Twitter Artists Are BOYCOTTING Adobe! (and its not looking good)

Published 2023-08-27

All Comments (21)
  • @YourWaywardDestiny
    My irrational hate for all things Adobe is slowly becoming more rational year by year, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.
  • @sadsatan..
    Adobe is the definition of greed. The way their conduct their business you’d think they hate their own costumers.
  • @lionlessart
    The courts already decided that AI art can't be copyrighted anyway, so this is all moot, because Adobe can't legally sell you rights to an image that no one can claim copyright on. Their "licensing" of these images is a scam anyway. If you really wanted to, you could just use the images and Adobe couldn't take any action legally, because they don't own the rights to the images! 🙃Whoever decided to do this obviously didn't consult the legal team.
  • @soursugarrr
    I’ve gotten so good at differentiating art from AI crap because of Pinterest. Every time I see a piece of art I have to look so closely, because it’s ALL Pinterest wants me to see. It’s so aggravating
  • @AmyTheSharmi
    Remember, pirating any adobe product is morally correct
  • @Thejollyjujube
    The more time passes, the more I agree with the statement “It's always morally right to pirate Adobe products”
  • @TahtahmesDiary
    The way everyone eagerly chucked the actual artists under the bus when they thought for even a second they could replace with bots is beyond telling 😒
  • @Schizus
    "These people hate artists or don't understand how it affects artists" I believe it's both, these people are malicious and hostile to artists who have put a lot of years working on themselves and their skill to get recognition and great portfolio in the end, meanwhile the "AI bros" are whining that writing prompts is "too much work" and "it doesn't look as imagined", more of - society doesn't buy this excuse of an art, or course they will be angry and have no idea what being an artist with years of expirience is like.
  • @strobo308
    With Genshin characters is really easy to notice when a drawing is made with AI, thanks to their complicated designs. For example, all golden accesories always look fucked up lmao
  • @ladyenn5625
    Ai artist know nothing about art. I remember I tried explaining color theory to an AI artist and they called me a racist, colorist, and segregationist. I’m a brown skinned Hispanic Latina artist 🙃
  • @sebemmelembro2172
    7:45 I saw this same argument with the case of voice actors with AI, there was the thing withDaphne's voice actress and several people said that they really wanted AI to replace voice actors so that they would never make money again because "they think they are too much"
  • @mundanepants
    What's worse is the AI bs isn't only affecting illustrative artists. Companies are buying licenses to use generative AI and putting script writers, copywriters, translators, newsreporters, voiceactors, and authors out of work, because their actual time and skill costs money. We're very quickly approaching a situation where only menial labour jobs are on offer for actual humans, because the robots to do those are too slow and cost too much compared to a human paid under minimum wage
  • It’s like they’re begging to be sued at this point. A lot of big companies use Adobe for NDA projects, and using that material without permission before it’s released to the public is illegal.
  • @ComposedSage75
    The only standard they’re tryin to set is that it’s okay to steal other artists’ work and say it’s just AI. They’re acting as if plagiarism isn’t real.
  • @FallenChocoCookie
    It’s incredible to see how much people disrespect artists and their work when everything around us needs a creative process to even be made in the first place. Unbelievable
  • @PerryPictures
    AI art is spamming everywhere and has (imo) had a huge impact on the decentralization of the art community online. Deviantart, ArtStation, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, etc. are so clogged up with AI art that the actual art community has one foot out the door on all of these platforms. I've been watching up and coming commentary (on youtube) discussing this homelessness effect for the art community and the attempts to forecast where we'll rehome ourselves just so I can get an idea of where we're headed.
  • @StarSlayyer
    Oh not this ish again, man why cant artist platforms and actual ART SOFTWARE stop RIPPING US OFF???
  • @PikRabbit
    it'd be cool if all artists had a closed group where AI can't even copy and then see what those people who wished ill on artists say after that It seriously sucks because if AI was replaced with a person, we would all sue them for copyright infringement