C.S. Lewis Reveals: The Hidden Danger of Narcissists Among Us

Welcome to C.S. Lewis Insights, your premier source for exploring the profound wisdom and timeless teachings of C.S. Lewis. In this video, we delve into C.S. Lewis Reveals: The Hidden Danger of Narcissists Among Us, uncovering the rich layers of meaning and insight that Lewis has to offer. Whether you're a long-time admirer of his work or new to his writings, our content is designed to provide deep, thoughtful analysis and inspire your faith journey. Join us as we explore the literary and theological legacy of one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century.

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コメント (21)
  • I was a narcissist. God delivered me from this spirit and the shame which has allowed me to be free to admit it. The love of God is amazing. Everyone has been possessed or oppressed by evil of the heart. This was mine.
  • @LR-yu3mx
    Growing up being the only girl in the family with a narcissist Mother,and weak father, 4 siblings . B y the age of 12, I did not desire to live anymore. I read among numerous bible readings ,Jesaja 43,God said to me:I called you by name, you are Mine... and I started clinging to God, the rest of my life. I have been so blessed and carried through all my life. I cannot walk 1 step without Jesus, my Saviour till old age!
  • I was married to a narcissist for 32 years. Praise God I am no longer a slave! I am free! I live a simple and very happy life that I never knew could be mine! How grateful I am to God Our Father who loves me. I love God so much!
  • Once the mask slips, and you see beneath it, it is so disturbing. You realize that your gut was right. You should’ve trusted it rather than them. You realize that you were very vulnerable with a stranger. It is such a feeling of violation. It leaves you doubting yourself and everything else. It is devastating. They just move on and manipulate a new person and don’t even glance back at the wreckage they caused. It’s robotic as if they lack the ability to connect emotion and consequences or accountability to their actions. Very disturbing, heartbreaking when it involves your children and grandchildren.
  • I went through a narcissistic relationship, it was the most deeply humiliating experience of my life, and no one will understand unless they have been through it.. it broke me in every way mentally spiritually and even physically.. there was life before the relationship and after it. It dose get better and different, but you will never be the same.. no one can ever get you like that again. God bless 🙏🏻
  • I was the one kneeling and begging and crying. It’s like seeking sympathy from a lizzard. It just fed his ego even more
  • @rickyrack7
    My mom is 99 and still going strong as a hateful narcissist person .. she recently disowned me and cut off my inheritance because I found out she has been lying to me all along and using me. I even tried to bring her closer to Jesus reading the word with her and praying .. but she always fell back her evil self .. she only got worst. She drained my spirit .. but I’m free from her and have a much better connection with God! Thank you Jesus!!
  • When you are sick, that they caused through stress, they leave you without any help ! No compassion !!!!!!!!!!😮
  • @gandglv
    A narcissist stole my company, accomplishments, life savings and even my identity. It's been twenty years and I am still trying to heal from the trauma.
  • This most aptly describes my 62 yrs. Having trusted Jesus, at 18, I'm ever thankful He patiently showed me His great love & compassion, & that He is not like my narc mom or spouse. He cares, sees me, listens, provides, blesses, & carries me through. He woke me up, taught me boundaries, I am learning to live a life unencumbered by narcissists. The hardest part is grief over what feels like so much wasted time. Thank you, for this, it's validating.
  • It’s always about what the Narcissist lost or is losing, rather than about the pain they were causing.
  • ThankYou. Sooooo correct. I lived with one with 60years till he died. God helped me keep my family together. I’m now a widow 80 years old And not yet over it. It’ll come some day. People like you help me understand. I try to hand it back to God he will help me he always has.
  • I read these books years ago, long before I married a man who is a narcissist. A pastor. ☹️. Nearly 17 years. And yes, as long as I was completely focused on him and HIS needs, we were “good.” I was exhausted. Boundary setting SEEMED to be at least 50% effective in the moment—but I have learned that actually, his contempt for me was building at that time of my sticking to a boundary. This video affirms and reminds me that God GETS it. And 3 years out, I am still healing and releasing it. Thank you for sharing this video!
  • This was Divine Providence that this video popped up in my feed today. My husband of 32 years just abandoned me. I have nothing. His only income is $1600. He left me for my sister who is a millionaire and has two boob jobs. They deserve each other. They are both Narcissists who profess to being Christians. This gave me so much insight into the literal hell the two of them have brought upon me the past 10 months. I couldn't prove it in court, so they successfully turned my whole family against me.
  • I was married to one. I never understood why God allowed us to marry and then divorce. But during the end of the marriage, I began seeing questionable signs. I later learned he matched all these personality traits of a narcissist along with one other Cluster B disorder. My heart is still broken, but I dont hate him. I never went along with the drama of arguments, and he hated it by saying my unengaged behavior was a sign of not caring or not loving him. I felt that maintaining my peace was the best thing to do at the time. I am learning to lean on God for healing, wisdom, and understanding. This message, along with a message called "Why God removes people from your life," really spoke to. I still pray for his healing and deliverance because nothing is impossible for God. He really needs God in his life.
  • This describes some of the christians that I have met in groups. They defend the abuser and reject the victim. Same in my family. Only talking about forgiveness to the victim, but not repentance to the abuser.
  • Interesting video. My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.
  • @kalena26
    Best description I've heard in a long time. 18 years with a narcissist. When you're in it you can't see it. But once you escape? Wow! Thank God I am free and safe. Thank you for your video. Too many of these devils out there. I wish they came with a warning label. However, looking back on it all. I think deep down I knew something was off. Didn't listen to my intuition.
  • I'm glad you made this video, it reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, $89k biweekly and a good daughter full of love..