills CA
  • I like that Lucy gave Desi the credit that he deserved for being a brilliant business man. All marriages weren't meant to last. RIP to Lucy and Desi.
  • @dj6769
    “We had many houses but not a home” so sad coming from a person who had everything...
  • @Refining1
    When she said he's a "loser", she meant that he's a sabotager. At least that's the way she explained. Basically, he's very smart and successful but deliberately tears down everything he builds, for some reason. Sounds like self sabotage.
  • I would never ask someone about their first marriage while the second spouse is sitting right next to them.
  • When she called Desi a "loser," I had to think about what she meant, since he was so financially, artistically, and professionally successful. I think she meant that it was partly that he failed personally, as a husband and father, but also something else - like he didn't think he deserved it all, so he deliberately sabotaged everything, with his reckless womanizing and drinking. That's pretty sad.
  • I totally get what she means. My father was like Desi. He had everything; money, beautiful wife and children, a gorgeous house in the suburbs, yet he destroyed it. He hated himself and sabotaged everything good in his life. He knew how to make money, was an insurance broker and a successful real estate broker, but his self loathing and alcoholism drove everything into the ground.
  • @wrlord
    People don't fucking pay attention: she makes it very clear what she means by "loser": she means that there was some innate part of Desi's character that drove him to destroy everything he worked so hard to build up. She really means "self-destructive".
  • Understand what she is saying. Desi Arnaz was a very smart man in business but self destructive in his private life.
  • you have to give her husband Gary a lot of credit. he knew he was stepping into someone else's shadow.
  • She had chemistry with Desi and stability/nurturing with Gary
  • By loser she meant self destructive. Do you people not comprehend what she is saying? Did you watch it? She is praising him in every phrase, but saying he is self destructive. Yall hear loser and run with it. She wanted him to be her everything. And he was. As was she to Desi.
  • I love Lucy even more. Even when her and Desi's marriage was over, she being the class act that she STILL is, speaks of her ex as the ground breaking business man he was. Total Respect for Lucille Ball.
  • @coolworx
    A hot headed red-head marries a hot headed Cuban... What could possibly go wrong?
  • I’m glad Lucille found a true partner in Gary. He gave her love, comfort and peace of mind.
  • If Desi was cheating and drinking, it's understandable that she had some bitterness.
  • Good Lord, Barbara was as annoying then as she is now! She kept talking over Lucy 😔
  • Desilu was probably the most successful company in television history. watch the credits on some of those older shows, you'll see desilu studios or a desilu production on so many ...I think the original Star trek series was desilu.