How is poison ivy treated?

Published 2019-09-30
Dr. Dan Henderson from Ambulatory Practice of the Future discusses what to do if you come in contact with poison ivy.

All Comments (21)
  • @techsupport2868
    A moment of respect to everyone in the comment section, we all know that everyone searched for this video
  • @locksmith9580
    We’re all suffering. Hope everyone gets better soon. This is the most irritating thing to have. My second time. 1st time behind the knee. Spread down to my calf. This time all over my arms my belly button and leg. The worst part with this it always gets worse before gets better and there is no cure just itch relief. I’m on day 6 and new blisters started appearing today. Just yesterday I thought I was getting better
  • @largbois3700
    Well boys, it is covering me completely head to toe and I'm also sunburnt, I am about to just die
  • @maddoxinc1642
    I've had a bad outbreak three years in a row now. The first two years, I went to the doc and he gave me something and sent me on. Lasted about two weeks, I had full body hives and my leg swell up like a grilled sausage. Second year, same thing. Third year, I got it really bad on my arm. Decided not to go to the doc. Went away at the same pace. Whatever meds I was given did nothing. Sad that we still have no actual medicine for poison ivy.
  • @willboler830
    I've had it for over a month due to repeated exposure and a large yard. It goes away and new parts form from new exposure. I scrub the rash with alcohol and cotton. I take NSAIDs for the inflammation. Usually enough to handle it. To prevent it, you need to wash everything after being outdoors. Don't track your shoes and exposed animals through the house. Keep tools and gloves outside, wash them down with the hose. Take a cold shower immediately and keep your exposed clothes isolated until you can wash them. If you're allergic, you will eventually catch it again, but these measures help limit it. For example, if you track it in your bed, every morning you'll wake up with a new rash until you wash your sheets. If you track it on your floor, your pets will spread it everywhere they touch, and every time you touch a contaminated spot, you'll break out.
  • @beaznuts
    Used to not be allergic - cleared some brush for a guy in my neighborhood who was scared of it.. now my forearms hate me :)
  • I woke up and my whole body is covered and both my eyes are pretty much shut from swelling
  • @jblasko5712
    I was drunk af at a party like 4 days ago pissing in a soybean field, now here we are
  • This is my 5th time having poison ivy and I have tried everything and it's not working so thank you for the advice.
  • @codygibson2525
    APPLE CIDER VINEGAR WILL CLEAR IT RIGHT UP. Had a problem with my kids having it and it works fast. 50/50 water, apple cider vinegar.
  • @hannahsart837
    There is no going to a doctor for this right now. Lol
  • @IAMGiftbearer
    I've had it for a week now and when some blisters fade more just pop up in other areas. It's mostly on my hands and arms but now also on one side of my face. I've been washing several times a day with degreasing soap and water which does make the itch stop for longer, but it's not stopping it from spreading. I can't believe they haven't come out with anything better to clear it up faster in the last 20 years. I ordered the stuff you mentioned but it won't come in for another few days as they do not have it at my local pharmacy. Steroid creams just give temporary relief. I finally quit using it after I used up the tube and didn't bother getting more because it was not a permanent solution. How much oil could there possibly be? I would think washing it several times a day would stop it in a few days, so why is it still spreading? Does that mean it's gotten into the bloodstream and is just surfacing randomly?
  • @WestShoreMan
    Ive had it many times as I have it on my ranch and am pro active with trying to kill as much as I can. Somehow a couple months ago I got some on my hand and I guess rubbed my eye which was excruciating and gave me a black eye and now have a bag under that eye from the skin damage. Hopefully this will go away at some point. Im using aloe on it.
  • @juliogarcia109
    Aww man this sucks cuz I want to go to the doctors but my mom scared of the coronavirus
  • @isaacmack5061
    I was in the woods yesterday on a fishing trip, and there was lots of tall grass and plants, and today I just randomly got some little bumps on my leg I don't k omw if it's a mosquito bite or poison ivy
  • @robinrevty7194
    I remember everyone but me had this one year wonder if I’m still not able to catch this ?