How To Be A Leader - The 7 Great Leadership Traits

Published 2016-12-16
Here Are The 7 Leadership Traits All Great Leaders Possess.

Hey everyone! After reading 100+ books on business and personal development, I wrote a book based on the most important concepts. Go here to learn more:

All Comments (21)
  • 1. They radiate positive energy 2. They have a proactive attitude 3. They delegate tasks completely 4. They are approachable 5. They do what they expect of others 6. They are accountable 7. They are decisive
  • @mrsuperpatg
    3 TOP TRAITS OF A LEADER 1. TRUST(cant even start without trust) 2. GRIT(some people just get it done) 3. INTELLIGENCE(Knowledge is power)
  • @stevieevans6335
    I am about to become a lead at my job. I'm extremely excited and this video helped me to realize I DO have it in me to do this!!! Thank you so much.
  • As a Boy Scout, I’m the leader of my troop of 30, I’m not the best leader but one thing I’ve learned is to eat last. This means to put the group first and make sure everyone has what they need before you get what you need or want. Another tip is to know when to have fun and when to work, by this I mean to play games or fool around when no work has to be done and to work when needed
  • @Outlander69
    A good leader is someone who is both brave enough to say no and is open to hear the ideas of his team
  • Here's food for thought: "Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders." (Tom Peters)
  • I've been established as a leader somewhere, and I'm fully confident in my ability to do the job. It's a challenge, but challenges help us grow, I will keep moving forward and be a great leader!
  • @bakdjkafgs
    What I got from the video: 1)radiate positive energy 2)Focus entirely on solution/ solving the problem. Not complain 3)delegating tasks (take on most important task and giving out tasks to others) 4)approachable. takes feed back from all levels of organization. 5)great leaders set an example. (work 100+ hours a week, efficient and effective, smart, hard working, powerful network) 6)Accountable - Hold others to there integrity. 7)Decisive - make good decisions quickly in tough situations and follow through.
  • I'm 16 and I swear, im gonna be the best leader ever in the existence. you guys mark my word, and I won't back off.
  • @redber16
    Leadership is all about navigating the ship when the waves come crashing in and making people believe in your vision and direction, but it's all about holding onto that wheel. Now how you choose to steer is up to you. You can't expect people to be motivated for you...that's their responsibility not yours. Good leaders recognize the motivation comes from them, and the people will follow. Because if "they" aren't motivated, 99% of the time it's because they don't believe in you or what you're doing. But belief in yourself will nearly always carry you through.
  • @Jatin-nr1bj
    1). Radiate positive Energy. 2). Proactive Attitude(Focus on solving problem). 3). Delegate tasks completely 4). They are approachable 5). They do what is expected of others. 6). They are accountable 7). They are decisive
  • @finoayala3830
    I’ve been a leader at my job for 3 years now . I looked up this video to see what I needed to be a great leader . My supervisors tell me all the time that many workers want to work with me . They say probably because my crew doesn’t work hard . Nooo it’s because I work harder than anyone else and I set an example. Thanks to this video I come up with the conclusion that I was born a leader 👍🏼
  • @GroUp512
    Completely agree with accountability and taking ownership to focus on solutions. Excellent video!
  • @nreyntje
    Your last point helped me the most. A mistake I have made the most, thinking that a decision needs to be right. A focused wrong decision has more value, Thank you!.
  • @YoTeeFan
    These were great, I love this and wrote them down for notes, I needed something like this for me to launch some things with my business to start developing a team to help me out!
  • @DariusTan
    Leadership is a skill we should master. Thanks for sharing. 👊
  • @lobnakhan8913
    Proactive,delegate,approachable,trust,walk the talk,integrity accountable,decisive
  • @cscglobalalumni
    Great video! Being proactive, open and approachable are key foundations to effective leadership.
  • I want to get to the point where as great leader where I’ll just walk around with my hands behind my back, smiling and pointing at things. 😂