STOP Listening To TOXIC Drawing Advice

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Mohammed agbadi talking about the art community's biggest problem that no one is talking about.

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コメント (21)
  • @FemboyKaiSaku
    This is the exact thing that demotivates me so much, i get sad that im not good enough, then i stop doing art for a week and come back a little rusty making me feel even worse
  • @williamlevii
    "You Plan Everything but barely start anything." This is me, currently and it hurts so much. It's the double demon baby of procrastination and perfectionism.
  • @Ozblivion
    getting better comes in layers, your next drawing might not be the best of what you’re capable of but the next one will be better than the last
  • There is no worse feeling as an aspiring artist in my eyes than being stuck in the limbo, that is, being simultaneously inspired and envious/demotivated at other artist's work. The constant push and pull between those feelings is tiresome at best and soul crushing at its worst
  • @Dark_BunnyXx
    This is why I never compare myself to anyone else no matter how skilled they are nor do I get caught up in perfection. I’m just trying to enjoy myself and branch out my creative abilities when I can
  • One of my favorite things is seeing an old piece that still holds up as it’s own artwork even today.
  • @straykoiYT
    this video just called me out so bad 😭😭 i've been wanting to open commissions since january but the anxiety of "what if i'm not good enough? what if i just end up wasting my client's money?" seriously keeps me up at night😭 comparing myself to other artists have been a constant plague on me especially when it comes to numbers... i know that my art isnt that bad but i cant stop thinking it aaaaa
  • @alexaistrying
    I think this is my worst trait along with procrastination, especially as a double neurodivergent person (audhd). I have all these ideas that i've perfectly imagined in my head, but then when it's actually time to make them, it never goes as smoothly as i wanted so then i get frustrated, which makes me put it aside for a while. But then, the while turns into days then weeks then months. And then i come back when i feel like it (usually after a long time), and the cycle repeats. One thing that helps me try to break the cycle is a quote i heard in a video somewhere "We don't do perfect, we do done" or smth like that.
  • Perfectionism is what recently killed my interest in art. I've thankfully made amends and gotten back into it, but it's a hard process to learn how to balance my desire for what I want and what I'm capable of. I have extremely shaky hands and it makes it extremely difficult to do clean lines, but I'm learning to relax with it. I am proud of my art, I don't compare my art to others in a negative way, but I always held myself to a standard I can no longer achieve. I wish I'd made my realization sooner, 'cause now I'm rusty lol but the joy of it has returned. Art isn't an inherent gift in most cases. It's a skill, and one that is constantly improving as you hone it. Everyone is an apprentice at one point. PS I'm absolutely in love with milanote, THANK YOU SO MUCH! It's exactly what I needed to track the 3 major stories I've been working on, since I can never manage to organize them lol
  • @chiviscorpse
    I’m in shocked you used my TikTok as your talking points for your video! Tysm for this video (and your other ones too!!). You tackle down art problems in our community and it’s such a fresh breath to watch them.
  • As a professional artist... don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good! Just keep going!
  • @x3AnimeFanXD
    This is the reason why I stopped posting art (on top of social media literally filling my body with toxicity and pain). I stopped most of my creative hobbies because it was influencing me so strongly in a very bad way. It started to feel like art was a toxic partner who would abuse you. I wanted to originally make money with my art but that sadly didn't work. It's easier to say "this was not meant to be" or "there are already so many artists that do the same things I do but better". Algorithm never "blessed" me with any progress and commissioners can be quite nasty. Art is pain when it involves career, money, and people. I will try to draw more again, but that time only for myself. The burnout was so real.
  • @Kitty-vj6nl
    I’ve been dealing with this for months now 😭 I hate everything I draw and I can’t even go one minute on social media without coming out almost crying because of how much I compare myself to other artists and sometimes its even harder when I work so hard on art and the post it and it barely gets any attention, it just makes me feel worse I’m happy you talked about this because I’ve seen a lot of TikToks about the topic but nobody has ever talked in depth of this feeling
  • @LilChuunosuke
    I used to be a perfectionist artist. I didn't fill my first sketchbook until i was around 18 years old and that sketchbook still had a decent amount of pages ripped out. I used to either rip pages out of sketchbooks or start over from scratch if i messed up a single drawing in my sketchbook. I treated it like a portfolio. Like every drawing in there had to be able to get me into art school. It took me years to get over my perfectionism. I still have to fight the urge to fuss over little details on client pieces, but I'm still so much happier and progress so much faster now that i leave the imperfections. My advice to anyone trying to get over this: 1. Every bad piece is a lesson that helps you improve. 2. If the piece isn't done yet, it may simply look ugly because it is incomplete. I almost erased some of my favorite drawings in the early stages bc the initial sketch and structural lines did not come easy to me and looked god awful. 3. Nobody is forcing you to share your ugly pieces. I have dozens if not hundreds of drawings that has been seen by nobody except myself and my most trusted artist friends. 4. Wanna know why people often prefer sketches over the final image? The sketches are often looser & have more imperfections. Those imperfections give your piece character and charm. Dont hide them. Zoom in close on the works of some of your favorite artists and you may find things like lines that dont properly connect, color bleed, etc. And when friends do notice these flaws and draw attention to them, its usually to compliment them and say how it gives the piece character.
  • "You never feel fufilled even after meeting your goals." YUp, that's me!
  • I feel this deeply. I have been drawing all my life, and I /know/ im good, but sometimes I wonder if I am good enough. People have told me how my style is so cool or how my colors look so nice, how detailed are my drawings, but sometimes I feel this deep panic inside, and the voices in my head start whispering "Am I good, or are they just being nice?" "Do they love it because they have never seen something better?" "Why would they like this?" And sometimes, when I'm in the middle of a drawing, I ask myself: Do I love doing art or is it just the expectation of everyone around me that pushes me to love art? Where does my art love ends and my duty begins? I love art. Sometimes I love the process. Most times I dont like the end result. I hate feeling inadecuate. Sometimes I feel like I'm scamming people into thinking I can actually do art. And the older I get, the more I feel like im getting stuck no matter how much I draw and how much I practice.
  • New pretty penguin here 👋 just wanted to say thank you. I put my dreams of being an artist aside after a teacher told me I had as much talent as a snail (in a very unkind way), and now, 20 years later, I'm finally saying F that and started drawing again. At the moment my art is a little better than chicken scratchings but your channel has been a massive comfort to me. The way you gently reinforce and motivate has been invaluable and I wanted to express my gratitude for all of inspiration. Thank you.
  • @TebiByyte
    I just recently got back into drawing after like 10 years of not practicing and I felt the perfectionism creeping up within a few days of practicing. For me, the problem was on two fronts, the first problem came with my expectations for my art. I think that lowering my expectations and accepting that I was going to make mistakes helped me let go of this idea of being perfect. The second problem was that I was getting too attached to the visions I had in my head. I think it's better to let my vision and ideas develop on the canvas once I'm drawing, so I'm focusing on developing what's in front of me instead of comparing it to something that only exists in my mind