The Foreign Observers at Gettysburg: The Real Lt. Colonel Fremantle 🇬🇧🇺🇸

Publicado 2021-01-24
#history #Gettysburg #civilwar

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Different dreams...

This is the story of four of the foreign observers at Gettysburg and their experiences on Seminary Ridge during the battle as well as a discussion of the travels of Lt. Colonel Arthur James Lyon Fremantle, and the discrepancies with his portrayal in the movie Gettysburg.

Lt. Colonel Fremantle, Coldstream Guards
Captain Justus Scheibert, Royal Prussian Engineers
Captain Fitzgerald Ross, 6th Hussars, Austrian Empire
Francis Lawley, The Times

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @riflemang176
    Very informative thank you. And even to this day Officers of the Coldsteamers are habitually late!
  • Having a Prussian observer climb up a tree to get a better view of the battle is the most Prussian thing i have heard about in a while.
  • @AtomicPeacenik
    Time to binge all of your videos. You are a wonderful presenter, I learned so much from this. Thank you so much!
  • @johngreen3543
    Another famous observer was Count Zeppelin who was interested in the use of observation balloons. The Balloon Corps was started early on in the first years of the War and he was there to take notice of its potentiality as a weapon of war(I am sure that was what was going through his mind when he asked questions of some of the German engineers)
  • @thehistoadian
    Excellent video, learned quite a bit of new information from it.
  • note: Arthur J L Fremantle book,Three months in the Southern States” was a Lt Col on vacation. He was 27 and did not wear a red uniform. He was often mistaken as a rebel officer (many CSA officers wore Civilian Attire) since he was clean, well dressed in a Gray jacket with long riding boots. At Gettysburg, he climbed a tree to get a better look and used his Field glasses then Federal Artillery started raining down on his position. He asked why they fired on us? The Quartermaster he was sharing a tent said “you look like an officer and when they see a spotter (for artillery), you are fair game.” He converted his Gold Sovereigns For CSA notes … said Richmond was very cheap if you had silver/gold (50 cents a day in silver). But spending CSA notes were difficult. When he visited a Maryland Farm house after the battle, with a Rev officer, the farmers said they cleaned out. When he provided a gold coin, food showed up and said it was the best food he had in the last three months. When he crossed into Union Lines, he converted his gold into Greenbacks and surprised how easy they were accepted in the North.
  • @yelddoswell9292
    I was hoping after the movie Gettysburg that they would make a movie about Col. Fremantle using the same actor he was great!!
  • @2011Matz
    Yes, that stupid tea-cup in the movie was the worst cliche the director could come up with.
  • Awesome perspective. It's a breath of fresh air to find a good tuber. Gettysburg is a yearly Pilgrimage for me. It did not know that Fremantle missed the charge . The cannon barrage of 300 guns for an hr and a half is kind of hard to dismiss.. lol
  • One of the interesting perspectives I have read is that the sympathy of the British ruling classes for the Confederacy was based on the fact that southerners were attempting to institutionalize a class-based system not dissimilar to the one already existing in Britain. And they had an abhorrence of the meritocracy that the USA was at the time. Not to mention that Britain and the USA were still hostile to one another and many brits saw anything that weakened the USA as being good for the British Empire.
  • @ikistaer
    An Englishman is never late. Nor, is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. Also, Freemantle's book was one of the first I read on the US civil war. Just the day to day happenings were interesting enough for me! Cheers!
  • You are not only looking like a confederate general ( gues who is meant ;-) ) , you are a fountain of knowledge about the civil war. How I could miss you channel up to today, I will never understand. So I subscribed at once to your channel to be more enlightened about the event, wich determined the history of the USA at most. Thanks for your work from a similar looking man, living in Germany. People say, that I look like the wizard in the saddle. I think, they are right. ;-) Major Scheibert is one of my antcesters, and I can confirm, that he wore his most splendid uniform at Gettysburg. A german officer would never go to a battlefield in civilian clothes, despite the fact that he is a mear observer. Style and guts were everything at that time. Better dead, than honor lost by beeing unproperly dressed. This tradition still exist in families, descending from those brave men. 3 years later, he puts his knowledge to good use in the battle of Königgrätz 1866, were the Prussians annihilated the Austrians..