Rage Clicks: The Anti-Woke Don't Understand the New Doctor Who

The new doctor who is too woke, or that's what people tell me. In this video essay I break down some of the ideas underpinning right wing creator's criticisms of the 60th Anniversary special's first episode "The Star Beast". I've been watching Doctor Who since I was very young, so I was instantly able to spot how many of their ideas about the show were just wrong.The usual criticisms of Disney have come out from people who don't understand that Doctor Who has always been politically progressive. I want to mention that ‪@MrTARDIS‬ has done some great work pushing back on those narratives, and I would recommend their videos.

#doctorwho #woke #videoessay #lgbt #transgender

I want to produce more video essay content like this in the future, so please do comment, like, and subscribe.

Attribution: The background music is taken from Cyberlink's Smartsound Library www.smartsound.com/company/cyberlink

0:00 Intro
0:50 The Gender Metacrisis
11:46 Pronouns!
17:25 Sonic Screwdriver & teleports
19:08 The wheelchair problem
22:00 Transphobic obsessions
26:25 Final Thoughts & Rage Clicks

コメント (21)
  • @SteveODonnell
    You have to laugh at all the right wing babies, crying woke and ratings have plunged off a cliff. Third most watched tv programme on British TV each week they aired. The Christmas special was the third most watch programme of the whole day only beaten by strictly come dancing and the masked singer. More watched Who than eastenders and call the midwife. All shows among the beebs most popular shows. They are just hilarious. More so as they keep watching even though they boast the show is dead and they are never watching again.😅
  • @juliet1203_
    As a trans-woman, I feel like they could've handled the Male-Presenting Time Lord line better. But thats just me
  • What’s funny is that most of the guys criticizing Dr Who have been criticizing it for years saying they’ll never watch it again. People who have no talent only criticize what other do.
  • @TJRockPL
    Idk if I got to this part of the video yet but what about the whole thing with davros being able bodied. At around 12:30 You talk about your pronouns don’t make you good or evil, etc but RTD literally removed davros’ disability because he doesn’t want disabled people being viewed as evil, which would also include the daleks technically but of course he doesn’t think like that
  • Even my mom who is conservative told me at the end of the episode that Rose being Trans actually works for the plot of the episode and she didn't feel it was pushy or preachy but just a normal person who happens to be Trans. She has no issue with different politics if it is well written Anyway New Who was never conservative so I don't understand why people are surprised. The problem with 13 was not that she was a woman or woke but that the writing was terrible
  • @0ctavius
    The ending of the episode is unnatural with the major plot element being thrown out in favor of showing off a message which can be good sometimes but not in this case This was an important plot line to a lot of the people who came to watch the specials It was unfair for them to waste that potential considering RTD is the one who set up for that in the first place
  • @Grave_Rob
    The main problem doesn't have anything to do with the show itself. It has to do with the way society is today. It used to be ok to have problems with a show and not get blasted for it. It used to be ok to like a show and not get blasted for it. But the way things are today it's very much of a "You're either on this side, or that side" mentality. This applies to almost everything, including Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, the list goes on and on. If you say you liked an episode of the show, then you get called out for being a left wing libtard, no matter how legitimate your reasons are for liking the show. Also, if you say you don't like an episode of a show, you get called a right wing racist no matter how legitimate your reasons are for not liking the show. These shows used to be a place where everyone could put all the real world BS to the side and just enjoy being entertained. But now it's become a battle ground for people to wage war on each other. To put it simply, it's just not fun to be a fan of anything anymore.
  • Im kinda neutral to it, i wasn't 100% impressed by the new doctor who 60th but it was OK. it was honestly just a little cringey?
  • idgaf about the politics. The Timeless Child ruined it for me by changing who the Doctor is.
  • I do think the writing at the end of the first special is a bit clunky, but i mainly put that down to RTD being a writer that tends to not do a whole lot of versions of a script. RTD's heart is 100% in the right place, and that's the main thing for me.
  • Retconning the metacrisis from literally the mind of a Timelord to just power irked me, couple of lines that were a little blunt but a decent episode overall. Was really glad Donna got a proper happy ending (for now) her memory getting wiped never sat well with me as it took away all that character growth and didnt need to be written like that. Definitely not what the haters keep pushing, they are just so desperate to get that hate click money.
  • I don't mind politics since I used to be left (i still have similar values, i just can say i am it anymore cause of these past few years) but all these politics of late has been way to aggressive, just lessen it plz, I mean it's a government program talking politics, to me this remind me of those government issued comic back in ww1 that was full of propaganda, imo I just want to have fun watching who again, even if its still left program, just be more nuanced with it I also want the timeless children to be reconned, imagine if the doctor being half human quote was treated like how the timeless children was treated nowadays, it would be completely canon by now, nobody would like that, so why keep digging the hole
  • What BBC needs is more people to learn they dont have to pay the license fee. People shouldn't have to pay for propaganda that encourages deviancy, and promotes division.
  • There are occasions when those opposed to the "woke" ideology mistakenly perceive me as someone who adheres to it, even though that is not the case. I do not align myself exclusively with either the conservative or liberal factions rather, I embody traits from both sides. Yet, perplexingly, on certain occasions when my words or actions have no connection to political matters, they still label me as "woke." It is truly astonishing.
  • Why is it they "deluded themselves into not liking the special"? Like, I'm glad you enjoyed the special, all cheers to you, but...not enjoying something is a thing you can do? Sometimes people just don't like something. And that's ok. You shouldn't force yourself to like the new Dr. Who special just because it's a new Dr. Who special. Plus, why did you need to bring Disparu into the mix? That dude is hilarious.
  • @Caileanish
    Great and nicely balanced and researched video. (You're wrong about the sonic sunglasses tho....)
  • @iestyn7077
    The issue is the Timeless Child. R.T.Davis has doubled down on it. This has damaged the continuity and means the Doctor is not a Timelord, Hartnell was not the first Doctor and the show is based upon a child that was repeatedly tortured to death.
  • @Brighim100
    I'm a pretty conservative individual, I was fine with the new doctor who episodes. I didn't even really notice that there was a trans actress, (or actor I don't know what they prefer.) Story could of been a little more fast pace but that more of a personal opinion. I don't feel like we are on par with Tennant's first run on the show, but it was never meant to be that. The characters were well developed, okay story, good acting, I can't really complain. I tend to be more harsh on shows when they sacrifice character development or good story telling for making the entire identity of the character there gender preference or sexuality. This show did not do that, it was refreshing in that way, and a fun few episodes to watch. A good example, that I hope more shows fallow in the future. Character can be more than a member of the LGBT+ acronym, and contribute to the story in a meaningful way. If done well you will have a good story, and not just be shoving virtue signals into peoples faces, and more than likely you will get more conservative viewership.
  • @Vidyut_Gore
    I doubt even RTD understands Dr Who at this point. Donna Noble who saw Rose's clothes in the Tardis in her first episode and found a plus that the Doctor would see Rose again even if entire universes were collapsing apparently thinks he was always gay. ROFL.
  • @JayJ1095
    10:39 This is an example of someone finding a good piece of evidence and drawing completely the wrong conclusion from it. Becuase, the Doctor not having any reason to give up his own time lord powers is exactly why he wouldn't think of it as an option for Donna and Rose.