How to Better Manage Your Rheumatoid Arthritis | Access Health

Published 2019-09-12
Access Health travels to New York City to meet with rheumatologist, Dr. Grace Wright to better understand rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis affects 1.3 million adults in the U.S. Patients with RA may experience pain, aches, morning stiffness, tenderness, and swelling affecting more than one joint in the body. It’s painful and exhausting to have, and it can cause depression and isolation for patients.

RA can cause progressive joint damage and may lead to other health problems as well, especially if left untreated or not treated well enough.

It’s important to not have patients lose hope. There are many options available to manage RA. If you are having joint pain – see your primary care provider and ask for a referral to a rheumatologist for evaluation and diagnosis.

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All Comments (21)
  • Do you ever just watch a completely mobile person and miss when you could do things? Do they ever think about how lucky they are to just stand up from a chair and walk away, without thinking about it? Without having to be mindful of how to use your body so you don’t fall, so you can minimize pain, or so you can look normal? When I wake up, I instantly feel the pain throughout my body. “Oh, this again” my mind says. What indignities will I face today? I see people older than me walking so carelessly, so strong and free. I never appreciated that when it was me. Now I pay the price.
  • @MsXtraordinary
    I wish I could find an Rheumatologist like her 😭 She seems so concerned and caring.
  • @tennehteah6878
    She is explaining exactly how I'm feeling right now, yesterday was my day off so I said okay I'm just going to relax in my couch and watch movies. I got up this morning with shoulder stiffness muscle spasm I can barely text. Living with RA so far has been the hardest thing for me.
  • @Deryasvoice
    I want to cry, my mom has had RA for years but she was never diagnosed so noone took it seriously. She was always constantly saying she was hurting, she couldn't sleep from the pain and this year her eyesight suddenly started getting bad. She only got diagnosed a few weeks ago and I'm trying to learn about RA as much as I can so that I can be there for her
  • I was diagnosed 3 month ago, everyday, I tell my family that I'm fine even if I have a daily pain!
  • @marynielson1705
    Wow Stephanie, you are the first person to explain thoroughly and exactly how it feels to have RA. Thank you!
  • @mrs.e3944
    Does anyone else hear cracking and popping when you stretch due to stiffness. Primarily your neck and back?
  • @ann6030
    This is so true. I’ve had RA for 20 yrs & my Rheumatologist has tried every single medication there is on the market. I’m on Kevzara now. One day I’m somewhat ok & the next day I don’t feel like getting out of bed. I was diagnosed at 38 yrs old.
  • @patchrockit
    i was diagnosed 6 years ago. I've tried everything. Diet, medications, working out, heat/cold. etc. I'm a 34 year old male with no family history of RA. i'm a motorcycle mechanic and it's hard to keep a job when i have to call out so much or have others help me perform different tasks. Methotrexate makes my hair fall out (when i'm not on medication my hair doesnt fall out or thin at all and i have great hair otherwise) and just makes me feel poisoned every weekend. I see videos and meet older people with advanced RA and how disfigured they've become and can't do much of anything. I'm extremely stressed and worried about my future. it's either live with pain every day and be unable to work, or feel like i'm dying and just stay in bed. It's affected my relationships, my work, my happiness, my mental clarity, on and on. Everything pops and cracks. I can't smoke weed or take pain medication. I'm thinking this is the end.
  • @a.i.marvin6180
    I have often described RA like having the flu everyday.
  • @anikaibnath20
    I have RA in age of 1 years old 🥺. I'm still alive with this. Now my age is 25. I'm from a poor family. I'm from Bangladesh county where have no perfect treatment or therapy. I can't think my future because i have no future 😭. My full body effected & i have to live & die with that🥲. My hight is only 4.7 feet 🥺. & No boys come to merriad me or make me as GF become in the world no body went a sick life partner after all 🥲. My parents think after there dead who will take care of me. I pray to die everyday.
  • @janiekcarney5482
    I’m 74 and just diagnosed with RA. I never know each day what I will be able to do.
  • Thank you for this video, it describes exactly what I go through. Xx
  • @paulmill9816
    I cant even play hide and seek,my joints pop and give my hideout away... I'm serious.
  • @welluh8814
    I'm not good at speaking up for myself I wish I had someone to help me speak about how this pain is controlling my life 😞
  • Thank you for this video. Special thank you to the two ladies who shared their experience. I have a compromised immune system and my journey with this disease is slow and painful. I have always advocated for myself . I was losing hope and this segment has made me pick up my socks and keep going. :-)