Guided Mindfulness Meditation on Acceptance and Letting Go

Publicado 2018-05-29
Our mind is constantly recalling problems of the past or worry about the future. We regret our past mistakes and hold onto bad feelings toward those who have wronged us. This meditation will help you to find a centered connection to the present moment, and allow you to better deal with situations in a calm and mindful way.

Use this meditation to help calm anxiety, stress, anger, fear, and reduce regret. Learn self-acceptance through a clear understanding of what it means to be fully present.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @realpristine
    When I looked back on what I used to have a hard time letting go of, it made me realize how long I replayed a situation in my mind. I pray that this meditation helps us all detach faster from the negative stories we are telling ourselves 💫
  • @kotic007
    Anything that costs you your peace is too expensive. This too shall pass. Let go and grow.
  • @jakeg.2975
    If you are reading this. Who cares what others think. You know what you are cable of. Don’t do it to prove them prove. Do it to prove it to yourself. Don’t impress others. Impress yourself!!! You got this you beautiful soul.
  • Overcoming unclear relationships and severe breakdowns. I kept trying to hold on and be still. Thank you for keeping me going.
  • To You reading this, Accept yourself. You deserve to feel love and acceptance in your life 💖🙏🏼💖
  • @factscine8617
    5) awareness of my thoughts 4) awareness of the present moments 3)letting go of regret 2)forgiving others 1)acceptance
  • Mindfulness is the key to our inner peace and internal happiness. If you're reading this I believe you're in the right place and you can achieve this. Sending you Peace and Love 💖🙏🏼💖
  • @RobJNathanSings
    Thank you for helping my 8 year old boy to sleep and with his anxiety and other thoughts. In a world full of confusion and uncertainty this helps keep him centred and focused. Cheers my friend.
  • @DoYouFeel_This
    Cried so hard at this. really what i needed. i accept that im not that great at everything. im not that great at things. im going to mess up. i have faults and flaws. im not perfect....and i accept that. i accept that im gonna mess up and not perfect all the things im doing. <3 thanks for the release. i feel present and accepting where I'm at. recovering people pleaser here
  • @rebeccascott5479
    I'm stuck in a shitty lovless relationship with a truly abusive person we are not even intimate and haven't been for a long time. Meditation has become my escape when I am allowed internet access. That's not very often so not as advanced as should be. Things have got so bad recently and ive deciswd i want to leave. I know that has 1 come from within me but I'm hoping this meditation will give me the added strength to leave tomorrow. I'm ready 2 break free and start my own life and be happy. I will never be happy where I am. Wish I could wake up n this all be over
  • Thank you so much for your meditation. Accepting and letting go of unnecessary thoughts are good. It’s hard to be in the “what is” vs “what isn’t”. We can all learn from our problems and work together to solve them. 🧡
  • @currently7886
    I wish he made a 5 dollar tier on patreon. Then he could upload more often. Every time I listen to his videos I cry. There is just so much stress that I am unaware of and I am able to release with these video. Easily worth 5 dollars per video
  • @CarolynCreed
    Feeling so light and peaceful after letting go of unnecessary thoughts about the past and the future. Thank you so much for offering this gift!
  • @kitcat510
    I was experiencing a lot of pain from the past and the regret with hindsight. This video helped to sooth the pain and let go of what I have no control over. Thank you.
  • @matthijswalhout
    Wow. Before watching and doing this meditation I felt extremely stressed and couldn't fall asleep. But now I feel really calm and present. Truly amazing how meditation affects you so positively.
  • @itsbooshie
    Thank you for this. I am trying to better myself, this is my first day. Your video helped a lot, looking forward to watching the other ones
  • I quit a high paying but stressful job 8 months ago. I have not found work since. I regret quitting. And keep thinking I'm being punished. This helped tremendously to know I just need to live in the present. I can't change the past. And I can't guess the future. I need to forgive myself and accept today. ❤❤
  • @welshybhoy0543
    Thank you, going through a tough time right now thinking about past mistakes and covid isn't helping either, will do this everyday to help me, first time watching and i feel better already 👊🏻
  • @aalaylao7889
    Thank you for this ☺️! I’ve been wanting to let go off a person lately .. I’ve been avoiding sitting in silence and thinking about it for a bit and accepting the fact I’ve moved on and should move on to better things .. I bawled my eyes out out thinking about it . I’m letting it go . Letting go of a lot .