UK Migrant Hotel in our TINY Welsh village (I get approached by security) UK Migrant Crisis 🇬🇧

Published 2023-01-26
As the title explains, we currently have a migrant hotel in our tiny Welsh village with a population of less than 500. Between 200/300 migrants came into the village approx 3 months ago, which in theory has doubled the population overnight. I'd explain what's going on here but it would be way easier if you watched the video as I'm a lot better at explaining stuff through my mouth rather than typing with my fingers ✌🏽

In a nutshell: The hotel was open for business one day. The next day it was shut down, with nearly all staff sacked on the spot. No explanation at the time, nothing. From that point on the hotel has been closed to the public and still remains so 👀

If you want to see what the security guards had to say then please watch the video.

This isn't my usual kind of video but when these kind of things are so close to home I think it would be rude to not report on it don't you 🤓

Take care folks and until next time, stay chirpy 😁

All Comments (21)
  • Meanwhile Brits who have paid in all their lives are struggling and paying more tax than ever. Our government is a disgrace.
  • @filmserve
    There is something seriously wrong when a local has to explain to two foreigners that he is allowed to walk and film in his own village.
  • They can secure a border at a hotel .... but they can't secure the borders of this country..... absolute clowns 🤡
  • If only we could prosecute our politicians for allowing this to happen
  • @darrents44
    So not only are British people being left homeless, but also the Government is HELPING to put local people out of work! British people are not Racist, we are fed up. Even the security is foreign ???
  • They're fine with the idea of breaking into a country illegally without a passport, but they suddenly get rather defensive about the concept of "private land".
  • @sicksquid3258
    Being told what you can or can't do in your own village by total strangers? Absolute insanity.
  • @lovelifesmile
    It's madness where you feel uneasy and alienated in your home town. It's all so secretive
  • All hotels that accept the silver to sack their staff and close the hotel to the public should be boycotted and if and when times go back to normal sod em !!
  • @tintobrass532
    OT I’m from Brighton, but have lived in Swansea for ten years. Wales is a lovely country full of lovely people, and the housing of economic migrants in the UK, whilst people born-and-bred this country live on the streets is scandalous
  • @box1007
    It must be so hard on these people who were working in the hotel and lost their jobs overnight especially in a cost of living crisis!
  • British Borders: We can't defend in the slightest Ukranian Borders: We will defend at all costs
  • @dbcooper7326
    Imagine going to Albania and telling the locals where they can and can't film.
  • In southern Ireland they closed a care home ,turfed out the residents to make way for migrants it's as if the authorities don't understand this breeds resentment in those communities .
  • A few years ago I taught English in the Middle East on a programme officially sanctioned by the government. We were told they were PhD students, and not to ask questions. I can't say too much but I will say 3 things: 1 - Almost ALL of the students were men under 30. 2 - They had ALL been INVITED. 3 - None of them knew what a PhD was. Take it or leave it.
  • @m.asquino7403
    Politician’s worldwide have to held accountable for this madness
  • @greenman3120
    The greed of the migrant hotel owners overshadowed their moral obligations to their actual communities. Disgusting
  • @kremepye3613
    As an Australian i used to think how we tackled our boat arrival problem was inhumane and nasty. Now I'm so damn proud of it and think it was the absolute correct way to deal with it. We now have a LABOR government that's decided to continue with the same policy of not ever letting boat arrivals in and housing them in prison camps offshore because it's such an effective deterent. So many lives have been saved at sea by this policy. Get some knackers britain and do what needs to be done.
  • @psymongo
    I live just up the road from Dolgarrog. It's two minutes away from our local primary school. They send the cops to sit outside for security reasons when kið are coming out and patrol during the day randomly. All the people lost their jobs just before Christmas replaced by government officials. Seriously dodgy. No consultation with our mp or councillors the FO just stuck them here. Boycott Hilton, money grabbing filth.
  • The fact the locals are now afraid to go for a walk in there own village at night 'and understandably so', is both shocking and sad..! It infuriates me and I don't even live there... People should boycott this hotel and all like it should they ever reopen for business as usual..! 🤬