Published 2017-07-10
Jeremy corbyn jew hater reveals the shocking plans by Jeremy Corbyn to abolish the monarchy, remove us air bases and promote a creed and policy of hatred to the state of Israel.
The socialist politics of envy a well tested political plan as promoted in Cambodia under the Socialist Pol Pot
in 1976 which resulted in the deaths of over one million people.Today in modern day Venezuela we have a
socialist government that has reduced a once oil rich economy and richest country in South America into a riot torn,crashed economy
with food shortages.
The Jeremy Corbyn labour party manifesto leak reveals a socialist
plan for Britain based of these failed politics of socialist envy.
Corbyn has expressed his desire to surrender the British Falkland Islands.
Can a man that wants to surrender British territory be trusted to negotiate Brexit?
Corbyn will No doubt have a policy of surrender to E.U
negotiators just as he wants to surrender British nuclear weapons.
Labour party manifesto leak is the frightening evil plan that Jeremy Corbyn will inflict upon the British people.
The Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, Cuba, FARC in Columbia,
Marxist socialist Zimbabwe and Socialist North Korea are proof of the well tested and failed socialist regimes.

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