I believe I heard something in a dream.

Published 2023-11-25
The last I hard when I was dreaming was something that sounded almost like “Rapture, Rapture, RAPTURE!!!” And I could see all these people before I woke up. Just normal people, but could it really be what I think it means?

If this truly is some message, then I’m glad to get it out there and share it, because it something that needs to be spread to others around the world. And I pray that others make a similar message as well, because God may be sending these for good reason.

I can’t really be sure. I don’t want to bare false witness, but some say that if it is a message from God, then you WILL know it when you see it.

Overall, this is something that needs to be cleared. Jesus is coming soon, the rapture will take place. We may never know the time, we just know it’s soon. So we need to be ready.

Spread the word. Stand fast in the faith. God Bless.

All Comments (9)
  • @CathieG
    Amen brother! Time is short and the Rapture will be soon! Hallelujah 🙌🏻🙌🏻💙💙
  • Hey brother.. it's been awhile. Great to see you again! 😁. I haven't had a dream or vision.. but definitely KNOW that we are so very close to Jesus coming for us.. just from everything that's going on in the world.. sin is abounding.. and the hearts are waxing colder . Just as the Bible said it would.. it's time to get and stay ready for the rapture.. can't wait !..😁 🙌....and looking forward to meeting you brother. Love and appreciate you. ♥️. God bless 🙏.
  • @DEADPOOL17578
    This is an amazing theory so yeah let’s get ready my friend Amen 🙏
  • I love you brother I believe you because I believe that the Rapture is very soon and God is warning us so we can warn others and you know who you remind me of you remind me of Matthew from the Bible❤❤❤
  • @1Hopeinhim
    The Bible is our guide and we know that we're near to our gathering up to heaven (harpazo, rapture). Keep your eyes on Israell, watch and pray as scripture tells us. It's not long now. ⏳⌛
  • The reason i wrote what I did, (and its the truth) is because you keep saying you may not be saved. You should know that you are saved. 1 John 5:11-13 (KJV) And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. Jesus, gave Paul, the Gospel of our salvation. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. If you believe it Eduardo, YOU ARE SAVED. Relax in Him. Know that His work saved you. John 3:16-18. God bless.
  • @RandyRoth-mo3lz
    How true the term "rapture" doesn't exist in the Word... that's because it was created for the purpose of division, redirection and deception. Paul called the event "the resurrection of the dead"... 1 Cor 15:42-55, which is what he didn't want us ignorant about n 1 thess 4:13-18. The resurrection of the dead isn't some new event... Job 14;12, Matt 24:35-42, Rev 20:4-6... Every argument for a rapture is birthed out of deceit... every single one!
  • @RandyRoth-mo3lz
    You need to study the word "rapture" out..... It didn't exist in English prior to 1600.... came from the Latin where we also get the English word "rape" from.. circa 1400... In Latin it means to take by force... Rapture first meant kidnapped and raped... the Spanish "rapto" still means "to kidnap".... As with all occurrences it means to take by force...as does the Greek: harpazo... used 13 times in the New Testament... and still used in Greece today... mostly to show how people are robbed by force. Paul was harpazo by the Romans and hauled off to Rome... Acts 23;10 Between the 1600's and 1800's the term "rapture" was a verb that showed people enjoying a play or drama or nature... where people were taken in "rapture" by the performance. Still used as a VERB the same as the Greek and Latin are verbs. It wasn't until the 1800's that Darby needed terms to divide what Scripture calls "the resurrection of the dead" into multiple events... thus he coined "rapture" and "second coming" as NOUNS... names for biblical events. Paul already showed the name of the event to be "the resurrection of the dead"... 1 Cor 15:42-55, which is what he didn't want us ignorant about in 1 Thess 4:13-18. He called himself a Pharisee of the Pharisees and his issue with the Sadducees was over the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead.. Acts 23:8, Matt 22. The Sadducees taught that there was no resurrection of the dead... Acts 23:8, and thus Paul addressed why people were sorrowful in 1 Thess 4:13-18, and how to comfort them with the words that there is a resurrection of the dead, "we are forevermore with the Lord".... vs 18. Ever hear the flat out lie that we are to comfort one another with the lie that we don't have to go through the tribulation? Some how that lie is derived from this passage... Jesus promises tribulation... John 16:33 Paul directly called the event "the resurrection of the dead" in 1 Cor 15:42... and yet 9 verses later the rapturist flat out lie to us and tell us that Paul revealed the mystery of this brand new event of a 'rapture". No... the resurrection of the dead was presented by Job 14;12, "Man dies and does not rise again until the heavens are destroyed". Jesus repeats this in Matt 24:35-42, where He tells us that the heavens will be destroyed, and of THAT DAY, no man knows the day or the hour... and it will as the days of Noah and Lot, in which one person is taken and the other one left. Peter then quotes Jesus ... 2 Pete 3:10 and tells us that Jesus comes like a thief in the night when the heavens are destroyed with a great noise. All three of these passages give timing... of when the heavens are destroyed. If Jesus comes like a thief n the night when the heavens are destroyed with a great noise.... He can't come 7 years prior which would destroy the element of surprise of "like a thief in the night".... a fabled rapture would create a countdown to when the heavens are destroyed. Revelation 20:4-6 informs us that those martyred for not taking the mark are resurrected at the FIRST resurrection. The term "rapture" redirects the attention to the living...and any lie goes after that. The art of deception as any magician knows is redirection... Jesus, Peter and Paul all warn us about deception concerning this topic... Matt 24, 3,4, 2 Peter 3:15-17, 2 Thess 2:1-3.... it's not a matter of interpretation, but who's lying... Every argument for a rapture is birthed in deceit!