Handmade Hero | Barney Starsoup +++

Published 2015-09-09

All Comments (21)
  • @edhalferty
    It seems that Barney Starsoup has worked on the "F-35" and "Morgan Stanley", which sounds impressive, but if you dig a bit deeper it seems like he was basically just a "C++ language adviser" on both projects. I guess if I had billions of dollars and a legacy C++ codebase I'd try hiring the language inventor too, as a hail mary (sort of like how Google hired the inventor of Python to help with their huge Python codebase).
  • @Beeftitan
    "Everyone should make their own decision about stuff" - Casey 2015
  • @glizzdawiz
    Shots...fired... well this is probably why Jon Blow is writing his own language and compiler.
  • @MidnightSt
    "people who just had no experience" they're called "academics", Casey.
  • For those curious his name is Bjarne Stroustrup and is the inventor of C++. But Barney StarSoup is quite funny haha.
  • @asmodeus_z
    "I picture him as a dude in the pool with little water wings on" haahaha.. 😂
  • @judgedbytime
    It's okay to be passionate about what are effectively cults that disrupt the livelihood of more useful people and limit progress in a field that is currently very important.
  • I couldn't find any information about software Bjarne has made either :S pretty shocked . But there are however countless people that have made software using idiomatic C++. Frameworks like Qt and Unreal Engine come to mind where they use inheritance relentlessly(for better or for worse). I haven't peeked at the entire source code, but Chromium uses virtual functions and std too. Dave Plumber the guy who made Windows Task Manager showed pieces of the source code and you could see he used virtual functions. Im not defending any of this, I don't know enough about software development to speak with any authority. But it's being used all over the place in high profile software afaik. I love the reference to Alan Kay, he doesn't even think Java and C++ are OOP. If a language isn't garbage collected and dynamically typed and everything is an object like Ruby and Python they are not OOP in his opinion. In these languages even a class is an instance of the class called class :D if Im not mistaken.
  • @systemloc
    I came to the same conclusion pretty quickly after watching many c++ conference lectures by the C++ committee members. Just look at the naming of std::vector. How stupid do you have to be to be a programmer and not know that a vector is already a well defined common mathematical construct and that naming your dynamic array type 'vector' would create huge misunderstandings. That was his doing.
  • @Jarikraider
    Foreshadowing of an eventual Handmade Language?
  • @MidnightSt
    lol, the head honcho of the most used and most industry-standard language in the world has no idea what he's doing. sounds like the language I'm designing right now is going to be a C++ replacement, since I have even less idea of what i'm doing =D
  • This is the title of Bjarne's latest c++ talk: "C++20: Reaching for the Aims of C++". He sounds like a politician. The money and fame probably got to his head and he doesn't care about people's opinions.
  • @dragdu
    > Not shipped anything. Meanwhile, JSF and banks.