conversation with Paul Rand

Publicado 2009-03-02

Todos los comentarios (16)
  • "Order, variety, contrast, symetry, tension,balance, scale, texture, space, shape, light, shade and color" This is the language of form.
  • As a Dutch Graphic Technical Engineer and also as an Office-Manager I have intrest in work of Graphic Technical Engineer Paul Rand. My condolences to his family and relatives (also Steve Jobs etc). Saskia van Houtert. In 1996 CEO-designster (CHIEF ENGINEER OFFICER) at Engineering Car Systems (ECS) part of Automotive Engineering Industries (AEI). I designed/created cars for the trademarks FORD, CITROEN and FIAT. As an Engineer may I say that colourinterpretation can be somehow be multiplied, and sometimes political coulours are of no importance, they are/can (be) interpreted as photographic ones or emotional ones or electronical ones and you have also the litterary ones.. Yellow is for instance the colour of hope and happiness in the Photography Green is for instance the colour of innovation and fertilization, and the litterary one is that it has passing. Black is the colour for struggle and in the (computer)technology for Safety and Contrast and the emotional one is punctionality. Saskia van Houtert, Engineer and also Office-Manager. (Saus)age.
  • @dooooodeses
    "there is one really good definition" "how much do you pay me?" what a guy haha
  • @murdernumber222
    please can somebody tell me what song that is at the end? it's beautiful