Every 20 Years Random Villagers Fight For INVINCIBILITY

Published 2023-12-24

All Comments (21)
  • @gatorbait9385
    I like to think Edumir's parent dropped them at the enemy's doorstep as a baby knowing their kingdom was lost and their child was the chosen one
  • Kibubuty is one of my all time favorites. The number of kills, his progression with his weapons, his style, longevity, and his name is fun to say. What a guy.
  • @jonhstonk7998
    “Sechywu held his blade as he tore out another arrow from his shoulder, it had been years since he was blessed as a champion of the arena and had thus blessed two others of his close family within his kingdom with the powers of a champion: amazing strength and vitality as well as the ability to recover from almost all wounds, when he won his kingdom dominated the entire swamp and was now reduced to a single meager village, the village he grew up with and where he married his wife and raised his son Edumir, those were happy times, then he saw his wife who he also had blessed with the champions mark be cut down by the forces of the invaders from De, he was taken by sadness as he realized that now almost everyone but a couple of villagers were left from what was once his entire village and now was his entire kingdom, his treacherous son Edumir had betrayed them and changed sides now made the governor of a nearby “province” of the rising De empire…Sechywu also knew that the number of troops attacking here meant that the kingdom of the cold ones had been vanquished and thus the entire continent was under De’s control…he was fighting a losing battle and he knew it, maybe he should surrender? Ask for a position within De as a satrap or prince like his son had done? No…a simple look to the couple of villagers behind him cleared his mind of all doubt for if he retreated from this combat even for a moment even to negotiate he knew the people he was giving his all to protect no that his wife died protecting would be slain, cut down on the spot, well they would be cut down anyways but maybe he could still save himself? What for? His wife is dead and his son was a traitor what was there left but to defend the few terrified villagers behind him and die vindicating his people’s honor and maybe leaving a mark for the warriors of De to remember! after all what was he afraid of? Dying in honor defending his kingdom? Even tho he had been blessed he knew he wasn’t immortal…one day he would die either of old age or by repeated wounds in battle and since his small bastion was the last piece of soil De hadn’t under its thumb then this was his last chance of dying in battle too! So what would it be? Living to old age as a coward who surrendered the defense of the last remnants of his people so he could be a slave and a servant to foreign invaders alongside his treacherous son or dying here with his honor as a warrior and champion vindicated and go to meet his wife in the afterlife? The choice was now clear and Sechywu steadied his blade and shield and charged against the army’s of De for the last time” -The last thoughts of the champion of Holy Swamp upon his final stand, discovered through divination by one of his descendants of the noble house of Edumir, a following note on the last page of the Chronicle upon which the story of Sechywu was recorded reads “oh great grandfather if you knew only that your son didn’t betray you out of greed or cowardice but as a way to preserve our lineage and that Edumir grandfather refused to take part in the invasion after betraying our homeland and that while you died he refused to go to war and instead looked at the sea with the thought of one day leading a rebellion against De”
  • Let humans set up their own kingdom but as the time passes they have to fight different creatures to survive. For example zombie/demon invasions and small group of bandits/skeletons etc.
  • @shnupps765
    I stumbled upon your work only recently, despite being small i love your style of commentary! Keep up the great work mr gorg
  • @4winkyness462
    It's important to mention that the Great Cold's champions switched sides as most of the kingdom fell, except for that last champion. The noble patriot. Deez champions made them an offer they couldn't refuse...
  • @KordaMachala
    Bubble shield is quite good at making people invincible, even more so with super health. (You can get this trait from mini robots that spawn from robot spawner thing)
  • @MaxBurnHeart
    Okay, this video is the prime example of why the alliance is so dumb. De won the moment they declared war on the Holy Sea. Other kingdoms basically fought for them, while De could claim all the lands.
  • Please dont let the top comment be someone saying they liked their own comment Edit: since this is the top comment now might as well make it about the video, the video was really entertaining and I love world box videos. Thanks Gorg.
  • @kitcobb6046
    Edumir is such a villain. The betrayal shall curse him for eternity!
  • @Rizzlordhd
    Fun facts:demons and fire spirits are chill with each other and are the only monster that are chill with them(and flame skulls)and flame skulls are the only one out of all of them to be able to not be hurt bye holyness and water
  • You should try another defense type one with a civilization trying to survive waves of whatever you throw at them.😂 Merry Christmas!
  • @SlombyChannel
    this is litterly almost just The Hunger Games Really Fun! Great work!