Mel Robbins: This One Hack Will Unlock Your Happier Life | E108

Published 2021-11-28
This weeks episode is entitled 'Mel Robbins: This One Hack Will Unlock Your Happier Life'.

0:00 Intro
03:28 What made you into who you are today?
12:10 The biggest flaw in the human design
19:05 Dealing with anxiety my whole life
25:51 The layers of healing
53:23 The 5 second rule
01:02:34 The high five habit
01:23:46 Manifestation and visualisation
01:36:14 Understanding when you’re ‘stuck’
01:43:29 The last guests question
01:45:18 Do you still struggle with everything you talk about?
01:53:29 Finally understanding why I do what I do


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All Comments (21)
  • @TheDiaryOfACEO
    Wow wow wow what an episode 🤯 Mel is one of the most wise and introspective people I have ever met. That revelation at the end was amazing and emotional, thank you Mel 🙏🏽…. hit like and subscribe for a new episode every Monday
  • @mak_freeman
    "You are one decision away from the life you want to have" - This one hit hard. Thank you for this podcast
  • @jckeddy
    "Being stuck and hopeless doesn't mean we're broken, it's our patterns of thoughts and behaviors that are broken." Such a powerful insight into where I am in relation to where I want to be.
  • @manishasingh2490
    I owe my confidence to you mel, I am a chronic procrastinator, in my 37 years of life always strugged with punctuality, discipline, waking up late kept hitting the snooze button 10 times. I hated myself, played the victim game but also wanted to have big in life, big dreams, but never really mustered the courage to pursue them. I never even shared my dreams with anyone coz always felt people are gonna laugh at me. People always thought and I think they still do that I am a fool, can't do even a small work without messing up and I believe d them that yes I really can't. Today after listening you I realized I also went through sexual and physical abuse in my childhood days. Which my nervous system has recorded . My parents also never took pride in me because they thought I am not pretty and smart enough. Rather they always pulled me down, discouraged and ignored and embarrassed me even in front of other people and I never raised my voice against it coz I thought this is what i deserve. I was ashamed of myself in so many ways. Even I was good at so many things I never really valued myself and always focused on what I didn't have. People always made fun of me, and always always always mistreated me made me feel small good for nothing and I didn't even realize d it because it normal for me. At times when I even felt bad didn't talk back because I was really scared of people that they will start scolding me in front of others which will add to my misery. After going through crores and lakhs of self help videos I watched yours and I finally got my answer which I searched for 37 years. I always knew thers something in me which needs to be addressed and corrected my overthinlinh, time management etc but didn't understand what was the reason behind. But today I understood there's nothing physical thing stopping me, but my thoughts. I am capable of so many things but because of my past experiences . I think I can't do anything right. Till now I had this false belief that I can't do the dishes every night before going to bed and also clean the kitchen every night. But after watching you u have been doing this since 15 days consistently Thank you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  • @crystaltharrell
    Loneliness is a psychological signal for connection, just as hunger is a physiological signal for nutrition. I loved this episode! ♥
  • I had a traumatic childhood and lived in constant horrific anxiety for 27 years of my life... hearing her was very impactful. This podcast will change my life. Starting now!! 🖐️
  • @Hirsi4566
    This whole episode deserves at least 3 replays till it gets embedded in ones head. Before this video I already knew Mel Robbins and her 5 second rule and the high five strategy but her view point on manifestation, visualisation and feeling 'stuck' literally answered a years worth of my questions. I now understand why I've been feeling like shit and what I need to do.
  • @TravelBits222
    I agree, lack of purpose is the main cause of feeling stuck, especially later in life…
  • @Relaxwithnomes
    I can't believe I'm only just watching this!... What a woman ... She makes it relatable to someone even like me, who lives in a wretched part of South Manchester.... She is amazing, her wisdom is unfathomable... Watching this was like free therapy... We all have the ability... She makes so much sense... And yet she breaks it down into pure simplicity and beginning of change starts here. ... Thank you!
  • “ Everybody’s purpose is exactly the same, I think your purpose is to share your true self to be fully seen “ Mel Robbins this really hit me hard. Thank you so much ❤ 1:39:23
  • She just taught me more than I've learned in years of therapy for anxiety.
  • @thebluetwistie
    Anyone else tear up at the end? My first introduction to Mel. I was left with an impression of a woman who is is fierce and gentle. Loved this episode. My fave.
  • @Soulcleansing23
    the phrase "if i'm on the move, no one can catch me" strummed a chord in my body.. I thought I was the only one that felt like this.. your channel is really helping with my transition into a happier life
  • 19 ways to raise your vibration: 1. Smile and laugh 2. Do what makes you happy 3. Eat a healthy alkaline diet 4. Working out5. Meditation 6. Let go of a grudge 7. Let go of something not serving you 8. Give to others 9. Retain your s3xual energy 10. Watch encouraging videos 11. Play an instrument 12. Start a garden 13. Spend time around uplifting people 14. Sun gaze 15. Barefoot grounding 16. Speaking positive affirmations 17. Learning to say “no” 18. Gratitude for what’s here and what’s coming 19. Learn to control nail-biting/nail-picking urges For those who are in the rush of changing their lives :-)
  • @mremington8
    i really love Mel, and Stephan is a great host who lets his guest actually talk... great combo
  • @barbtaks4292
    Dear Mel, You've touched me. I've had a similar molesting experience. I came out after it experience and knew if I told my parents about it, I would be blamed for it because that is how my mother always treated me. I relate totally with you. I have been living in fear all of my 71 years of life. FEAR controls me to this day. Now I have the answers. I can now live the rest of my days better. I have spent my life trying to fix me. With you, I have directions to follow now. Thank you.
  • 44:00: nervous and excitement same 49:00 kids - butterflies in stomach 52:53 business loss no job - being stuck in life - how you do what u need to do - divine intervention 57:00 - window of hesitation 5 sec rule 5,4,3,2,1. 1:04 Hi five rule
  • @sbIvanov
    Notes and quotes from this podcast: "Anyone is capable of achieving anything if they put their mind to" "The bigger the problem, the smaller the solutions are. The bigger the dream, the smaller the actions that you need to start taking. " " The window of hesitation defines your whole life, it is about 5 seconds long and that is where anxiety, hesitation and imposter syndrome live" " No Human being is born hating themself, we are wired for love and connection" " Being excited and being nervous are the exact same feeling, but the only difference is what your brain is thinking is happening" " Understanding what is the trigger for the bad feeling is what will help you prevent it" " Your brain learns pattern, which is where you should focus in fixing your patterns"
  • As someone who suffers from anxiety I got so many game-changing tips from this episode. What a wonderful guest ❤
  • @annee5582
    I had a brief moment in my life that I finally understood what anxiety attack was. Mel is telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Can’t believe some people live like this.