New Zealand's Most Unusual Couple are Fighting to Defend Their Forbidden Love

My Father, My Lover (2009): For thirteen years Kiwi Sarah and Englishman Steve have been in love: for all intents in purposes they are a couple. Except Sarah and Steve are no ordinary couple - they are biological father and daughter.

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" Sarah is everything to me and I wish everyone in the world could feel this amount of love ," says Steve. "We love each other desperately. We are best friends, soul mates, business partners - it' s love, actually ," explains Sarah. There's just one problem: Steve is Sarah's biological father.

Sarah met Steve when she was 29. Sarah was adopted at birth and was raised in a happy loving family. She says her adoptive parents are her only Mum and Dad: " We don' t think of ourselves as father and daughter. We may have the DNA link showing that we are blood related, but that feeling is reserved for my dad who brought me up and took me fishing and bounced me on his knee and taught me right from wrong. "

Sarah and Steve say they were never a hundred per cent sure that they were actually biologically related. Moreover, the two are united in their critical view of incest. " It 's an abusive violent crime against a child in my view. The law should reflect that," states Steve. But the couple maintain that their relationship is different. "Why should we have to carry that stigma?" Sarah asks. 'We are well into our mature years with grown up children...It 's not fair. "

Umbrella Films – Ref. 4525

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コメント (21)
  • This is beyond disturbing, they can be best friends and allies but it doesn't have to be sexual. There are clearly some very serious unresolved psychological issues going on here
  • It is not about law; it is about abrogating the protective nature of parenthood. As a parent, you do not use your child for your own needs and desires. And the fact that a child agrees with it only shows the depth of the abuse.
  • There was a case in England when a man fell hopelessly in love with his long lost sister. His sister did not have the same feelings as he did, which was fortunate. He was married at the time and between the wife and the sister they helped him back to nurture normal feelings for his sister. If this happens to anyone they really should seek help and not give into their feelings just as people should fight the feelings if they find themselves falling in love with a married person.
  • I went to school with a girl who had been adopted along with her twin brother. Twenty years later she met her soul mate, who was her brother. Two young hearts broken.
  • As someone who was a victim of sexual abuse from a father figure I think this is wrong from the perspective of any children around the relationship. It gives the message that once children reach 16 or are no longer minors it is a matter of choice (and adult consent )whether or not to have incestuous relationships. I found it very upsetting.
  • Disgusting. It doesn't matter how it happened, to continue with it is sickening. The father is more at fault, because he is the parent.
  • My birth dad who I met last year’s name is Steve and my birth mom’s name is Sarah. My birth mom was also 19. I literally want to vomit. I could NEVER imagine. The only relationship I have with my biological family is a friendship. Thank goodness they agree not to have children.
  • @Jvljvljvl
    This is a common occurrence and an unfortunate medical condition. The term “genetic sexual attraction” is used to describe the intense physical and emotional feelings that some people experience following restored contact between an adopted person and a close member of his or her birth family. Some people believe genetic attraction to be a delayed by-product of “missed bonding”.
  • This is a most irresponsible man. Same irresponsibility that led him to father a child and did not care the least to look for the child. Now the child took the step to find him and instead of making it an opportunity for them to make the most of the father daughter relationship, he has irresponsibly and selfishly deprived the girl from having a lovely father relationship and beautiful romantic relationship with another man. This man is an idiot. I pray the light of God shines through into the heart of this lady so she could realise how wicked and selfish this man is so she call walk out on him forever. So let it be. Amen.
  • There was a case in America where the daughter was put up for adoption, found the bio parents at 18, fell in love with, married her biodad and had a baby boy by him and they knew they were father daughter. He ended up killing her and his son and I think himself when she finally left him
  • @tsreiki
    Sh*t how did I end up in this corner of the internet?? Soz but this is not right.. there are boundaries for good reasons and these boundaries should not be crossed
  • @wingv313
    Omg , Ewwwwwwwww🤮 Doesn’t matter that they never had a father daughter relationship, the fact is that they ARE father & daughter….and once equipped with that knowledge , they absolutely shouldn’t continue this incestuous relationship. It’s immoral incest & shouldn’t ever be condoned.
  • This is wrong at so many levels?? We as a society should find this immoral ? Fucking disturbing and he should be locked away
  • So let me get this straight. She tries to find her birth father and after talking to the man who is the likely candidate, she develops a romantic attraction…and so does the man. So they throw away finding out if they are in fact father and daughter and start a relationship instead. This is so creepy and irrational to the point of insanity. Any decent person would have gotten a DNA test. Later in the video I see that a test was obtained in a serendipitous manner and it was in fact positive, yet they maintain and justify their incest. Ewww Yuk! I really wanted to vomit seeing their attempts to justify incest when it is absolutely unjustifiable. 🤢 🤮😵‍💫
  • @ShalomUSA
    This is incest. Period. The father is naturally in a position of authority over his child. This is despicable.
  • @VABee59
    Dude, you’re sleeping with your daughter.🤷🏻
  • @Maria.74
    Always remember, Facts over Feelings! These people are not in love, they're out of their minds!