How I Decided Between the 2024 BMW R12 Nine T vs. 2023 R Nine T

Published 2024-05-16
Over the weekend, we drove more than 100 miles one-way to compare the 2024 R12 NineT and 2023, which had a $8,000.00 price difference. Despite the substantial savings of $8,000.00 with the 2023 RNinet, I prefer the more expensive 2024 model. Riding comfortably is the number one priority for this Senior citizen rider.

All Comments (7)
  • @Porsche996driver
    Congrats — yes the new R12 is a great design. It’s pretty unique style plus the wonderful Boxer motor. Enjoy!
  • @paguilar5520
    Fits you well Daniel!!! look good on it!!!
  • @Stickybutton
    Bloody hell, we can just buy 2 of them with what Singapore dealers are charging here.
  • @hgm8337
    my God,.. sorry Uncle, but your analysis is like pulling teeth.