Michigan couple visits Portland, Oregon on vacation, say they'll never come back

Published 2023-10-05

All Comments (21)
  • @DigitalYojimbo
    When people from Michigan think Portland is bad, you know it's bad.
  • @1969bones69
    Moral of the story is , don't visit Portland. You shouldn't need to be told that. It's a no-go zone.
  • @Since-wen
    Be careful y’all. If you are traveling across states, your license plate gives you up. And don’t leave things in your car.
  • @jenmdawg
    Leaving things in a car without a window due to a break in is crazy.
  • @wezylinn
    I live in Portland, and I can tell you that this is a direct result of not punishing criminals. These people who feel sorry for criminals and want to say it's not their fault they are the way they are have created this mess. They think jail isn't the answer. YES, IT IS! When people are punished, they are less likely to do it again. Period.
  • It amuses me when people pretend not to understand why this is happening in cities all over the United States. I think we all know how crime works by now. The public officials and voters are getting exactly what they have repeatedly voted for.
  • @margaretri8975
    Never leave expensive items in a parked car in a downtown area. This couple was not prepared for big cities.
  • @jennacat13
    On a side note: Gas stations have vacuum cleaners. You don’t have to sit on broken glass for a 30 hour drive!
  • @ruthwest1459
    Portland has a terrible mayor who seems to cater to lawlessness. That is sad what happened to this young couple.
  • @kerrylewis2581
    Stay away from all areas that do not enforce laws and let criminals run wild. This young couple learned a Life long lesson.
  • @Bailark
    I feel for the couple, and I don't mean to minimize what they had to endure, but... No matter where you are, don't leave stuff in your car. If you are going on a cross country trip, you should plan to take your items with you whenever you leave your car. I remember once, in my 20s, I had bought a new camera and opened it on the way home from the store. After I parked, I walked into my building with the camera in my hand, leaving the open empty box on the front seat. Someone saw that and broke the window to get what might have been in the box, and anything else possibly in the car. It was a good lesson. Don't leave anything...ANYTHING that looks like it might be valuable. And this applies no matter where you are.
  • @dazfire5646
    Never leave valuables in the car, even if the car is in a "secure" parking garage.
  • @992001jeffr
    Public sympathy for criminals creates a perfect environment for criminals to thrive. Good job!!!
  • I know why it was different! The citizens of Portland got exactly what they voted for. Public sympathy for and encouragement of criminals gets you this dystopian hellscape.
  • @DovZeev
    Can the parking garage be sued? These places are literally taking money saying that your car will be safe there.
  • I drove Lyft and Uber in Portland from 2015 until spring 2020. The graffiti, decay, vandalism, homeless, filth, needles, murders, attacks, drug use, bathroom closures (or key coded) got progressively worse during those five years. Towards the end, I was so embarrassed and ashamed by the condition of the city for all my tourist customers. Portland has truly been ruined by their liberal and enabling politicians and refusal to prosecute criminals and keep the city clean.
  • @AM-qu6vu
    Not sure why he’s upset. They got the authentic Portland experience.
  • @changemymind2021
    They left all their stuff in the car AFTER it was broken into? Not too bright.
  • @ganbramor
    Why do people leave personal items visible in their car and act surprised when robbed? WHY DID THESE PEOPLE DO IT TWICE IN A ROW!
  • @katekenn156
    My intention isn’t to victim blame at all ~ this is horrible and shouldn’t have happened ~ but it’s crazy to leave ANYTHING in your car. Don’t even have a gun wrapper visible, and put your seats down so that thieves can see there’s isn’t anything in the trunk or the hatch. I know it’s a hassle to carry every single one of your belongings into your hotel room, but it’s a heck of a lot better than having your belongings stolen by scumbag thieves.