My Secret Illness

Publicado 2017-06-22

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @WayneGoss
    Darling, have you heard or read anything from Dr. Terry Wahls? She herself has MS and its a wonderful book ... she has lots of information on youtube with TED. Wishing you so much health and happiness darling, i really really do xxxx
  • @researchick3
    Speaking as a neurologist, please make sure you have been tested for a disease called neuromyelitis optica. This is a rare disease that is often mistaken for MS and has a different treatment approach, so it's an important distinction. It frequently presents with optic neuritis. I'm the type of viewer who never comments, but I would feel completely remiss if I didn't mention this. Best of luck in your journey. You should be applauded for your positive attitude!
  • @gizem2424
    "He never gave me anything in my life...apart from MS" this really broke my heart, stay strong! 💕
  • @AaronBosterMD
    Nicola, thank you for using your social media platform to reach millions of people impacted by Multiple Sclerosis. Your bravery in sharing will help others feel less alone. From one MS Neurologist to one person living with the condition, thank you!
  • @sahara9310
    I got diagnosed at the age of 19... Today I'm a doctor! Not letting the disease define me. :) Thank you for sharing!!! <3 <3 <3
  • @JaniceSimpler
    I have MS too...going to be 59 this year and I wake every morning thankful I can get out of bed on my own. Everyday is a good day...keep paying attention to your triggers...maybe one day when your my age they will have found a cure!
  • @OhSoAdrianna
    I was diagnosed with MS last year so I know how you feel. You're an inspiration. ❤️
  • @HeyItsRho
    I am 22 and was diagnosed with relapsing remitting multiple schlerosis at 19. When I found out I really thought I was going to die from this. I thought I was going to be in a wheelchair and was never going to be able to walk or swim or do anything. I was so upset because I didnt know what it was. For a very common disease, a lot of people dont know what it is. Ive experienced MRI scans, lumber punctures, double vision, numbness and tingling from my chest down to the point where I could hardly walk. I was in and out of hospital for weeks and off work for months. I get clumsy with my hands and my brain get jumbly and I cant find the words for things but I manage. I take medication and I rest when my body tells me to and I try keep active and eat well. Sometimes I forget I have MS and then I do something and my body tells me that I need to slow down. I havent had a relapse in two years but I do experience a lot of fatique on a weekly basis. Despite all that you just have to live your life to the full
  • @mamaginagg2177
    You weren't crying because you felt sorry for yourself. You were crying because of the stress of telling the whole world. Thanks for sharing.. I'm  sure you have been encouraging to many people,
  • @Jisforjen
    You are very brave, and strong. I just want you to know that I believe in you. My Mom has MS. She got diagnosed in her early 20s, and I've seen her go through the trails that it has caused her. She never gave up though, and is still fighting. She is in her 60s now and doing well. I just want you to know that you can get through this. You are beautiful, inspiring, and a fighter. ❤️ this is actually the first video of yours that I've seen, but you are already an inspiration. :) I believe in you❤️
  • @ems8717
    That was really sad when she sad her biological dad only gave her ms :(. much love and hope send your way👩‍❤️‍👩
  • @ladygee1998
    My grandmother has MS and back in May we were celebrating her 80th birthday! You're so strong and inspirational to share your story with us!😘💗
  • @Nicola.Chapman
    Thank you so much to everyone for all your comment. I am reading them all. I'm not replying as there are so many and I'm. It sure I could do them all justice. Reading is good for the brain which is good as I have done a lot over the last few days with all the comments 😂Please continue to post and I will continue to read them all. It's amazing how many people have their own shit going on and I'm so pleased we are all sharing our stories. Xx
  • @BlessedNikki
    For people who don't know what MS is. Basically, there is a fatty tissue called Myelin which protects and insulates the nerve cells and allows them to conduct impulses quickly to parts of the body. MS is when this myelin breaks down, therefore, nerve cells can't conduct impulses effectively meaning the nervous system can't communicate properly and function well. Hope that helped.
  • @savannahlthorne
    My mom has MS and is living a very happy, healthy life. She has bad days, but instead of calling them bad, we call them Plan B days. I know how difficult it can be to feel like you're a burden in some ways on your family or to feel like your not the mother you want to be. As someone who is the child of a beautiful woman who has MS, I just want you to know that you're incredible. And your strength is astounding. And so inspiring. And it's okay to be physically tired sometimes, that doesn't make you weak. Your grace is astounding to us. ❤️
  • @libraryfine3109
    I get teary when I talk about my health condition even though I am completely fine with it. I think you've been so amazingly brave to talk to so many people about it. Sending you lots of love.
  • @Ellcia91
    Never commented before. Just wanted to let you know I got MS to. Diagnosed at age 18 - my world crashed. But decided to grab myself all together. Graduated from university, got a job even though everyday I'm exhaused. A year ago my boyfried (who I was with for 8 years) broke up with me because he coudn't take it. Anyway what I wanted to tell is is that I always wanted to become a makeup artist but gave up on it because my hands are sometimes clumsy... Now I'm 26, today quited job. But you inspired me to try again. Tears fall down from my eyes but these are good ones.
  • @BrittHubbs
    I have MS too. I know the stuggle! I'm here if you need anything. We are not our disease, it doesn't define you, it's just a part of you.
  • @__Wanderer
    Thank you for sharing - MS needs so much more awareness. I hope it can be stopped someday soon.