A Mind-Bending Discovery


コメント (21)
  • at first I was like "what, an entire song made from one mildly interesting piece of trivia about potatoes?" But then that sick solo dropped and I forgot everything
  • i really am in awe of how many unworkably specific topics you are able to cover in incredibly well-made songs
  • @Hastega
    As a potato, I'm quite offended that you're just now learning about this cutting-edge functionality.
  • Mr. Emu, I am writing concerning the nature of your music. As an Australian, I must admit that there is no lost love between our people, though I will not begrudge your victory in that savage war. Despite all this, I am greatly enjoying the content upon your youtube channel. As such, might I suggest a mutually beneficial exchange, so as to further strengthen diplomatic relationships between our two peoples, and ensure that no such tragedy occurs again? I am willing to bestow upon you one (1) of the denominations colloquially known as 'likes' per video, as well as the sharing of your videos with my friends, so long as you in return continue to make audiovisual experiences of similar quality and entertainment value. In this way, I hope to glean a greater understanding of your culture, and reduce the animosity felt towards your kind within my home nation. Hoping you are well, boshmi Australian Foreign Dignitary
  • The CEO of Apple is definitely secretly be a potato. Have you considered "pomme de terre"? Apple -> potato
  • Isn’t pomme de terre french for potato and literally means apple of the Earth. I think you might be onto something with this Apple conspiracy.
  • @kairo4999
    First, gotta say I completely love your content. I needed this today, it's been a tough week.
  • @s.l.2227
    This music video turned into a skit... then back to a music video. "What an unexpected turn of events!"
  • “Artistic masterminds can find inspiration from anything, even a potato” - Me, just now.
  • The way you say Jansson’s Frestelse at 0:06 makes the little guy in my head happy.
  • As a Swede I love me some Jansson's frestelse! <3<3
  • I just can't believe this whole song was made in 4 days, solo or not. Damn, that's impressive, especially for being about such an oddly specific topic.
  • This song has been ON LOCK in my brain for at least 3 days straight. Like, "wake up singing it, groove to it in my head-radio all day, go to sleep and dream about Swedish casserole" style. I'm fully earwormed by it. I read a book a few years back where a guy invented a box that allowed people to jump dimensions, or possibly time travel, and the main component of the machine was a potato. It was the power source. I think it was by Terry Pratchett, but don't quote me on that. This song makes me think of this dimly-remembered story. I'll be chopping a gigantic yam later for my брат собако's food. I'm going to test it out, see if yammage does any keyboard damage. I'll report back. PS. I'm in love with the serious cowbell action. I gotta fevah....the one prescription.....
  • So entertainingly Funky good and witty at the same time. Cool music composition, mixing, storyboard, plus video shoot and edit? Whew... Whatever it is you're on... I want some.:face-blue-smiling: