Great leadership comes down to only two rules | Peter Anderton | TEDxDerby

Published 2016-07-25
Peter takes us on a whistle stop tour of leadership in the last 16 centuries and tells us why everything you ever need to know about leadership comes down to only two rules.

A Chartered Engineer who crossed over to the ‘dark side’ of HR at the start of the millennium, his role as the Organisational Development Manager for 3M UK focused on strategy, change, leadership development and coaching – ultimately becoming a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

All Comments (21)
  • #1. It's NOT about you - "A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves" => good leader shows the way in the dark, great leader shows the way in the dark and commends the team on it - 5 levels of leadership (why people follow you): +they have to +they like you +you deliver +you help them grow +of who you are and what you represent - "The best leaders don't create more followers, they create more leaders" => firstly teach the team rule #2 #2. It's ONLY about you - "I couldn't change others until I change myself" => try looking within for the answer to change. e.g. meditating - "If we want to bring about change in those around us it starts with our behaviors, with who we are; because the environment that we create around us is simply a reflection of our thinking and of our behaviour" => focus on the environment we are creating. e.g. does my environment attract success?
  • Beside the 2 rules, what I really loved was "We live in a really complex world that is crying out for simplicity" Thank you Mr. Anderton
  • Too many people call themselves leaders, when they purely dictate and order but what today's leaders promote is exactly the realization that "Its not about you, and it's only about you" Very powerful - Than you Peter Anderton.
  • @PeterAnderton
    Please can you do me a favour? Various MBA and Graduate programmes around the world are using this talk as part of their module on leadership, which is a great way to spread good ideas! I'd love to know where it's being used, so if you're on an MBA or a graduate programme and that's why you're watching this talk, please (a) add the name of your course and university in reply to this comment and (b) like this comment to keep it at the top so we can keep it up to date. If your course is already on there just like this comment rather than adding a comment. Thank you, and have a great week!
  • @thomasarthurmaj
    Selflessness and Responsibility seems to sum it up. Fascinating insights, thank you!
  • Hands down the best TED talk in a long while (and it is still circulating after 5 years)
  • @anilagrawal2057
    Wow, Peter Anderton, you have distilled the complex subject of leadership into such simple, yet apt, rules: "Rule#1: It's not about you; Rule#2: It's ONLY about you." And, of course, "listening" is the final key to being able to practice the two rules. If a leader (designated as one, or a self-styled leader) just takes the two rules to heart and drives his/her vehicle with the third key, he/she would leap high in their role of a leader. Thank you for such a simple message. Yes, I get it, "it's not easy" because our EGO is always lurking over our heads.
  • @kennedytay1298
    2 rules for great leadership: Rule 1 is it's not about you! Make complex into simplicity. Rule 2 is it's all about you! You can not change anything until you change yourself.
  • I wholeheartedly agree with the rules (#1: It's not about you; #2: Its only about you)! It sounds relatively simple, but the challenge is defeating human ego. Our society has indulged itself in producing egotistical beings who find it impossible to conceive Rule #1. Unfortunately, our society rewards egocentric people with leadership positions because they produce results regardless of the carnage left behind.  Yet, there is still hope! Thanks Peter and death to the key goblin!
  • What a wonderful and succinct insight into the true meaning of leadership. Too many people take on this title of being a "leader"without the necessary emotional and intelligent response to succeed. Thank you for putting this content out for us all to learn how to become better leaders.
  • Leadership is about service, but I must have a human revolution within myself first ! Thank you so much for this talk.
  • Spot On !! so very well thought & presented.... Loved the extract of Leadership - the 3 simple but powerful rules " Leadership is not about you but about others" "Leadership only when you walk the talk" " Pay heed/Listen to what has already been said & successfully demonstrated by some of the Great leaders...and adapt it for effective results rather than trying to reinvent the wheel" Thanks for sharing this wonderful insight are Amazing !!
  • @soniagaviraYT
    Loved the history lesson - definitely simple and not easy. Interesting that we speak about rule number 2 in the context of things going wrong or needing to improve. We also need to recognise when they go well and we need to keep doing whatever it is that we are doing. And when people thank us and tell us things are going well, we need to take a breath and thank them.
  • @thua4673
    The best 18 minutes about leadership available.
  • @brettlarson711
    Very wise and I love that you close with the need to just listen. Listen to others, listen for the soft wisdom that lies below the surface, and I might add, listen without judgment either of others or of yourself. Great TED Talk Peter. Thank you.
  • @sgchester
    I can listen to this all day! Very well written, delivered and conceptualized! Indeed, our world is crying for simplicity!
  • @kadonsie
    Thank you Peter. What an amazing gift you have and thank you for deciding to share it with the world. I stumbled upon your seminar whilest researching for my research paper (post grad project management EQ & leadership) and what I was hoping to say in it, you have so neatly packaged and substantiated and validated: If one just sits back and take into consideration the whole picture and listen carefully, the patterns amongst the chaos will present themselves. The basic truths in life are right there under your nose and it always has been - such as gravity and relativity. None of them are new. It's just that history repeats itself in seemingly new traits and every generation is convinced of it's own uniqueness and obsessed with itself. The human need to want to learn more is beautiful, but so often we want to recreate the wheel and become misguided with shortsighted competition and personal fame; costing us to unlearning the simple truths we already learnt and were originally yearning for. I love how you have looked at the whole picture and illustrated, as I had hoped to subtly demonstrate in my paper, that these "new wisdoms" are simply something we have unlearned through popular beliefs and media fads over recent history. Too often it is just the most controversial elements that shout the loudest that become fashion or popular belief. Thank you again for your passion and perseverance.
  • @kenchoie3593
    Great ! Thank you, Peter. What you are saying is that people follow you (1) because you do something for them (i.e., it is not about you), (2) or because you represent their aspiration (i.e., it is only about you).