A Tribute to Toontown Corporate Clash

Publicado 2023-09-29
In this video I reflect on the history of Corporate Clash, and tell my personal story about my own journey with the game. I hope you enjoy!

Special thanks to Unfinished for arranging the intro music! His channel: ‪@Unfinished_‬

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Unfinished_
    Absolutely amazing video Stuck!! It was super fun putting together the music for the intro of the video, it all came together so well!
  • @CorporateClash
    Thank you for your kind words! Seeing fans be so happy with our work is what drives us to keeping making the best content we can. We hope you get just as excited for what we'll bring to the table in future!
  • With that thumbnail, I thought the server had closed. Glad it's becoming more and more amazing as time progresses!
  • @DuckingtonFinch
    Lovely story, Tucker. Thank you for sharing. You're right about the Toontown cycle. Nothing to be afraid of. But I'm glad to know Toontown is always there for us whenever we're ready again. :)
  • @Starkler76
    You did a really good job explaining the Toontown Cycle really well. I'm pretty sure we all have our moments when we don't feel like playing the game again for a really long time, but waiting for that next update to come out and experience it always feels amazing every single time! This was a great documentary, and I hope to see you making more fun content again soon!
  • @SkedgyEdgy
  • @its_evan
    You know I love your introspective stuff, man. This was an absolute joy to watch and I hope you feel proud of what you've made here. More than that, I hope you feel proud of who you are. Life is often unkind and unforgiving, but despite everything, you've persevered. The person you are today is someone to be proud of.
  • @sleepy_eli_
    BRO THIS VIDEO IS SO GOOD???!?!? i'm emotional <3 i'm very grateful to have been your friend through much of your corporate clash journey, and i'm extremely grateful to corporate clash for bringing back the love for toontown i hadn't felt in many years. shoutout to all my friends and all the people i've met playing the game, you guys make my life so much better <3
  • @Jake333ys
    THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD VIDEO! From clash’s beginning to where it stands now, we’ve grown to see some of the biggest changes to the toontown name that if Disney had kept the game alive, we would’ve never seen. From the 1.1 animated cog heads and new boss, to now where we have all the managers, these updates have held close to me and always will. Thank you for an amazing watch, Tucker ❤
  • @sergeantcjsarmy
    I've been around clash since the beginning, back when it was nick-named "corporate crash" lol. Regardless, I can also say that clash will always be in my heart. As said in the video, 2020 was hard for all of us, but imo I look back and see it as a blessing in disguise. If it wasn't for that, I probably would've never had found the greatest of friends and connections that I have today. And I thank you Tucker for the perspective of the Toontown cycle. No matter how many breaks I take from the game, I will always be back and ready for the next big update. And all of us players will cherish those memories forever. <3
  • @_Smirky
    I truly enjoyed watching every single second of this video. Taking a step back and looking at Clash's entire journey has definitely renewed my own appreciation for this game and its impact. I also have to say that I'm truly proud of how far you've come as a creator, Tucker! Through all the trials and tribulations you have experienced, you're still here and making an incredible impact in both the Toontown community and beyond. I'm really proud of you, and I'm so glad that I've gotten to know you over the years. Here's to many more! :yougotthis:
  • @shinds_4465
    I kinda teared up at the end of the tribute because I'm so glad I stumbled upon your channel Tucker, it made me try out Clash which ended up making me pour in hours of the game and making awesome friends in your community!
  • @fairydraws
    The toontown cycle is suuuuch a real thing my dad and i have both gone through it (my dad is maxed in ttr and like 103 laff in clash). I think clash has done a really good job at not making that cycle as hard as it was with tto and ttr, where there's enough content to keep you hooked, although i haven't finished the game yet so idk. I dont think losing interest in toontown is a bad thing because i think if you've been attached to it for long enough you can never really let go of it, even if you find new interests
  • @Supergoose1116
    damn BEAUTIFUL, if i had a nickel for everytime i almost teared up at a stucktheduck video id have 2 nickels, which isnt a lot but neat that it happened twice, we dont deserve the clash crew but they continue to provide amazing stuff, i couldn't be happier to be able to experience it
  • ALMOST MADE ME CRY 😭😭 It's weird, of all games or things in the world, Toontown: Corporate Clash is what truly exposed me to the feeling of community and friendship. Because of this server, I was able to meet my best friend and the greatest friends I'm too fortunate to have, and I was able to experience what it was like to be a part of something bigger, if that makes sense LOL. And on top of all that, I was able to find one of my most favorite creators of all time because of this server!!! That's you ofc ;) keep being awesome, Tucker!
  • @lamepartytrick
    Wow this video nearly made me cry (positively). Thank you for sharing this story and overall being yourself through everything. To know how similar our experiences of playing Toontown as kids was has me feeling more connected than ever. Discovering Corporate Clash, discovering your content, has meant more to me than I could ever comprehend. It filled me with joy watching the clips from your streams in this video; watching more and more regulars appear in the chat as time progresses really shows for me how strong of a community Toontown can create. (15:15) look mom I'm on TV!
  • @mockingdream02
    I love TTCC and how they push the boundaries of regular Toontown and made it something brand new and a whole storyline.
  • @TheBreadPirate
    I was looking for a brief history video about Corperate Clash, and got something entirely different. Thanks for this wonderful video Stuck!
  • @SodiumNuke
    “Hey, daddy, what’s this ‘Boardbot specialists concept’ and this chainsaw and monocle guy plushie you found in the attic?” “Take a seat sweetie, Daddy’s gonna share a story of his amazing childhood.”
  • @vaktelly
    This is so very beautiful, thank you so much for sharing your Corporate Clash journey with us!! It was an absolute joy to watch!