SHORTCUT - how to get your old ham license back!

Published 2023-09-18
Here's how to get your expired ham license back. If you've left the hobby for any reason, and want to get back in, there's a way.

If you want to study for your technician license, try my book:


All Comments (12)
  • @mikewalker4134
    good topic. I let my license expire (10 years ago) and I had to retake the technician test. After i passed and received my new call sign I went on the FCC web site and discovered that my old call sign was still available. I applied for a vanity call sign and 2 weeks later I got my old call sign back. P S. I had to call the FCC on how to exactly navigate the FCC web site. The person I talked to was VERY helpful and gave their direct number if I had any other questions.
  • @ronwolenski-n8wcr
    This is exactly how I got my General license. .Back in high school in the 70's I got my Novice license, and you had to upgrade within two years. I opted to upgrade to the Technician Class instead of the General because of the code requirement. (I was in high school and other things were on my mind) Later I let my license lapsed. Later I learned that the No-Code Tech came out so I took the exam and passed. Years later in 2000 I decided to go to a General License class to study for my General. Talking to the instructor about having my old Tech license in the 70's he informed me of the new grandfather clause. I went on eBay, and found an old callbook from the 70's. Took that book to the VE session, show it to the VE and immediately got my General license without taking an exam. A year ago I finally upgraded to Extra, which was an accomplishment to me because getting grandfathered into General I felt like I didn't really earned it.
    Good topic! I've held my Tech license for almost 20 years and fell off the general track due to boosting my career, life and family am now just getting back into Ham the last two years to take my general since 1. my children are adults now and 2. I have the time and funds to get into more advanced modes than just the Yaesu VX7 and 9800 I started with. So now after talking on my vhf/uhf rigs while listening and learning the works of my Ziegu 6100, Yaesu Ft-818nd and Ft991A and playing with building and buying bigger antennas while watching your General Exam prep videos (awesome sauce you put out there) over and over and now doing the Ham Radio Prep lessons I think I'm ready to set a date for my general exam! Keep doing your good work in the community!
  • @WT2D-Michel
    Make a video about how easy is to switch back to your previous call sign. On my case I had N2MTM, then I got a vanity call WT2D but after few months I decided to go back to my trusted N2MTM.
  • @MatthewN8OHU
    Mine expired at the end of July and i haven't yet tried to get it back.
  • @drsysop
    FCC reissues your old license call after awhile & you can not get it back & they issue you a new one. You can take your test online if you not have a testing center or club near you. I am still using my old Guam license though when I got it the tests were a bit different than the US mainland one. When I moved back to the mainland I upgraded in Florida & they wanted me to get a US mainland call as Guam even though it's a US Territory they not have same type of call & it sounds like a foreign call. Only question is if you have a foreign license (UK/EU/Canada or any country) & get a US one is your old foreign one still valid as well? -73's
  • @RodMacPherson
    wow thry still expire them in the USA? ours have been lifetime since 2000.
  • @texture6
    My whole point was not to take the test again. Thanks anyway
  • @Screamingtut
    Ria, I have a question for you, I'm an extra but physically disabled, what must I do to become a VE? Thanks, de Krisy N6KV