Why the political worldviews of young men and women are increasingly diverging | DW Analysis

Published 2024-03-01
Young men are more likely than women to drop out of college, commit suicide, and support far-right parties. But while misogynistic influencers like Andrew Tate are correctly blamed for fueling the incel manosphere's backlash against feminism, there is a lot more to this story than incels, culture wars and wokeness. From stagnant economies and unaffordable housing to fears of cultural obsolescence, young men are grappling with a myriad of challenges that seldom enter the public discourse. So what is really behind the growing political rift between Gen Z Boys and Girls?

In the video we talk to Richard Reeves, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and author of the book "Of Boys and Men" where he explores all the ways in which the modern male is struggling. Alice Evans, visiting scholar at Stanford University, who is travelling around the world to study this divide and makes the point that lagging economies, corporate algorhythms, and patriarchal mentality can explain this backlash. And Neil Shyminsky, Professor at Cambrian College and famous on TikTok as @professorneil, who sees in Influencers like Andrew Tate as a main threat.

Video by Christian Caurla

00:00 - Intro
02:02 - What's going on
03:58 - Ignored issues
11:35 - Crisis of masculinity
22:42 - Online radicalization
28:54 - Solutions

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All Comments (21)
  • @Thoughtflux
    Men don't like toxic feminism, just as women don't like toxic masculinity. Equality is not the problem here, toxicity is.
  • @lukaszbien2904
    Men, for example in Poland have to work longer until they can receive pension than women, at the same time life expectancy of men is lower, how is that equal?
  • @neco5740
    Blaming man-fluencers for this crisis is like blaming the symptoms not the underlying diseases. They only make it worse, but they don't come to be in a vacuum
  • @rohankishibe6433
    I can summarize the whole issue right here: The problem is that people keep thinking it's men versus women, boys versus girls, when in reality it's society versus apathy.
  • @artemkoval4584
    In Ukraine men are literally prohibited from leaving the country while woman are living their best lives in Europe
  • @angrytigger83
    That Cambridge professor has no knowledge of the world. Saying young men aren't confronted with discomfort or fear for their personal safety is wild.
  • @Lightspectre1
    I can't help but notice that among all of the "experts" interviewed, not a single one is an actual Gen Z male. Maybe if you want to know what someone is thinking, you should actually talk to them.
  • @logangantner3863
    I do not think figures like Andrew Tate are positive for the world at all. But what people need to understand is HOW people like Tate gain so much popularity in the first place. And the reason is because men, especially younger men, do not feel heard or like their very real issues are taken seriously. Every time there is a discussion about men, it always feels like it gets commandeered into a discussion about women, politics, or is unproductively intended to tell men to "be better". When men try to argue that men's issues are real and worthy of discussion, it tends to be met with a lot of public shaming (especially paired with accusations of being an incel, angry virgin, etc). When you remove all possibility of outlets for men to deal with men's issues, you end up with unapologetic villains filling the vacuum. And the most frustrating part is that the people who caused and perpetuate this problem are not self-aware and don't seem to be willing to budge on this. Some of those people are in this video.
  • @Sloppyjoey1
    Why is "Women getting more liberal" passively mentioned.. but "Men getting more conservative" is attributed to "radicalization"? lol
  • It’s because men issues are ignored by the media and the government. Look at the huge push for women to get into STEM fields but very little to no push for men to get into HELP fields.
  • If discussing men's problem is seen as problematic before even discussing what those problems are, then clearly there's a big problem.
  • @marshallscot
    Weird how shitting on one group and giving handouts to the other group causes a political divide...
  • @XD-cr3du
    "Men care about their relative status towards other men" Right, and the reason they care about that is because women look at social status when selecting partners.
  • Im a 31 yo man in Texas. I feel largely shielded from most of this, i feel like life is mostly good for me. My parents raised me to try hard and don't worry about what other people are doing. I am polite to women but i wouldn't let anyone walk all over me regardless of their gender. No one can stop me from being a good person, i just do what i think is right and look for people who respect that. In my experience everyone respects men who work hard and provide for people around them. That's my personal experience for what it's worth.
  • @animerage1862
    Reading these comments disheartens me to hear how men struggle to be heard by women. As a woman myself, ive always made it clear to the men in my life that if they need someone to talk to or vent to im here to lend an ear. Its only been the past couple years a few of them started taking up that offer and while there are of course differences between any group, most of the time the problems and headaches they have are the same or similar issues i have gone through/am going through. We are all human, yes we are all different and have different problems due to it, but we all also have very similar issues and feelings. At the end of the day, we have more in common than not, and people tend to forget that. If you are a woman, hear out the men in your life. Everyone is just trying to get by and survive. And same vice versa.
  • My high school in the early 2000s had multiple womens self help groups aimed at getting them through issues at school and home. Men tried to start one and it was forcibly disbanded by the school system....men have issues too.
  • @jdg9999
    Interviewing three liberals about why men are becoming more conservative
  • @Cord741
    Being a male in their 20's, a lot of the comments on this video make good points one way or another. To me, it's not about men being upset about losing advantages. It's the constant reinforcement of lifting others up without feeling like there is any attention for your own issues (especially as a white male). I do see the irony in a white male feeling put down and marginalized. I am all for the empowerment of women and minorities, but it is difficult to have all of your own problems dismissed due to your identity. "You're a privileged white male, you don't have real problems, or they can't even hold a candle to ours". We do realize our adversity is different, but it feels entirely ignored, and we should be ashamed for even mentioning it.
  • @guttormur9267
    saying men that are angry and depressed because who they perceive ''as lower then them'' are being successful is down right psychotic
  • @hurrdurrmurrgurr
    "Equality feels like a loss to the people who were unfairly ahead." That doesn't hold water, it's the youth who weren't alive during this unfairly ahead period that are most upset.