Syrian refugees in Turkey: Anti-migrant sentiment rises amid economic downturn

Publicado 2024-07-21
Some regions of Turkey are facing a rise in anti-refugee sentiment.
The government accuses the opposition of stoking fears, by threatening to deport Syrians.
More than 3.5 million Syrian refugees live in Turkey.
Ankara insists, no Syrian will be forced to leave unless they want to.

Al Jazeera’s Sinem Koseoglu reports from Istanbul, Turkey.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @kanthlk
    Qatar should accept these Syrian refugees and show its solidarity
  • @RikBili
    Serves Turkey right, embrace your islamic neighbor... 😂
  • @MrMAXZ888
    Lol. This is exactly how they all "love" Palestinians. When far away, closest of brotherd. But not one Arab/Muslim country would allow them in.
  • @Namericanus
    it is estimated that the real number is about 8-10 millon with the unregistered syrian refugees. And actually, we would not be outrageous about the topic if the syrian population is in range we can contol and integrate them to our communities, but it is, now, almost impossible to do those. Most of them have their own communities and rules, also they create gang-like organizations. Because of this, they have huge impact on our daily lives. There is a syrian neighborhood in my district and our people cannot pass through that area, since even children try to attack us. So, at least they need to be educated in camps before going into the big cities.
  • Why no one shouts zenophoebia to Turkey and Pakistan like they would have shouted islamophopia to non Muslim countries?
  • When Erdogan calls for a Palestinian state and openly supports Hamas, it confuses me. He advocates for Palestinian independence but oppresses the Kurds. The double standards are striking.
  • @markteras4622
    Is Turkey going to deport the Syrians back home? It would hel Turkish and Syrjan economys.
  • @zw9802
    it's pretty bad when even Turkey doesn't want certain migrants....
  • @jonas1lolop561
    1 is already destroied and then they do a next step. If they don't do anything, they'll soon be like Syria.
  • @kusheran
    All immigrants worldwide need a code of ethical immigration. A way to teach how to assimilate with a certificate or something to support the passport. Then we could have a global court and database, like a Union of Immigrants.
  • @jinlee2617
    😂😂😂 I thought it was Turkish community protesting in Germany. 😂
  • Do the Turks not forget how many Turks are living in Europe I wonder how they would feel the if Europeans were to say the same about the Turks.
  • @spacemusic1290
    What about the turks who lives in EU. about 3 million in only germany and many more. Why can't they go back to turkey.
  • @Shivam-5
    Wow this is called muslim brotherhood, this people going to liberate Palestine 😊
  • Al Jazeera is owned by the Qatari government. Al Jazeera have reported several pieces on how European counties and now Turkey mistreats Syrian asylum seekers. I would like to see just one story about how Qatar refuses all Syrian asylum seekers.