How to Wake up Before 6am Every Day

Published 2018-10-29

All Comments (21)
  • @davidmorgan6282
    i have mastered the art of walking across the room to turn off my alarm, turning on my light, and then hopping back in bed and falling right back to sleep for a couple of hours
  • @juttam4598
    Anyone watching this when you should be sleeping?
  • @steins3699
    Can’t get out of bed The blankets have accepted me as one of their own If I leave now I might lose their trust
  • @adeline4043
    waking up early is not the problem. going to bed early AND trying to fall asleep are the real struggles
  • @minkg3838
    Any tips on how to sleep 8 hours in 4?
  • @melos3391
    I don't press the snooze button I just flat out turn off the alarm. Anyone else?
  • @SusanHuang
    my alarm is on the opposite side of my room but i seem to have mastered the skill of getting up, switching it off and going back to sleep as if I never woke up.
  • @Nxrth2001
    I don't even hear the alarm. My parents hear the alarm in their room, come In and switch it off.
  • Whoever is reading this right now… we will probably never meet but I wish you all the best in your life! Some things could be very problematic due to the current situation, but keep fighting for your goals and dreams! You can do anything you want! Have a nice day!❤️
  • It's been almost 1 solid week of waking up at 6:06am for me, after years of waking up after 10. For anyone struggling to wake up early: Don't listen to anyone in your life who is putting you down for sleeping in. Guilt will not make you an early bird. Make the change for yourself, and take it easy. Few people will understand the emotional/physical stress you're going through by just trying to get out of bed, but you are not alone. If you want to wake up earlier, you can do it. You'll be surprised by how quickly you can develop a new habit when you focus on your own well being rather than the opinions of those around you. Good luck
  • @qsol0
    Girl comes over and asks "Why is there so many cameras pointing at the bed?"
  • @jamesd025
    I just say “3, 2, 1,” and fling forward.
  • @fdy7845
    The hardest part about waking up early is finding the will to live
  • @tal9106
    I have some tips to keep yourself fresh after you wake up early. When we wake up early, sometimes we'd feel energized at first but then feeling so sleepy just in 2 or 3 hours later. So what I did to make my body fully 'wake up' is to make my heart beats faster by just a little work out. Doesn't need to make you sweaty, the purpose is just to make your heart beating faster. I just did jumping jacks, plank, and some leg work. And it worked for me! It make me not sleepy Alhamdulillah. I hope this tip can help you🤗
  • Video: You need to get at least 7 hours of sleep School: 3, take it or leave it
  • @DR-tv9lg
    This looks easy when the sun is shining in. It’s pitch black at 6am where I am.
  • @MegaHelloKitty4
    I love that part about maintaining 1 goal/habit you want to set per month; it was immediately what i thought about with your context leading up to it, and it feels great to hear it once again. Sometimes i set like 5 goals a day, without really pursueing them the next day, and i've been like this for months, maybe a couple of years *yikes*. I guess i just want to make myself happy and feel occupied. But lately, because i do want change, i keep finding/looking for this sort of videos without much exercise. It comes naturally. Its funny uncovering how the mind can be a magnet and your habits, even your thoughts, create circles or patterns Thank you man for your inspiration
  • @flaviusjacob
    - Have a plan: you need a purpose to wake up in the morning. Clarify your “Why”. Make a to-do list. - put your phone on the other side of the room before bed, don’t use your phone before bed. - turn on the lights and drink water right away. - wake up at the same time every day go to bed only when you are tired. - find someone to keep you accountable, or to make the early morning change with you. - close blinds, use blackout mask, earplugs, rain sounds, etc. - don’t try to introduce a bunch of new habits at once. Focus on the sleeping habit alone for a month. After 1 year you’ll have 12 strong habits.