Amazing Idea | I didn't expect it to be so easy to grow pineapple on the terrace

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コメント (21)
  • The beauty and wisdom of God... Next year you'll possibly have 6 new pineapples and the years after that 12, 24, 48, 64...! ❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉 How exciting!
  • Понял Я без покрышки пытался в тундре вырастить Нужна просто покрышка😂😂😂
  • @mtb5702
    А покрышки летние или зимние? Для наших условий наверное лучше зимние и с начесом)))
  • Охренеть как просто! Можно даже без покрышки. Главное свалить туда где днём и ночью около +30
  • Thanks for this video, I have tried to grow pineapple twice now after watching this video I believe it is the drainage in my pot. We experienced a lot of rain this winter in California like we did in the 70's and my plants had rot on the stem. I will try this technique
  • Hello, my friend, it is wonderful to do things with your hands and enjoy your work. Good and wonderful work. Thank you for this beautiful video that you shared with us and shared your work in it
  • Here in South Florida, I have been growing pineapples many years. One grew small but the sweetest pineapple ever tasted. Problem has been raccoons, mice, birds love the fruit also. They have enjoyed the pineapple before I could.
  • У нас в Сибири все так делают. В каждом доме ананасы мешками в погребах лежат, вместо картошки. 😁
  • Как аппетитно вы кушаете, просто супер, аж слюнки текут🤩
  • Que Maravillosa es la Naturaleza... Excelente video..Saludos desde Guadalajara jalisco México.
  • Sangat kreatif Cara tanam nanas hasilnya sangat memuaskan salam sukses dan silaturahmi 🙏
  • Thank you for sharing the simplicity of planting pineapple fruit plant Will try it out.
  • EY, I LOVE your channel... LOVE. I learn so much from you! Thank you for all of the amazing videos
  • I started growing my first pineapple plant almost 2 years ago. I was shocked at how big it was getting and then we had a winter storm here in Texas before Christmas that destroyed it and everything in my garden 😭... I've got 3 new tops growing roots so I'll try again 💓
  • Молодец мичурин! !! Что сказать слов нету одни чувства.....
  • @Dimitrio.
    Сдается мне,что выращено в тропическом поясе. Оно и у нас картоха в покрышках растёт😁
  • Que coisa mais linda apetitosa amo Abacaxi e minha fruta preferida.Vou fazer esse tipo de plantação aqui na minha chácara amei obrigada.