Chrono Trigger - Secret of the Forest (remix super loop + rain sounds)

Published 2014-02-07

All Comments (21)
  • @PeripheriAe
    Just in case anyone wants to know, that art was created by Mark Ferrari for the Living Worlds collection. Its amazing pixel art
  • @godlyvex5543
    This game actually taught me to read. I started playing it before I knew how to read, and to actually progress I had to figure out how to read. Jesus, I don't think I ever even beat the final boss... Good enough excuse to play the game again.
  • @ciscornBIG
    I'll never forget the cold fall day in 95 when me and my cousin first arrived in 600AD and heard all these great songs. I miss those days and experiencing this game for the first time. Everything was so new and decades later, thousands of hours of anime and games, I still come back to these simple, comfortable places where I first felt awe at this digital medium. All of this is transitory and these electronic signals will fade some day and no one will ever know the Secret of the Forest or hear the song in the wind. CT is the perfect game to have these thoughts to.
  • @Moss_Dude
    I know literally nothing about Chrono Trigger, yet I hear this song specifically a lot and the nostalgia people must get from this is palpable. A good OST can raise the story and emotion of a game to new heights and I can tell this must've been one of them.
  • @en5490
    There is something about this piece that is timeless. Like listening to the sound of time itself.
  • @iamcarpetpython
    When I'm really sad, and just want to escape my life, loops like this are a warm comfortable place where time stands still forever.
  • @vthisademu
    I wanna cry, nostalgia is one hella of a emotion deep inside us. Full of memories.
  • @karinoise
    This is so magical...I really feel like I'm into the game. I feel the rain, the scent of the forest, monster encounters and all the mystical feelings any human being can experiment. 
  • @kennyhughes3880
    I went to the Amazon Rainforest, from Iquitos, Peru. I found so many small streams and huge trees on our hikes through the jungle, and this theme was in my head the whole time. The Amazon rainforest is beyond vast, and the true secrets and vastness of it are astounding. The title, 'Secret of the Forest' is a perfect name for sure - something I really felt when I visited.
  • This piece of music is the closest to the feeling that Crono and his friends experiencing in the game. The beautiful violin, harp and other instruments invoke a mysterious but grand atmosphere of the forest while the rain depicts peaceful moments when the crew rest under the roof of a tree and reflect on their entire journey.
  • @PunjabiPiccolo
    Never even played this game but this music is amazing. Nostalgia for something I've never even experienced...weird.
  • @Azurade
    If you put a Japanese name in this it would be another “checkpoint” edit: the og checkpoint got copyright striked so
  • @fourlokouva
    Reminds me of playing Chrono Trigger on rainy days as a kid, exploring the game for countless hours; before internet spoilers, before emulators, playing on console and an old tube TV
  • Watching speedruns and gameplays are one thing, but relaxing to a game's OST is something else Music like this is what got me into game design, level design and editing graphics
  • @rumpology
    My brother showed me this game through an SNES emulator. And every time something big happened in the game, I would wait until he came to visit me again just to tell him how fun it was to listen to Spekkio’s song or how sad it was that I lost Chrono. Little did I know he played that game religiously each year and knew every single detail about it, yet never hesitated when getting hyped up or sad with me when I showed him my progress. He was 16 or maybe 15 and I was 8. He lived with his mom and I lived with mine. We would only meet once or twice a year. Then he fell for the alcohol, dropped out of college many times, and our dad stopped liking him or at least I remember him shouting at him over the phone, and we stopped talking let alone seeing each other. I met him again when I turned 17 and he was 24/25. I was leaving to study college in the US and he wanted to say goodbye. He gave my first try of a cigarette, and after I coughed and all he gave me advice to overcome all the crap I was feeling after my first breakup. At night in his apartment, I was looking over his stuff and found an ancient SNES and Chrono Trigger just popped into my mind. He showed me his saved game, and we talked for hours about stupid child things. When he dropped off nearby my house bcs our dad couldn’t know we were hanging out, I couldn’t but cry. This game is like the only time I could see my brother detached from the anger in our dad’s voice. Like the brother that cared so much for me regardless of how his life was going. I miss you.