
コメント (21)
  • Help the birds and one day you’ll see them helping you! :)
  • When I was a child I found a freezing sparrow, My mom took care of it and we let it go in the spring. I am 76 now and it remains one of my fondest memories.
  • That’s a goldcrest, they are the smallest bird in Europe and are usually very skittish. They are usually found in coniferous or mixed forests. So glad you helped the poor little guy
  • Kitties make chirps when they hunt. It's also a way for them to inhale their prey scent through their mouth to get more accurate smells. :D
  • @meYogii_
    Birds sometimes get drunk from eating rowan berries in the autumn. That's one of the main reasons birds around here crashes into windows, they might look like they're dying when it's not moving after the crash, but it's usually nothing to worry about. It's just chocked. When u put the bird into the aquarium the bird was jumping around in there... I'm happy it survived, probably thanks to the things from nature that u put in there. Small birds need to eat almost all the time to survive. I've read that after trying to help a small bird over here that crashed. I just watched the bird for a while and then it flew away.
  • 4:00 this is called chittering and its a common response when cats want to hunt/attack something but cant. Usually its because theyre behind a window or something. But with cookie I think she knows not to, and shes fighting her own primal urges lol. What a good trained kitty. :)
  • Thanks for your kindness! I'm a bird rehabilitation center volunteer, and if you don't mind, I'll give you a couple of tips for the future. 1. These birds feed on small insects, which are found on the branches and leaves of mostly coniferous trees. Due to their incredibly small weight and fast metabolism, they are forced to constantly eat, otherwise they can die in a few hours. It is very lucky that you brought plants from nature to the bird, so he probably found food in them. 2. Also, the doctors of our center recommend not to force water the birds that hit the glass. With a concussion, this can cause additional cerebral edema and worsen the condition of the bird. It is enough to put a container of water next to the bird, or wet the food. UPD but I personally think in this case you have done it right: just offered water, so the bird drunk as many as wanted. Birds drink less water than mammals, and it might not be needed at all, but since little guy became more lively after water supply, - it was done for good. 3. If you notice that birds continue to crash into your windows (this happens especially often during spring and autumn migrations), you can hang bright ribbons moving in the wind on the windows - this will scare away the birds. Good luck!
  • Just so people are made aware, this is a Goldcrest. It's actually more alarming to find a Goldcrest that allows you so close, compared to many other garden birds.
  • I see how beautiful and loving you are to one of our animal family members. I wish the world was full of people like you kind sir. Thank you for helping this beautiful bird.
  • The little sounds Cookie are making are called 'chattering'. It means the cat is frustrated or trying to mimic the sounds of the prey.
  • Honestly it warms my heart how there is still good in this world
  • @TweetyFam
    Huge respect for kitty for not doing anything to the bird!
  • Thanks for saving this bird 💕 definitely need more of you in the world
  • I love birds so much. A while back I helped nurse a sparrow back to health and it still comes back to visit from time to time. Little guys got a spot on its beak so I know it’s the same one. I leave my window open most of the time when I’m in my room and it’ll just come and chill on the windowsill
  • Really, really glad to see the little guy fully recovered from his ordeal of flying into the window, so many birds loose their lives by not being able to see it, putting stickers or tape on the glass certainly helps
  • Acest videoclip transmite privitorului dragoste, duiosie si caldura umana. Daca toata lumea ar fi asa de grijulie fata de animalute ce bine ar fi! Unii bat animalele, le taie labele,le pun în lanturi, am vazut multe orori! Eu pe cand stateam în alt bloc la etajul 10 ,am fost vizitata de un porumbel calator! Saracul s-a oprit pe terasa, era atat de obosit ca l-am prins cu mana, a stat putin s-a odihnit, l-am mangaiat, i-am dat sa bea apa, avea un inel la piciorus, probabil trebuia sa ajunga undeva! Dupa ce a baut apa si s-a odihnit a plecat!
  • Nice man. Wished there were more like you in our world. Thank you for taking care of one of God's creatures.
  • @rarra
    She just knew who to ask help from. Gorgeous bird. Thank you for being so gentle ❤
  • @Avus86
    Last year I ran over a rabbit with my car. It was almost dead. I took it home, put it in a box after giving it some water and let it rest. The next day it was fortunately fully healed and I could let it go back into the wild after some nice cuddling. I will miss Miss Bunny 😍
  • You are truly a kind hearted person. We need more people like you. It appears there may still be hope left in this world.