The Drinker Recommends... Jaws

Publicado 2020-07-13
For this episode of Drinker Recommends, we're going back 45 years to the small island of Amity, to explore the movie that made everyone afraid to go in the water...

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Jaws 2020: “3 brave women girls kill a giant shark easily and effortlessly. The end”
  • Best scene of the movie: When Hooper asks Quint about the tattoo, and Quint says he was on the Indianapolis. Hooper and Brodie get spooky quiet and Quint tells that story... it's so compelling, quiet, calm, and personal, it's like it's real and you're actually there. One of the best scenes ever made.
  • @yeyo1990
    The practical effects of the shark in JAWS from 1975 still looks better than some of the CGI in recent spin off shark movies.
  • @jt7153
    "We're gonna need a bigger boat" Drinker, taking another swig of whiskey: "Nah, it'll be fine."
  • @icarusflight2396
    In Austin Texas a couple years back this was played on a giant inflatable screen on the lake free to the public, just pull up a kayak, paddle board, inflatable mattress, or whatever floated. Made the movie way more intense in the water at night. People screamed when fresh water fish would nibble at their toes. Epic.
  • @rickyrackey7930
    Jaws is one of those movies that doesn’t need a sequel. It’s already perfect.
  • As a lifelong horror fan I can say that Shaw's monologue about the ship sinking and being stuck in the water with the sharks is one of the most intense, scariest scenes, it really invoked true dread.
  • @martinables
    Jaws remake: Chief Brody: Sandra Bullock. Hooper: Kirsten Wiig. Quint: Charlize Theron. Budget: $200 million. Box office: 50 million. Studio: "Next time, we'll make them transgender."
  • @joejitsu034
    The boat they hunt the Shark with is called “The Orca.” The only predator in the ocean that kills adult White Sharks. Clever 👍
  • @samgilley3160
    To be completely honest, whenever the shark shows up, I'm way to enveloped in the terror of what's happening onscreen to care about the fact that it doesn't really look real. That's how good the suspense and build up in this movie is.
  • @dungbeetle.
    One of the greatest classic lines ever, right after that incredible look of shock on Brody's face. "You're gonna need a bigger boat!"
  • @KaeYoss
    That Mayor is the very incarnation of "Nah, it'll be fine!"
  • @LeathanL
    How sad that we often have to go several decades back in time to find films (Blade Runner, Unforgiven, Falling Down, Predator) worth watching.
  • @robertbaker4186
    Quint, hooper & brody are iconic characters in the film industry. Please don't ever remake this masterpiece 😭
  • @mafiousbj
    Your point of actors now being cookie cutter replicas that seem to come out of a factory rather than normal people who could sell believable roles as real humans is so true it makes me sad.
  • @donkee011
    Imagine a remake of the Jaws. Strong female characters, including the shark, of course. A lot of forced humor, some Tik Tok inspired dance scenes. And at the end, plot twist, they all hug it out, because the shark was pissed off on the count of some random eco problem, that those strong female characters solve in the last third of the movie.
  • @bdkj3e
    My wife's favorite movie, of all time. We set the projector on the side of the house and watched it on the fourth of July.
  • @name001
    The Indianapolis story by Shaw was so damn good and delivered so damn well. It's my favorite part.