Have You Ever Had An Abortion? | Keep it 100 | Cut

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Have You Had You An Abortion? | Keep it 100 | Cut
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コメント (21)
  • My best friend had an abortion when she was 12 years old after she was raped and become pregnant. And yet even in those circumstances, some of her extended family members shamed her.
  • @MayerAd
    "I was an addict, but I wasn't stupid." 3:16 This is a great sentiment to have in this video, that while some of the lives of addicts are taken up with their addiction, they still have a lot of agency over most of the rest of their life. Power to that woman.
  • If a man says he is infertile to a woman and they have sex and she finds out after it can actually be considered rape in a court of law, there are a couple cases where this has happened and the man has gone to jail
  • I know a girl who had an abortion at 16 and never regretted it. I also know a girl who had an abortion at 17 and later killed herself out of guilt. Its a difficult and private decision.
  • I think it’s great to shed light on the viewpoint of “I don’t think I’d emotionally be able to go through with an abortion but I support women who do”. Because the right to free abortion isn’t about wether YOU would get/need one or not, it’s about it being available to those who do need it.
  • @kaiaswrld
    I really hope that the lady at 3:54 is able to adopt or do IVF or something. She would be such a great mom and she looked like she was on the verge of tears realizing she might never get to be a mother.
  • I love that they asked guys as well. Abortions are always looked at as a "women" thing. Love the guys that supported the decision whether it be for a friend or partner.
  • I think you should have talked about the side/after effects. One of my ex's had an abortion with her ex, and she shared that she went through a deep depression afterwards that took almost a year to come out of. It's not easy people, be responsible, especially guys, just because we don't have to deal with the consequences doesn't mean that we don't share responsibility.
  • For anyone who thinks that abortion access should be restricted except for certain situations like medical reasons/assault/etc, just consider how difficult it is to get medical care in general. Now apply that to abortion, which is extremely time sensitive. Doctors and Individuals should be making these decisions. NOT politicians. Abortion access is healthcare access.
  • 3:54 I hope that woman gets what she wants, she seems like she’ll be a great mother I just wish her the best
  • @Ari-nk1pb
    I got pregnant at 19 with a guy I had just started to see. We got two different kinds of contraception failed us. I was not financially, emotionally o or anything stable enough to have a child. Having an abortion was the worst thing I have ever done, really difficult and painful decision. But it was the right one for me. I wish everybody could have the ability to make that decision. Love to everyone that has gone through this, it's really hard
  • This is so weird this came out today as it’s been weighing heavily on my mind. I’m from Oklahoma and they just made it a felony to perform abortions. Which makes me so sad for women - that in this day and age still can’t choose what to do with their own bodies. What they don’t realize is the danger they are now putting women in - if you want/need an abortion you will get one and now not having a safe/medically educated place to go is going to make some take matters into their own hands. This video is so refreshing to see. I really hope it can help get rid of the stigma towards abortion. And hopefully hearing and talking about it more can make forward progress.
  • Completely disagree with the “grown enough to do it, grown enough to raise it and keep it” mentality. So many uneducated CHILDREN are doing these things not knowing what it can lead to and no they aren’t grown enough to be raising a kid when they themselves are kids. Not just that but people are assaulted and become pregnant more than people seem to think
  • This video is extremely powerful. I think it's important to hear from both sides, because they both created the embryo to abort. And I love that this is such a positive/neutral video. It gets demonized too much, and videos like this do the work to counteract that demonized connotation. 🥰 Adding this edit in, because I think my statement is being misconstrued. Hearing from both sides is important because men will listen to men. Hearing the men in this video saying, "it's ultimately up to her," is so powerful!! We don't hear that often enough, so I find it really important. Never take the choice away from the carrier. Their body, their choice. Point blank.
  • Guys, it might be an stupid question BUT can you make a Keep it 100: “Do you use protection (like condoms, birth control, IUD, etc)”? PLEASE!! And thank u so much for this vid!!
  • 18 year old me said I'd never have an abortion. 20 year old be got pregnant knowing what I was doing & became extremely ill from HG. When I say I felt like I was being tortured for months! Got pregnant again in hope of a girl & people convinced me every pregnancy was different. Nope, turns out THAT was a lie. So, yeah I am 24 married, own a home have a career, but felt like I was being tortured once again through my pregnancy. I had to LEAVE my job, because I had nausea/vomiting so bad. I didn't sign up for this. I signed up to just have a baby not be sick that I can't even continue making an income. People really have the audacity to tell a women what she should/shouldn't do with her body. Throwing up 4+ times a day, couldn't even eat half a bagel so lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks. For anyone to say a fetus has a say over the mother has literally lost their mind. I learned that the fetus will get what it needs through the pregnancy, the mother will loose. I was not anemic before I got pregnant and now my RBC count has dropped a lot. Baby is taking so much from me. I will not EVER do this again. I do not recommend. Birth of a baby can be a wonderful thing, but pregnancy and labor I won't sugar coat it, it SUCKS! You may find some women who glorify it or had little to no issues. But, so many women have legit reasons. I have always been pro-choice. But, before I ever had a kid I swore up and down I'd never consider an abortion. When I got pregnant I learned REAL quick the reality. I get irritated when I see men go against abortions. I'm like imagine someone kicking you in the balls repeatedly multiple times a day and they said the only way to get rid of that pain within 9 months was to get rid of it. That would be a tough decision, but since you're in so much pain you will consider it or even do it) Like I'm not even joking having HG had me looking up abortion clinics daily. NO ONE should have a say on what a women does or chooses to do. This topic hits home for me. Because, my mom had HG as well and almost lost her life even when the drs. recommended her to end the pregnancy. If a mother died giving birth to a baby then its "Oh well." but, if a fetus is aborted then the women is "evil." Some people believe no abortions no matter what even if they're raped, some people believe abortions only if it's a medical reason. Truth is what ever happens no one is gonna be happy. But, let's keep it really simple. These people screaming pro-life no very well that they could care less. There is a women somewhere out there right now having an abortion and not one of us know who that person is. We aren't sitting here trying to find out either. When an actual child passes away y'all say "awww" and then continue on with your lives. This school shooting has happened and Iv'e seen footage of people waving signs outsides abortion clinics screaming "You're killing these babies." But, I don't see any of these people at these schools....
  • I literally cheered out loud when that guy said "If they're the one carrying the baby, it would be up to them".
  • Power to all these people who were willing to share their experiences or communicate that they were uncomfortable answering the question. Abortion provides people with uteruses an option during pregnancy. It is absolutely ridiculous that men in power feel the need to oppress the bodies of others. If you don't support abortion then hopefully you will never need one, but don't take that choice off the table for others.
  • I don’t think I’d ever personally go through with an abortion. I’ve always wanted to have a family of my own since I was like 13 but I support people who go through it. However I personally am conflicted because I have mental disorders that could greatly affect me being a parent such as PTSD, MDD, and I used to hallucinate when I got really depressed and I’d never want to scare my child or have them witness that. I don’t think I could put it on my partner either, really. I’m also only 19 so I have plenty of time. However one of my friends went through one. She was raped, only 15 and was kicked out on to the streets and honestly it’s so sad tbh. She didn’t ask to be raped, she didn’t ask to be drugged. I fully supported her decision. Pro life people don’t truly understand how hard it can be for a woman to make that final decision. My friend is an amazing woman and deserves the world if I’m being honest.
  • @slixameth
    I know this is a HARD topic but the first girl quite literally answered the question without even saying yes or no...