Living With Vestibular Migraine & Vertigo Cervical Headache | Are You Dizzy Unabalanced and Vertigo?

Published 2020-07-31
Vertigo Cervical headache, also known as Vertigo Migraine or Vestibular Migraine, is a common cause for symptoms such as dizziness, unsteadiness or vertigo. Head pain or migraine symptoms may also be present during an attack; however, they can be absent.

All Comments (21)
  • @alexromero1986
    This has got to be one of the most accurate and informative videos I have watched. I currently suffer from vestibular migraines and everything this video mentions is what I get. I go see my neurologist and get treatment but I don’t want to be on pills all my life. I am trying hard to stay positive and to be honest it helps me allot. But going to the shops or walking around fast can trigger my symptoms and many more things. I am glad that this video is out there if people want to understand what it is. Thanks you for doing this video
  • You are an absolutely lovely person for doing this. I got diagnosed with this almost a year ago and it’s made me feel insane. I actually feel as though my anxiety exacerbates it as well as bright lights and loud noises. This has affected my fitness life and social life greatly. I also have the absolute worst neck issues. I get a major migraine about once a week and it’s usually coupled with seeing spots and various auras. I started experiencing this after I got covid the first time 2 years ago. It’s incredibly debilitating.
  • @scottnelson1033
    From someone who suffers dizziness-this is very good information indeed. Perhaps the best. Thanks
  • @cjfyfes1206
    Thanks for your definitions. I'm suffering from dizziness and imbalance.
  • @kathygreen6043
    I would urge great caution when manipulating the neck. I have had vestibular migraine and left sided Ménière’s for 32 years. Came from a thyroid storm due to my dr giving me too much med. As a last resort, I had the neck manipulation you are referring to. Ended up in the ER due to severe BBPV, first time ever. Now I have three issues instead of two. They seem to be mostly permanent.
  • @mersj6297
    Hello, I don't know where to begin. I have experienced all these symptoms and disorders for 2 1/2 years. It is very debilitating. I felt dizzy while eating food, brushing my teeth, combing my hair, washing dishes, getting up to walk, and doing the normal day to day activities were more than a chore and must I mention the fatigue. I couldn’t receive disability bc it would be hard to tell that anything was wrong with me physically. Walking into new environments and spaces seemed like some sort of pressure in my head was pushing me down and legs become a little weak was very scary, depressing, and very uncertain and on top of everything my breathing changed to shallow breathing still to this day. I was referred to an ENT Therapist by a neurologist for vestibular therapy, which seem to save my life to a certain extent, but then things got worse where the floor seemed as though it was coming closer; very disturbing! I was then recommended to a higher up specialist where I was strapped in a chair that moved in a dark room for an hour and things seemed better once I finished the same day. The specialist said that the crystals in my inner ear must have got of whack and that I also might have grown a sensitivity to caffeine, and others.. All said, thank you so much for sharing this awareness! Are there any support groups online?
  • @tyronabologna
    Thank you! Structural imbalance makes so much sense! That would explain why the chiropractor just barely touches my occiput and it triggers the vestibular symptoms I never thought of the brain stem being overstimulated
  • @marykier
    What treatments do you recommend? Much thanks for this very clear explanation! It helped me so much!❤
  • @Gibbsong1
    Thanks for mentioning shadows through the trees…that’s a big trigger for me and yet doesn’t show up on the relevant intake questionnaires where I’ve gone. Whereas grocery aisles and other examples that don’t apply to me are listed.
  • @Jaye11
    love this video, I have been dealing with all these symptoms mentioned for 5 months now and my neurologist diagnosed me yesterday 8 Feb 2021 with Vestibular Migraines.. So happy to finally have answers and what steps are next for treatment.. If you've been suffering from this I am very sorry, it sucks!
  • @NickPeitsch
    You understand me completely. Wish my ENT understood my condition better.
  • @comfywomfy
    Thanks for this video, Dr. Just a quick queston: I was under the impression that cervicogenic headaches and vestibular migraine were different pathologies. is this not the case?
  • @Argyll1000
    I have a degenerative breakdown in my neck through wear and tear. I'm 55 now and experienced my first vestibular migraine when I was 46. They didn't know what it was at the time. I was only diagnosed with Vestibular migraine a couple of years ago. What I didn't make a connection with was I've had neck problems since early 2000. but was receiving private treatment so it didn't show up in my medical records. After watching this video I mentioned to my doctor about my neck. However, they don't offer this de-sensitive treatment here in the UK. Typical NHS. Do you have an email I can discuss this with you?
  • @TheJohnmusk
    This is very interesting. I've had migraines and bad headaches for years. Just three years ago (I'm 58) I started getting more prominent balance problems, some nausea, and general difficulty...especially in the morning. Doing things like working on my car, fixing things, golfing or even holding a fishing pole have become near impossible. I often get bad headaches on the weekend in the afternoon when I go out. My head feels like a lead weight, hurts somewhat when I move it, and it hurts my entire head when I press my fingers into my upper neck and move my head up and down. I have always had bad posture (I hunch forward a little) and people told me to straighten up. I was like "well I feel fine like this". I will definitely see a headache clinician about it (doctors have gotten me nowhere).
  • @samkurz
    Can you have hearing loss with VM?
  • @melaniebuford
    Great information! Trying to understand what I have: A week long dizziness episodes when everything goes up and down. Sudden onset migraine followed by nausea only happens at night. One morning I had sudden nosebleed when I got out of bed after I tried standing up straight followed by days of dizziness when I was in my early twenties. Wasn’t always great balancing either.
  • @briwesson2345
    Hi ! I've been trying to figure out if what I'm experiencing could be a vestibular disorder. Sometimes randomly I get super dizzy looking at any screen whether it's a laptop, TV or phone, and when my boyfriend plays video games like grand theft auto or when I play the sims I get extremely sick , nauseating almost like motion sickness to the point where I just have to lay down because I cant watch him play.
  • @seanyboyoc
    Since COVID I’ve had tinnitus and then onset of dizziness and vertigo. Headaches and migraines every day now for six months, seeing a chiropractor twice a week. Every day I live in fear of how bad I am going to feel. My Brain MRI was clear, but it’s been so debilitating.